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It was quite crowded in the cafeteria since it was lunchtime now. You looked around for a while looking for Suga, and you found him sitting alone at the corner table with his laptop and headphones on.

"Hi," You smiled at him and sat in the chair next to him, "Remember your promise ?" You asked while taking out your laptop onto the table.

"Ah, yeah," He looked at you and took off his headphones.

"Let me see your work first," He took your laptop closer to him and checked on the number you had made so far.

Before you could say a thing, suddenly someone came to your table, making you see who it was.

It was Jin, the campus' idol. He was from the Art and Theater Major, and he was famous for making any girls drooled over him.

"Hi Aera, I heard you had an accident yesterday ? You're okay ?" He asked you.

"Yeah, just a little accident, I'm good. How do you know that, we're not in the same class ?" 

"I know everything about pretty girls around here," He winked teasingly at you, "Let me know if you feel dizzy or anything, my wide shoulders are ready for you to lean on." He said again, giving you a flying kiss and leaving you there, totally ignoring Suga who sat beside you.

"Weird guy," You mumbled to yourself.

You were going to talk to Suga but then you saw some guys waving at you from across the table. They were Jimin and Jungkook, your classmates.

"Aera, come sit with us !" Jimin shouted at you, pointing to his table with one empty chair left.

You just waved and smiled at him, shaking your head.

Couldn't he see that you were here with Suga ? There was only one empty seat there, did that mean Suga wasn't invited to sit with them too ? How rude.

"Hey Suga, I already..."

"Aera !"

Once again your words got cut by people appearing on your table, now it was Rosé and Lisa, your friends from Dance Major. 

"Aera, I'm having a house party this weekend, you have to come, right ?" Rosé said excitedly.

"My parents are out of town so we'll have a great time. Booze and hot guys everywhere !" She said again, laughing with Lisa, once again totally ignoring Suga like he was just invisible.

"Yeah, I'll think about it. I have lots of homeworks to do, though." You said to them.

"Geez, no homeworks on the weekend, babe ! You have to come, I'll message you the time and address !" Rosé said again and waved at you before she left with Lisa.

"Geez these people, can they give me a break ?" You sighed to yourself.

"The perks of being popular," Suga said, smirking at you, making you look at him annoyedly.

You didn't like it when people stereotyped you as the typical 'popular girl', and the way he said that made you sound like one.

"I've told you not to call me that," You said annoyedly to him, "But I just realized, my friends are quite rude. You're sitting here right beside me and no one even says hi to you ?" You frowned in disbelief.

"Welcome to my world," Suga said nonchalantly, "The world of the invisible, or in the popular term, the losers."

You rolled your eyes to him, and just ignored his words. You started discussing your work with Suga, but some of your friends kept on coming and distracted you, and you also felt people were staring at you with some weird look, making you feel uneasy.

"Why are people staring at us ?" You said, looking around you.

"Well, maybe they found it weird that the popular girl is hanging out with the loser like me." Suga said, still focusing and typing something on your laptop.

"You need to stop calling yourself a loser, you're not !" You snapped at him, grabbed your laptop from him and gathered all your stuff from the table, before finally grabbing his hand and getting him out of the cafeteria with you.


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