Let's Start Over (Part 8)

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One month later


"Remember Peter, Korean classes then intern ship," Flash reminded the boy as they entered the school, Peter groaned,

"I know Flash," Flash smiled,

"Want me to pick you up and walk you back or are you calling for a taxi?" Flash asked,

"Taxi..." Peter said,

"Man Peter, how can you even do this intern ship....it's hard," Travis winned,

"Your smart Travis, it's just that your lazy," Peter said,


"I swear to a blueberry..." Emma mumbled,

"Did you just say blueberry?" Flash asked,

"Ya...is there a problem?" Emma asked

Let's just say....most things went back to normal. Peter fully forgave Ned and MJ but the Avengers...uh not quite. It's now decided that Peter will be moving back into the tower, it was emotional but everyone accepted his decision. Thought, Peter isn't the only one moving, Emma is leaving the household to fulfil her dream of owning a flower shop. She will still go to school it's just that she has to live closer to her shop. Travis and Flash were sad as they now had to say goodbye to two of their family members in one month but they were happy for Emma, they all were.


School was smooth, Peter hung out with MJ and Ned for awhile as they chatted like nothing happened. The two didn't treat Peter any different and Peter was glad for that, both MJ and Peter might start dating again but they're not sure.

The bell rang for the end of the school day, students went to pack up. Peter and his friends exited the school, 

"Okay I'm off to Korean classes," Peter said

"Kay!" Flash said, Peter smiled as he skipped off. The three walked down the sidewalk when Travis spoke,

"So my interview for my job is after intern ship..." Travis said,

"Really!" Emma exclaimed

"Yup! And if I get this job then we can fix all the doors Peter broke!" Travis said

"Urgh! Finally!" Flash said which made the others laugh, soon the laughter stoped and a comfortable silence fell over the three as they walked off.


"The king is here!"

Emma, Flash and Travis looked to the source of the noise to see Peter walking in,

"Peter!" yelled Emma as she ran and hugged the boy,

"Did you pass the Korean test?" Emma asked as Flash and Travis walked up behind her,

"Yup!" Peter said with a grin,

"Good job Peter!" Travis exclaimed as he gave him a small playful punch,

"Now you can cuss at people in Korean and no one will know!" Emma said

"WHA- No! Peter don't you dare and Emma come with me....we're having a talk," Flash said,

"Shiiiiii....shoot!" Emma said before following Flash,

"Good luck!" Peter yelled at Emma

"You dead!" Travis yelled

The two chuckles as they went to work,

"So my interview is after the internship so wish me luck!" Travis said

"Really!?  Okay I will...I bet you'll do great!" Peter said with a smile

"Ya....I hope so..."


The intern ship finished as the four was back at home. Travis just came out of the bath as he changed into his suit, he looked on the mirror and smiled. Travis walked down staries and grabbed his coat,

"I'm off to the interview! Wish me luck!" Travis yelled



"Luck! And Travis, I know you want this job so do whatever makes you happy, we won't judge nor get sad..." Flash said,

"Got it! Bye!" and like that he was off.


Travis entered the house and took his coat and shoes off, he slowly walked to the couch and sat down. Emma walked over and gave him a small smile,

"How'd it go?" Emma asked, Travis sighed,

"Can you call everyone down...?" Travis asked, Emma nodded and left. Soon Peter, Flash and Emma sat in front of Travis,

"So....I got the job..." Travis said, everyone smiled and cheered,

"That's amazing Travis!" Flash exclaimed 

"Why the sad face though?" Peter asked, 

"Well you see.....I have to move...." Travis said, silence fell over the four before it was broken,

"It's okay," Flash said, everyone looked at him,

"You'll have to live alone then!" Emma exclaimed 

"I know but if this is what makes you guys happy then I'm happy, plus it's not like we'll never see each other again," Flash said with a chuckle 

"Ya..." Travis said, everyone sighed and looked up at the ceiling,

"Night walk?" Peter suggested,

"Ya," Emma said and with that everyone got ready and left. Looks like three members are leaving  the household but that doesn't stop Flash nor any of them from smiling.


(Guys it out and ready and it's practically the 10th cus it's 1AM and don't ask why I'm still up. I hope you enjoy this beautiful story!)

(GreenFlame1 swinging out)

(Don't forget to vote 8D)

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