//The Practice//

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Note: So yeah... This is what happened in their practice or when they arrived at Kita's ho-mansion... And maybe a few things concerning Akashi's plan for Seirin to observe Kuroko without being noticed... And this will only mess up with the plot and my head much more... Let's just hope I don't get crazy writing this... Welp on with the show!


General POV

(Takes place when Kuroko and the gang was practicing for the auditions)

After the car abruptly stopped, which may or may not have caused some of the members to bang their head to the window or their teammates, the five teens stepped out of the vehicle. They took a glance at the house/mansion before being dragged inside. When Kuta typed the password, the enormous gate opened and the teens where once again dragged to the so called garage. The garage is bigger than others, it's clean and no speck of dust can be seen. There was no sign of a car inside but there stood in the center of the garage was a microphone, a drum kit, a bass guitar, an electric guitar and some other bunch of stuff. 'This doesn't even look like a garage anymore! What the heck is this!?' Kuroko thought to himself. "Well let's get to practice. I already decided on a song." Kuta said while taking out a bunch of paper in his bag. "The name will be SPICE. Oh and Suya, give me the card of that guy. I'll talk to him while you guys prepare yourselves, we'll be staying here until I am satisfied." He said while taking the card in Kuroko's hand and while handing the papers to the teens. "Oh by the way we will be performing tomorrow, and don't worry I know you guys already knows the song. We did perform this before after all, although I can't say the same to Suya" He proceeded to grab the phone from his pocket to talk to the guy, but not before he ruffled everyone's hair.

-the phone conversation-

"Ring... Ring... Ring... Click... Hello? This is Star Rock how can I help you?"

"Oh hello, ummm is this the guy who gave his card to my friend in the park?"

"... Yes it was me... Are you perhaps a friend of his?"

"Uh yeah... Anyways this is Harima Kotarou, and I called because my friend decided to take the opportunity along with some of us... If I remembered correctly I think you said that he can bring some of his friends?"

"Oh yes! Ummm... Would tomorrow be a good time? Or do you want me to reschedule?"

"Ah no no no no no... It's fine, ano if it's not much of a bother can you please prepare a bass guitar, a drum kit, an electric guitar? We'll be the one to bring the microphone.... That is i-if you can't I-"

"Oh no it's fine we have that ready here... So ummm what time would you prefer?"

"Ah sorry, we still don't know yet. But I am certain that we will be there at... The afternoon?"

"Alright, thank you and we will be waiting for your arrival, good luck. Click... Beep... Beep"

-end of phone conversation-

Kuta turned his head around and saw that the team was divided in to two.... Shin was teaching Suya some pointers while he was listening to the music they were going to play. The other half is Rei and Ino playing the song rather loudly. A while later they noticed that Kuta was already finished in his phone call and they stopped what they where doing. "So.... Let's mix the two in. Hurry up in your places!" Kuta ordered and they were scampering to their positions. Ino at the center, Shin at his upper left, Rei at his upper right and Suya in front of them.

They practice nonestop for 1 and a half hour until Kuta told them that they could take a break. Suya took the milkshake he kept in the freezer (since when the hell did that freezer appear is a fucking question) and took a slurp while the others stare at him wide eyed. "What is it? Is there something in my face?" He asked. "Ano... Suya-chan, why are you drinking a cold milkshake?" Shin asked a bit fidgety. "I am drinking it because it is my favorite, Shin-kun...." Suya said coldly. "But Suya! You're not supposed to drink a cold milkshake. It will ruin your voice!" Kuta said "And so is singing nonestop for 1 and a half hour" Pang, Kuta got stabbed by an imaginary arrow because somehow Suya's statement is kinda true. Rei grabbed Suya's milkshake leaving him baffled "Suya-chan, Kuta-kun made us to practice nonestop so that we would be sure to pass and I know for once that he's ready in case you had a sore throat. But drinking cold milkshake is still unacceptable." Rei answered, but before he could get rid of the milkshake a hand stopped him.

He looked at the person who grabbed him but immediately regretted it, when he tilted his head he saw the most adorable thing ever. Kuroko doing the puppy eyes! Cue the nosebleeds inside the garage... "Please? C-can I have the milkshake just this one time? I swear I'll only drink cold beverages from time to time... So.... So.... Please?" He asked as he tilt his head cutely.... And everyone died of blood loss, the end.... Okay so they might not have died of blood loss but they sure will if Kuroko kept on acting like a kicked puppy... "S-Suya-shuu! K-Kawaiiii~!" Ino said while tackling the bluenette on the ground. The three had to literally pry him off so that Kuroko can breath again. "F-fine, you know w-what? H-here, have it but seriously this is the last time you'll be drinking this.... O-okay fine! Maybe you c-can from time to time! But not frequently, we clear?" Kuta said while handing Kuroko the milkshake. "Mn! Arigato minna-san!".... And everyone fainted...

-10 minutes later-

The group woke up with aching cheeks, because Kuroko tried all that he can think about and they still wouldn't budge. He tried screaming, pulling their hair, tickling, light punches and other more. He wanted to drench them with cold water but he was afraid that he would wet the electronics and their designer clothes. So the only other option was physical contact. He apologized in advance as he got close to their faces. He then proceeded to ignite-slap them in the face.... Which miraculously woke them up.... Screaming... This happened for... 4 times? Anyways...

They went back to practice for another 2 hours with breaks in between. They got closer and some stuff which should be left uspoken happened... So yeah.... Kuta was satisfied with their final product and told them that they could go home. He dropped them off to the park and they went to their seperate ways there. Rei went back to his apartment. Shin and Ino both went to eat outside before proceeding to go their house which was right next to each other. And Kuroko went back to his house right after Rei went home.

Kuroko's PoV

I went back to my house with no problem at all... I was greeted by my parents and we ate dinner. I fed nigou and we went straight to my room. I took a bath and changed to my PJs. I made my homework first before going to bed. I turned the lights off and procedeed to time my aircon for 1 and a half hour. I picked Nigou out of the floor as I place him beside me to sleep. Just before I went to sleep my phone rang. "Good night Suya-shuu~ dream of me tonight kay~!? 😆😋😙" "Night Suya-chan! You better sleep coz tomorrow's our audition! Ganbatte~! >;3" "Good night Suya, I'm sorry about making you tired, but I know it was worth it, although I was thinking maybe you could add some flirty tone in your voice, whatever you choose I swear it will be fantastic." "Get a good rest Suya-kun, tomorrow will be a hectic day. Btw I already told everyone but we're going to meet at the park again. And please do not scare Shin, my eardrums was still ringing for a while and it only stopped when we got out of the car." I smiled and texted them back with good nights and thank yous. Nigou whined so I plugged my cell in my charger before going to sleep. That night I dreamt about our band singing together. I cuddled closer to my blanket and pulled nigou closer to me.

That will be all minna! I'm sorry for not updating for a couple of days coz hey... My cousin went back to their country and I was depressed (=.=)/ .... So yeah... Shit happened, and I'm sorry? Anywho~ the plot is sorta formulating in my mind... Lol is that even a word? Oh shiz~ C YA NEXT TIME!

[Shiku's been getting mood swings so I'm not surprised she only helped a while before she gave up... I'm actually surprised she last longer that what I expected]

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