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(A request by @Lillith_Hellfire, I hope this is good! Don't start song now please)


Today was a day that Tony's parents died, every time Tony would lock himself in his room, the Avengers all knew why and gave him is space but Peter didn't want to leave Tony alone on this day.


(Peter POV)

I knocked on Tony's door, no response. I tried again and nothing so I tried the door nob but the door was locked,

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. unlock Tony's door please," I asked

"Sorry, Peter but I can not do so," F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded, I sighed and left to my room only to come back to Tony's door a couple minutes later,

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. open Tony's door," I asked

"Very well,", I smirked 'Man do I love hacking F.R.I.D.A.Y.' I thought as I opened his door. I walked in and saw Tony sitting on his bed staring at the floor,

"T-tony?" I stuttered, 'What if Tony hates me for barging in?' I thought. Tony didn't move so a closed the door behind me and sat next to him,

"T-Tony, I-I kno-ow th-hat you're sad-"

"It's rude to come in when someone wants to be alone," Tony said

"I k-know I was ju-ust worri-ied," I said

"Leave," He whispered

"Please, I just want to he-"

"LEAVE!" Tony yelled, I jumped up shocked and backed away but stopped,

"Please, just li-"

"GO YOU FUCKING BUG!!!!!" Tony yelled as tears threaten to fall. The words he said was like knives in my heart I nodded and left, closing the door behind me. I let out a sigh but I was determined to make To- no, dad happy, I can not stand here and see someone that I see as a father figure suffer. My eyes filled with determination I went to my room with an idea.


(Tony POV)

"Boss, Peter is asking to meet you in the music room," F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, I groaned,

'I guess going can make me feel better for screaming at him' I thought as I got up and left to the music room, 'But why the music room?' I thought

I entered the room to see pitch black, I frowned 

"Is this some type of joke!?" I mumbled pissed but then the lights shined on the stage to reveal Peter standing there with a microphone, I look up in shock as he smiled, I sat down,

"For my father figure," Peter said

(No one POV)

Peter opened his mouth as the music started to play,

(Play song now)

I got no excuses
For all of these goodbyes
Call me when it's over
'Cause I'm dying inside
Wake me when the shakes are gone
And the cold sweats disappear
Call me when it's over
And myself has reappeared

I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know why
I do it every, every, every time
It's only when I'm lonely
Sometimes I just wanna cave
And I don't wanna fight
I try and I try and I try and I try and I try
Just hold me, I'm lonely

Momma, I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore
And daddy, please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor
To the ones who never left me
We've been down this road before
I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore

I'm sorry for my future love
For the man that left my bed
For making love the way I saved for you inside my head
And I'm sorry for the fans I lost
Who watched me fall again
I wanna be a role model
But I'm only human

I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know why
I do it every, every, every time
It's only when I'm lonely
Sometimes I just wanna cave
And I don't wanna fight
I try and I try and I try and I try and I try
Just hold me, I'm lonely

Momma, I'm so sorry I'm not sober anymore
And daddy, please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor
To the ones who never left me
We've been down this road before
I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore
I'm not sober anymore

I'm sorry that I'm here again
I promise I'll get help
It wasn't my intention
I'm sorry to myself


Peter stopped singing, he sighed and looked at Tony who was shocked as tears rolled down his cheek. Peter jumped off the stage and ran to Tony, Tony got up as Peter hugged him,

"Plea-ase rememb-ber tha-at yo-ou hav-ve us, you-u have-e you-ur fam-mily by y-your si-ide. D-don't keep i-it to yo-ourself, ta-alk to u-us," Peter mumbled as he buried his face in Tony's chest, crying, Tony smiled

"I-I wi-ill Pete-er, a-and I'm so-orry fo-or yelling at-t yo-ou," Tony chocked out

"I-I fo-orgive yo-ou," Peter sobbed out

"I l-love you-u, Dad,"

"I-I love-ve you-u too, Son,"


(It's short but I hope it works! Bye my spider children, until next time!)

(Word count: 753)

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