Twisted Mind (Part 2)

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(requested by @InstantGayness)


Maybe they should have seen it sooner. The weird actions, the random laughs and the eye twitches.

Maybe they could have saved him.


"P-Peter...?" Tony whispered out in shock.

In front of him was his son. Peter Parker-Stark. A superhero, Spider-Man to be exact.

So why is he covered in blood? Why is he holding a knife while staring at Tony with insane eyes as the body laid on the floor motionless.

Tony stepped forward and Peter stepped back, he pointed his knife at Tony. They were in a ally way during night.

"I won't hurt you. Put the knife down..." Tony whispered. Peter hesitated before slowly lowering the knife.

"Let's go home." Tony whispered once again.

Peter slowly nodded. The body stayed on the floor as the two left the crime scene.

Tony made sure no one would know it was Peter. He just needs to help Peter before it's too late.


Peter sat in his room, Tony was telling the others about what happened with Peter and how they need to help. He stared out the window as he could hear the muffled voices through the wall.

He heard the door open but Peter continued looking out the window.

"Hey, Pete. Want some food?"

It was Steve. Peter was hungry but he didn't feel like eating. He actually didn't feel anything.

"Come on, we have pizza and we can watch a Star Wars movie" Steve said softly. Peter closed his eyes before nodding and stood up. He turned to Steve with a blank face which made Steve wince. They left to eat.

Everyone could not see the difference. Everything about Peter wasn't right. Tony looked at his son with worried eyes, he promised Aunt May that he'll protect him.

"Let's go watch that movie!" Clint exclaimed. Everyone nodded and they sat in front of the TV, Peter resting his head on Tony's shoulder.

The young boy watched the movie but his mind was someplace else. Why are they helping me? I'm a villain....Their to late.

Peter smirked and continued to watch the show.


Everyone fell asleep but Peter. He stared at the blank TV before slipping out of Tony's grip slowly. He tip toed around the sleeping Avengers before entering his room. He put on his Spider-Man suit and left through the window. The cold air filling up his room.


Tony awoke to find Peter missing. His eyes widened.

"Everyone up!" He exclaimed. Everyone got up with a groan before noticing the problem. They entered Peter's room to find him in there. His suit was bloody where it rested on the chair. Peter was throwing knives at the was with a twisted smile.

"Your too late" Peter said but his voice sounded wicked, it sent a shiver down their spines.

"" Tony whispered and Nat put her hand on Tony's shoulder. She shook her head telling him there's no point. Nat then looked over at Clint and nodded.

Peter blocked their noises out, he was focused on his knives so he didn't see Clint dart gun. Peter eyes widened when something hit the back of his neck. He groaned and took out the dart. He stared at it before looking over at Tony with scared eyes. Peter eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell unconscious.


Peter awoke but in a plain white room. He was in different clothes as well. He got up and looked around.

"Hello? D-Dad? Clint? Steve!? Aunt Nat?" Peter called out.

The four watched Peter from the one sided mirror.

"Will he get better?" Tony asked in a shaky voice.

"We don't know but we'll try" the girl next to them said. She was a worker here at the asylum. They nodded and watched as Peter curled into a ball and cried.

"We're sorry" they whispered before turning their back to Peter and left the crying boy alone. Forever.


Heyo! I hope this is okay! I'll be writing the other requests soon! Enjoy!

GreenFlame1 swinging out

Don't forget to vote 8D

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