Chapter 6: Petra owns a bar

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Bucky walks in the bar. He had to get away from Steve and the Avengers. It's the same thing they argue and mess with batwoman case then try to get her to join the team. For god sake the lady said no. Hell Bucky could blame her. After all they screwed up her case so many times he started to wonder how the earth survived. Even Wanda questioned why she said to join the avengers. Only thing worse than them is that spider punk Flash. The brat fought him once and he wouldn't stop bragging. Everytime he tries to shut him up Tony and Steve defend saying he is just a kid he is not a kid, he is a little shit that needs to be punched. Bucky decides to go to the bar, he sees Wanda going, to get a few drinks. What he found out it's a gay bar but he didn't care since he bi himslef. yeah , he think heard Flash saying that he try to his dad to tear it down once but the people fought back hard.

"So what will it be?" a familiar voice startled him. He turns and sees Petra herself at the serving station.

"Aren't you a little young working here?"

"Once I'm 16 assholes." she said playfully then made him a drink. "I own this bar." Bukcy would have done a spittank if he was already drinking right now.


"Inhierance." Petra said

"Then you bought the place."

"May help, so why are you here?"

"Had to get away from the headache."

"Steve and the Avengers." Bucky nodded.

"Yeah they kept screwing my cases."

"Yeah sorry for that." Petra waves it away.

"Let's take this private" she led to the back room to talk more freely. "So what happened?"

"Where to start, they won't shut up about you not joining the team. And it is starting to get annoying." Bucky said.

"Okay why do they want me in the team?"

"Don't know, maybe keep an eye on you. To make sure you don't do anything reckless." Bucky said. Petra gave him a look."hey there words not mine." It was true. It seems there was one who was reckless. For god sake Steve almost killed a cop.

"They are not gonna stop are they?"

"No, no matter how much me and wanda have been telling them to lay off."

"Well, at least in order to keep them away is to make sure flash doesn't say anything."

"What's your deal with him anyway?"

"He got my uncle killed for a spotlight." Petra said in a monotone voice. Bucky did a spit tank.


"When I was 12, I was waiting for my uncle to pick me up from the library. I was tutoring a friend. I had enough waiting thinking he was working late again so I walked home. As soon as I came home. May I ask if I have seen ben. I assumed he was working late but forgot to tell us. Then a cop knocked on the door. May answered and he told us there was a shooting. The cop told the man who was shot identify to be Uncle Ben. me and May were stunted then both of us cried that night. Two weeks later a kid at my school showed me a video of Spiderman letting a criminal get away from a robbery. I asked why show me this. Then he showed me a picture of the thief that shot my Uncle right now behind bars. That went I realized Spiderman let that thief go and got my uncle shot."

"Damn. How did you find out who Flash was?"

"After a couple of nights of patrol. I ran into spiderman. He was jabbering about some team up we should do or some shit. When he talks all I can think about is my uncle how he was the reason he died. After that I saw red. Then beat the living daylight out of him. After he was unconscious I removed his mask. And let me tell you bucky nothing made more pissed seeing your the only reason you don't have an uncle."

"I couldn't relate. How Stark don't know this."

"Easy, he took some of his parents' money and bribed the media." Bucky shook his head. He was about ready to ask another question but his phone rang. It was Steve he wanted him back for a mission.

"Well duty call take care kid." Bucky left.

"You too old man." Petra drinks in silence "I miss you ben. I hope you're proud." then cried silently.

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