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Trying to get away from the swarm of people circulating outside the arena doors, Anne slipped through the crowd and into a side room unnoticed.

Or so she thought.

"You okay, dearie?"

Surprised, Anne lifted her head to see the large, bearded figure of Lettie Lutz. Sending the woman a small smile, she quickly glanced down, her eyes trailing over the scuffed toes of her boots. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"You know it's fine not to be fine," Lettie probed. "I get it though. This was a big decision for you and its overwhelming and stressful and hard. But, let me tell you one thing, you have an incredible talent, an amazing skill, and a beautiful act that people from all over New York will love. You can be anything you want and do everything else. You just need to have faith in yourself."

This time, Anne's smile became broader. "Thank you, Lettie. I guess I - er - kinda needed to hear that."

Lettie leaned forward and placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder. "Trust me, it took me a long time to come to terms with being myself too. It's not exactly easy being an overweight woman washer with a beard now, is it?"

Anne let out a trill of laughter. "No. I guess not. But your personality is big and caring and friendly and that's what counts."

As she looked around, Anne realised that she had hidden out in a room that was filled with racks of colourful costumes and stands towering with wigs and hats and cupboards and shelves scattered with make-up and accessories.

Furrowing her brow, Anne straightened up. "What is all this for?"

"Mr Barnum wants a crew that is as lively as he promised the public," Lettie returned dryly. "These are our costumes and bits and pieces. Do you want to have a look?"

Anne nodded, trying to mask her growing eagerness. "Yes please."

As she sifted through the clothes, she came across a deep purple leotard trimmed with rows of cream-coloured lace and layers of transparent chiffon decorated with glittery beads.

"Do you like it?" Lettie mused as she looked over Anne's shoulder.

Anne hesitated before responding, "Indeed, I do, but I've never before worn something so fancy. I don't know if I could."

"Nonsense!" Lettie waved her excuses away. "You're a gymnast. You need a leotard. Try it on. Oh and here's some stockings and arm bands that go with it."

A few moments later and Anne stood surveying herself in a floor-length mirror just opposite the clothes-rack. Slowly, she turned from one side to the other, squinting her eyes and pursing her lips. "Hmm. I'm not sure if it goes well with my colouring."

"I know how to fix that," Lettie smirked as she plucked a bright taffy coloured wig, done up in a bun of curls, from a stand nearby. Pinning up Anne's dark strands of hair, she plonked the wig on over the top and stood back to inspect her work.

"I like it," Anne smiled. "I like it a lot. Thank you, Lettie."

"Why don't we see what Mr Barnum thinks of it, first?" she queried. "I don't want to get into any trouble with his costume designers."

Anne chuckled softly as she followed Lettie out of the room and across the polished wooden floorboards towards Barnum's minuscule office.

"Why don't you get yourself a bigger desk, hmm?" Lettie called out as she barrelled over to where Barnum and Phillip were standing. "We're in no need of space here in case you haven't noticed."

Barnum rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to respond when his eyes suddenly landed on Anne's slim, petite figure. His expression turned into one of pure delight. Chucking the bunch of papers that he had been holding onto the desk-top, he brushed past Lettie and looked Anne up and down.

"This...is perfect!" he proclaimed. "Amazing! Phillip! Phillip, come here. What do you think?"

Anne shifted uncomfortably as the younger man stepped forward and feasted his eyes on her. "Brilliant," he whispered in one breath. "Beautiful."

Anne bit down on her lower lip, trying to hide the flush staining her cheeks. "T-thanks," she stuttered.

Just then, Bec made a noisy entrance as he trundled into the room bearing a stack of books and several mugs of coffee. Upon seeing Anne, however, he paused and his mouth dropped open. "Whoa."

"Bec, close your damn mouth and bring me my coffee," Barnum reproved. "We have work to do."

As he turned away, Phillip stepped closer to Anne and smiled flirtatiously at her. "Judging from everyone's reactions, I think your costume is a clear and pointed 'go-for-it.' And yes I think its amazing but something's missing."

Anne's eyebrows flew upwards in surprise. Curiously, she watched as Phillip reached into a bulging bag tipped with clothes and pulled out a soft, silky scarf that complimented the purple hue of her leotard.

Closing the distance between them, Phillip reached out and placed the scarf around Anne's neck, allowing the side of his thumb to brush over her cheek in the process. "There. That's better."

Anne, as red as a beetroot by now, could do nothing but smile and nod in agreement.

Phillip, pleased that she was flustered, pulled away from her, only to meet the disgusted glare of Bec. Inwardly scoffing at the young lad's imprudence, Phillip sent Anne a small wave before turning back to the papers Barnum had assigned him.

As Anne started walking away from the trio, a sharp, impatient voice accosted her from her left. "Someone's at the door. They want to see you."

Anne nodded at the bustling maid before hurrying forward and entering the bright light of the outside world. As her eyes adjusted to the sun, she was greeted with a most welcoming sight: her best friend, Deng Yan.

"Deng!" she exclaimed as she rushed forward to give the girl a hug. "Deng! I've missed you."

Deng wiped away tears of joy at the reunion and glanced down to survey Anne's outfit. "Wow. You look so - er - professional."

"I know right?" Anne did a little twirl and giggled like an immature school-child. "This is my dream, Deng. To become something. It's what I've always wanted. I guess, being a mere street orphan, I just never thought it'd be a reality."

"Well, it's a reality alright," Deng Yan smiled at her friend's happiness. "You ... you look well. I'm glad."

"How's W.D and Oma?" Anne requested anxiously. "Have you seen them?"

Deng Yan nodded. "Yes. Oma is not doing well, Anne. She will not admit it but she misses you. How could she not? You're like a ray of sunshine in her home."

"And W.D?"

Deng Yan's face fell. "He - he misses you too. He spends all of his time at the blacksmith's. He barely talks to anyone. I think he's angry with himself for stabbing you in the back. You must know that he is truly sorry."

Anne sighed. "I know. It took me some time to - uh - come to terms with how things went down but I know he was doing it for my best interest. I love W.D. Him and Oma both. I - I wish I could see them again. Do you think they'll come to the show?"

"No. I don't think so," Deng Yan shook her head sadly. "Oma wouldn't hear of it. Don't worry, though, I'll be sure to make an appearance."

Anne's eyes widened in delight. "You will? You'll come?"

"Of course."

"Great! I can get you a half-priced ticket or..."

"Anne," Deng Yan placed a restraining hand on her arm. "I - I..."

"What is it?"

"I - um - was wondering if maybe, possibly, you could get me something better."

"I'll give it a shot, sure, but what do you want?"

"An interview. With Mr Phineas Barnum."

Gif: Bec when he sees Anne in her outfit.

Question of the update: Do you believe having a bestie or a close friend is important for one's well-being?


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