19: Bargain

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Cold rain pounded the ground as Ford, Dipper and Wendy ran through the trees. Their breath steamed, their hair and clothes drenched.

The last scream they'd heard was from somewhere in this direction. Mabel, Pacifica, the Fenton kids, and Stan had gone outside a little less than an hour ago, and they hadn't seen the group since. The three were sick with worry.

A faraway shriek had reached their ears maybe fifteen minutes prior, and they rushed to find the source. Dipper was sore and covered in sweat, yet none of that mattered to him as he searched for his family.

Finally, they stumbled upon a horrible scene. Danny, on his knees, facing the septem tigris all on his own. For a moment, Dipper's mind went blank with fear. But the creature wasn't moving.

It was coated in a thin layer of ice, frozen with its mouth open as if about to maul someone. Its claws glimmered with water droplets.

Dipper heard a quiet sob. He looked down at Danny, who was still in ghost form. It was so strange, seeing him like this. His wet white hair stuck to his face as his shoulders shook. "She's gone," he whispered.

Ford was staring in shock. "What happened?" Wendy asked quietly.

He sucked in a shuddering breath. "I-- I should've seen it sooner. I thought it was just the cold, but . . ."

The scientist grabbed his shoulder, making him wince in pain. "What?" he hissed through gritted teeth.

The halfa's face was streaked with tears. "My ghost sense. It kept going off around Jazz. And then she ran away, and they all left and-- and I think she's overshadowed." His voice shook with every word.

Ford stepped back. "What does that mean?" Dipper practically shouted. All he wanted to do was find his sister.

Another droplet slid down the ghost's cheek, although whether it came from the rain or his eyes, Dipper couldn't tell. "She was possessed by a ghost," he murmured. "This was staged. It led the others off somewhere, and they left me. I don't think the cat was supposed to catch up to us."

It was then that Ford shocked the twin and redhead. He gripped Danny by the front of his suit and shouted, "Then where are they? Where is my brother?"

"Ford!" Wendy yelled, "let go of him!"

"Don't you think I would have followed if I knew?" Danny fiercely ripped Ford's hand away. "I need to get her back. I can't let this happen, not again."

Something in his tone told Dipper that he knew more than he was letting on. But what? Why would he possibly want to keep more secrets after this fiasco?

The four of them decided to keep searching. By three in the afternoon, they were all totally exhausted. Dipper admired Danny's persistence; although he was injured, he still put in as much effort as any of them. He looked like crap, however, his skin clammy and his face pale. Dark circles became prominent under his glowing eyes.

Finally Wendy decided that enough was enough. "I hate to be the one to say it, but we can't keep doing this. We're gonna have to go to the shack and figure this out."

"But I have to save them!" Danny protested weakly.

Dipper stopped walking "She's right. We'll never find them like this."

The four of them trudged back through the woods. Danny was flying low to the ground, like he might pass out at any moment.

Once inside, Danny and Wendy sat heavily on the couch. After some hesitation, Ford took Stan's seat. Dipper plopped himself down next to Wendy.

Ford sighed. "Does anyone know who took them?" he asked.

Dipper thought about it. He remembered his nightmares, but could Bill really be responsible? Danny had said that it was a ghost who'd possessed his sister.

Even as he thought that, the halfa sucked in a breath. "I've-- I've been having these nightmares. Ever since I got here, this voice has visited me in my sleep. "

Ford froze. "A voice?" He leaned forwards. "Describe it."

Danny's eyes were hollow. "It came from a cave. It was in too many different tones for me to place whose it was, but I think I've heard it before."

Dipper knew why Ford was so worried. "Was it sort of . . . Laughing? Maniacal? Insane sounding?"

The teen snorted. "Yeah, well, that doesn't narrow it down much. Who are you thinking of? The voice said that it had a partner."

A cold feeling crept over Dipper. "Bill. Bill was in my dream. I think he was in yours."

The halfa raised a brow tiredly. "Bill? Who is this Bill?"

"Bill Cipher," Wendy clarified, "is a dream demon who wants to take over the physical world. He only exists in the dreamscape."

Something seemed to click in Danny's mind. "The physical world," he murmured. "The voice kept saying that he wanted to rule three worlds."

"The physical, and the dreamscape." Ford paused. "What's the third?"

"The Ghost Zone," Danny said quietly. "The flip side of our world."

For a moment, no one spoke. Did all this really matter right now? Their family was in danger; shouldn't they be doing something about that?

They tried to figure out why a ghost would want to possess Jazz and take their friends, but what reason was there? Unless, of course, they were already dead.

No one wanted to acknowledge the possibility.

Finally, after it finally grew dark outside, Dipper fell asleep.

* * *

Cold wind whipped through the trees, chilling Dipper to the bone. The moon peaked out from behind masses of ash-grey storm clouds. There was a certain tension in the air, an almost electric feel that made the boy excited and anxious and determined and afraid all at once.

He stumbled into a clearing, the same one from before. The rocks glinted in the faint light, the cave feeling like it was going to swallow him whole.

It was then that he noticed a figure sitting on the ground, hands tied behind her back, her ankles bound. A gag filled her mouth. Tears streaked her dirty face. But worst of all, her shooting star sweater was bloody and in ruins.

"Mabel," Dipper whispered, horrified. She tried to yell back at him.

A cackle sounded from behind. He spun around to see none other than the dream demon himself.

Bill Cipher twirled his cane. "How do you like Shooting Star's new look?" He floated above her head. "Suits her nicely, huh?"

"What do you want?" Dipper shouted.

Again, the triangle chuckled. "Oh, you know very well what I want. I want to strike a deal!" His eye glinted.

"No way, Bill! Just tell me where my sister is."

"Hmm . . ." He pretended to think. "How funny! That's just what I wanted to talk about. I'll lead you right to her. All you have to do is go there, and bring your friends with you."

Dipper narrowed his eyes. "What's the catch?"

"You have to show up, duh."

The demon held out a hand encased in fire.

Against his better judment, Dipper shook it.

Ah, no! Dipper, why? Why would you shake Bill's hand?

Oh, that's right. Because I said so.

Really, though, you guys were right about Jazz. There are far more frightening things going on than her overshadowing, however. It seems that Dipper will soon have another choice to make.

Buckle your seatbelts, kiddies. The end is nigh.

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