The love finally blossoms

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Petunias pov

Everyone was looking at us but I didn't seem to care one bit so went over to Handy and felt his head and said, Handy? Are you okay? He said, yeah I'm....okay just had a hard blow to the head. Yikes. I helped him up and said as I hugged him, Handy this.....may sound crazy but.....I always had a crush on you since I first saw you......I really don't think your a freak at all I always thought your a unique beaver but I was so.....afraid to say anything because I might get rejected as a.....breakdowner..

Handys pov

( I didn't know what she was saying but all I got was that she said she never thinks of me as a freak she thinks she's a breakdowner whatever the heck that is) I gazed into her eyes and said, well.....I never thought of you as a breakdowner and sure you like things nice and clean and all but......that's just who you are besides.......I never see you as whatever people see you as......but no matter what they say to you I see you as a very respectful, clean, compassionate, kind-hearted, sweet, and beautiful skunk-girl Petunia. And I just wanted to say.....I love you Petunia.

Petunias pov

I blushed as he said the three words I love you. I was so very happy that he said that. I said as I smiled and blushed, well I loved you as well Handy. Handy looked at me with those happy eyes as I did of his as he said, I'm very happy that I finally got to you how I feel about you Petunia. That's when I hugged him and him and kissed him as he kissed me back. Most of the towns folk was surprised a good way and a bad way I was so happy. And so on as we broke apart we headed out to our date. To this day me and Handy are dating every day as I walk by him he gives me a kiss and I give him a kiss but it's on the cheek not on the lips. During the afternoon I giggled as me and Handy were taking a stroll down happy tree park. We stopped at a beautiful spoonful we kissed in the light of the afternoon.

The end!!!

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed it I got good news and some bad news good news is that more HTF: romance stories will be on the way but the bad news is the next one is about how Shifty met Shirley...

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