Chapter 2

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I was relaxing on the beach, and the waves were lapping gently against my side. I settled down for a nice peaceful nap, but all of a sudden I couldn't breath.

I woke up, my head under water, and everything from earlier that day came rushing back, overwhelming me.

I scrambled up, catching my breath after having almost drowned. I knew I couldn't stay here. I didn't know where to go. I had never been this far outside of the city before. I walked to higher ground and sat down to think of what to do.

I all could think about was how hungry I was. The long swim had drained my strength and I felt as though I hadn't eaten in days. I heard a soft chattering sound above me, so I looked up. I had heard a similar sound in our small fenced in backyard, but I had never been able to spot the creature that made it. The animal the a saw was small and a gray. It had a tail that was about the same size as its body, and it was clinging to the side of the tree upside down staring at me.

I felt like the animal was taunting me because I couldn't reach it. I barked sharply, and the little creature scampered away as quick as a flash. The thought then occurred to me that this fuzzy little animal could have been dinner. How much I regretted having chased it away then.

I didn't know the first thing about hunting, but the city where I had previously scavenged for food in was still quickly filling up with water and I couldn't go back there. I started to quietly prowl through the woods and then within about five minutes I found a bunny in the leaves. Excitement overtook me and I barked at the rabbit before chasing after it. The noise alerted it of my presence and it had the chance to escape before I could catch it. 

Okay. Lesson learned. Barking means you don't get to eat.  I won't do that again. I quickly found another one of the gray animal which I later learned was a squirrel. This one was on the ground. I snuck up close to it and then I ran after it as quickly as I could when I got close enough  I ran after the squirrel being extra careful not to bark and scare the squirrel before i could catch it.  Then bang.

I looked up wincing because of a dull aching pain in my head.  I turns out that I had been so focused on the squirrel that I forgot to watch where I was going.  The squirrel had run up a tree, and I face planted into the trunk. Lesson two.  Always watch where you are going.

After a few more tries I finally caught a rabbit.  The food didn't taste nearly as good as the food that the humans gave me, but it would have to do.  It was eat it or starve.  After eating, I thought that I would set out and explore my new surroundings.

I walked through the woods in the pleasant morning sunshine, enjoying the breeze for about twenty minutes.  Then all of a sudden I found myself rolling over and over in the dirt.  I didn't know what hit me.

Please give me advice.  I am a new writer and I need all the help I can get.  Thanks.

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