//New Friends//

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While walking to Maji Burger, Shino started contacting his friends, he put it in speaker phone so I can hear them too... 'Hello? Shin? Where were you? Me, Kuta and Ino where like waiting for hours!' Then he flinched "Ano... Sorry Rei-kun, I forgot that we were supposed to hang out today, I went to the park and I found a friend... We were just wondering if you guys wanna hang out? We have something to talk about you see and before you say anything he's a good guy..." There were hushed whisperings on the other line 'Sure, it's hard to get you to befriend a guy you just met, I'm sure he's kind... Where to?' There were light banterings in the background "Maji Burger, if that's fine?" Shino asked 'Oh! Sure! We only need like 8 minutes? We'll run, see you there' Rei-kun said while the noises on the background stopped and running can be heard "Be careful on your way here Rei-kun" Shino said before closing his phone and dragging me to Maji Burger...

I ordered a vanilla milkshake and Shino ordered five burgers for him, his friends and to my surprise me... It wouldn't be polite so I accepted, we sat in a table for five people and not the table which I normally occupy because there might be chance that we would encounter Kagami-san and that is the last thing I would ever want... We waited for a his friends to arrive so we had some light chats here and there. After waiting for 8-9 minutes we heard the door open and in came three tired teens, when Shino saw them he waved and they immediately saw me with him, which surprised me 'I guess my low presence isn't working or those three saw me accidentally'They fixed themselves and sat at our table...

A guy with messy yellow hair and honey colored eyes smiled at me and introduced himself "My name's Kotarou, Harima Kotarou or if you perfer Kuta... This-" he pointed at the guy with long red hair and light blue eyes "-is Kirasuya Reino, or Rei and lastly this-" he pointed to a guy with white hair and ocean colored eyes "-is Tomoya Alino, or Ino may I ask what's yours and how you met Shin?" He asked while smiling "Ano... Me and Aki-" I was interrupted with a slight shout "No no no! I absolutely do not want you to call me or my friends in our first name! It's either Shin or Shin-kun! If you don't I'll absolutely bug you till the rest of your life!" Then he realized what he said and blushed "S-sumimasen! I-it's just that I kinda feels like you are going to be an important person to us in the future you know?" Shin said meekly while the others showed their approval. "It kinda makes sense when I first saw the guy Shin-shuu was talking about~" Ino-kun said. 'Wait a minute.... Shin-shuu? What?' I guess someone saw my confusion because Rei-kun spoke "Don't mind him, that's just his quirk. He adds that to someone's name when he/she is important to him." Rei-kun stated, somehow Ino-kun sorta reminds me of an annoying, overprotective blond. "... Thank you Ak-Shin-kun, ah... My name is Kuroko Tetsuya" I smiled completely ignoring that my poker face broken, because seriously I don't need to sunken my presence anymore, I'm going to quit basketball anyways... "Ano... I guess Shin-kun and I met when I was at the park singing and he kinda joined in" I said while smiling

"But why were you singing?" Rei-kun asked "It's because he was depressed... Well that's what he told me anyway..." Shin-kun said while I sadly smiled, trying to give a smile not a frown was hard but I managed... But it was inevitable because they sensed my mood getting darker "... Gomen... I... Did I say something wrong?..." Shin-kun asked getting a bit distressed "Iie it's fine, if you want to know but... I guess it's kinda awkward for me to say this to people who I just met..." I said a bit bashfully "Nani!? But we're not strangers now! We got to be friends! Friends! Okay? Friends! Here give me your phone I'll put all our numbers there~ " he said while grabbing my phone that was in the table and putting all of their numbers inside... "... Thanks, I think you guys were right a while ago, I felt that you guys will be important to me too..." I said while trying to wipe away the smile in my face but to no avail, so I just kept it there...

I told them my story from Teiko to Seirin and while I was telling them my story I didn't notice my eyes getting teary... Rei-kun gave took out his hanky and wiped away my tears while the others on the table was awfully quiet "I-I'm sorry, I-I r-really am a-a bother..." I stood up only to be hugged by my new friends "Shhh... It's fine you can cry all you want Tet-chan it's not your fault, it's those bastards fault... Let's just forget about them okay?" Shin-kun said trying to comfort me while Ino-kun hugged me and Rei-kun wiped my tears and Kuta-kun pats my head "-sniff- thank you guys... I -sniff- I'm really happy I met you guys even if it was just a while ago -laughs a bit- thank you really" he said while the group just chuckled and smiled "Anyways! Setting that story aside! What did you want to talk about again Shin-shuu?" Ino-kun said shifting our focus from my story to the matter at hand

"Well as you guys know, Tet-chan and I met in the park right?" There were nods in our little group "Well... Someone scouted us when they heard the two of us singing and I think he said he's from... Star Rock? (Shocked gasps and choking fom the background was heard) Anyways he wanted us to consider being an idol and he said that we can bring some people too! Since you know we were a band before, I was thinking..." An akward silence fills the group "... He's not like HIM... You know that right?" Shin-kun said with some hint of desperation and grief in his voice... "Ano... Sorry but what's going on? Who's HIM?" I asked curiously "... He should know, since we're going to be a band and all" the one who answered was Rei-kun and by some magic spell the silence in the air was broken "Nani!? You're really going to do it!? That's a promise no more going back! Heard that Shin-shuu, Suya-shuu!? We're going to be a band!" Ino-kun said rather loudly because it caused some people's attention to focus in our group "Yes, yes now shu- wait who's Suya?" Kuta-kun said and then Ino-kun's focused on me "Y'see in Tetsuya? Tetsuya, TetSuya, Suya... Does that make sense?" He asked "Surprisingly yes it does" Kuta-kun said which caused us to laugh and Ino-kun to pout... A second later Rei-kun coughed and we focused on him... "You better listen Suya-kun, cause I don't wanna relive this story again" he looked at me while I nodded in approval for him to continue...


Note: Why hello there! (^.^) sorry for the mistakes but... We're just a beginner please remember that! (O///O)Btw! Doesn't Kuroko look so freaking cool in the picture!? Picture not mine though >;3 nyufufu... Anyways~! See you next time! (>^~^)> bye bye~!

-Blight (upper half) Shiku (lower half and note)-

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