Chapter 12 ~ New Years Eve Surprise

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(Suppose to be PG-13, but it won't let me change it back to PG-13)

Phantom of Love

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy 


Maddy's POV.

I woke-up in bed to see that I was back in the lair under the opera house, back in Paris. It's been 3 days since Erik & I flew from my small town Shakopee back to Paris.

I felt arms around my waist, holding me secure to them. My legs were tangled with another pair of legs.

Memories from the night Erik & I make-out in the bed, back home, on Christmas Eve. A smile appear on my face. 

Slowly I moved out of the bed so I won't disturbed Erik from his sweet dreams. I walked to his dress to fine something to cover because I was in my bra & panties... AGAIN!!! I found a white long-sleeve shirt. I put it on, it came to the middle of my upper leg, but I didn't care.

I walked out of the room to my stuff that was lying on the black couch. I took out my phone to see 50 messages from my friends saying 'Where are you? Manquer wants to see you? Have u been getting drunk lately?'

"Crap." I breathed out. I sat on phone down grabbed my clothes when headed back into the room to still see Erik sound sleep. I smiled to see him finally get some sleep without having to stay up SUPER late or practically all night.

Slowly I head for the bed, lean in to kiss his forehead when his strong arms grabbed me, I flew in the air, & landed softly onto the bed when Erik was on top of me. My face was flushing pure red. I glanced down at Erik's hands, which were intertwined with mine.

Erik leaned in close to my ear, & whispered. "Good morning, my petit bourgeon rose (little rose bud)." I smiled, as I wrapped my arms around Erik's neck, & whispered into his ear.

"Good morning, my angel." Erik & I both stared at each other for what seemed like hours, then Erik leaned close to my face, & placed his lips onto mine.

"Oh Maddy... I love you so deeply." My heart pounded against my chest, ready to explode all over the place.

"I love you too." I gave him a small kiss on his deformed face that I was very happy that he's more comfortable showing me his face. "I have to work today, so I better get going." I said as I got up from the bed.

"Noooooo.... Please stay here with me." Erik said as he made a puppy face. 

"Gosh he's so adorable when he acts like that." I said to myself.

"I wish I could, but you know that I have a job, & I need to do some homework for college before the party tonight." I said as I changed into my work cloths. Erik put back on his mask, started changing into a white button down shirt, & black pants.

His hair was messy, so I walked over to his face, & brushed the hair away from his face so that I could see his beautiful face. "I'll see at the party, alright?"

Erik held my hand that was touching his face. "Alright." He said in a sweet loving way that made me want to kiss him to death. So I placed a kiss on his lips, headed out of the lair, & back into my room.


I gathered all the cleaning supplies back into the closet, took my back-pack, & headed outside with the icy cold wind blowing my hair away from my face.

"Brrr... It's freakin freezing!!!"

Quickly I ran to a small library where I can do my work in peace. I don't mind doing homework with my friends, but I do get off track sometimes, so I decided to do it some place quiet.

When I got into the library I saw a grand staircase, shelves filled with books on anything you need to know about Paris, France, or any where in the world.

I sat down quietly on a table, pulled out my laptop along with my sketch book, & a book about Sparknotes's most famous poems, plays, etc...

I started with "Romeo & Juliet" when Romeo meets Juliet at the party. I pulled on my white beets headphones, plugged in my phone & listen to "Flesh" by "Simon Curtis". Then began sketching away.

For what seemed like hours I finally finished my drawing, & emailed the pictures to my college. I closed my laptop, returned the Sparknotes book, & headed back to the Opera House to get ready for the party because tonight was New Years Eve.

"Time to get drunk, & have fun:) " 


Erik's POV.

I gently put the skull mask that covered the top half of my face. I tucked my black tie that had a tiny skull button in the middle of it. I reached for my sword & inserted it in its handle on my side.

Everything was in its place.Today was the day. No going back on plans. I was going to come out & confess my love to Maddy, with a special gift.

Today was New Years Eve when every couple enjoy one night together & love each other all night. *Sigh* I've been nervous for the past week. 

"Would Maddy reject my gift & love? ...Or will she feel the same way?" I look down at the small gift as my hands were shaking uncontrollable. I put the gift in my pocket, & head out of my lair to the party.


Maddy's POV. 

I was walking down the hallway in a pink, lace dress with a white lace mask that had small red & pink roses on the right side. I was looking for Erik, but I couldn't find him anywhere. 

Then I felt an arm wrapped around my waist, I turned my head to see Erik in the same skull mask he wore on Halloween. I was so happy to see him, so I turned around to see him. "May! Don't you look handsome, Erik." 

"You look beautiful tonight, even more beautiful." I blushed. Erik held out one arm & said. "Shall we?" I smiled, took it, & said.

"We shall." And headed down the stairway to the ball room. Music began to play as Erik & I were in the middle of the room. All the girls were staring at Erik, I knew that they were all jealous that I was dancing with a good looking guys like Erik.

Erik held out his hand out to me, "May I have this dance?"

I smiled, took his leather gloved hand as he escorted me to the dance floor.

Erik placed a hand on my waist & the other on my hand. I grabbed his neck, while the song deliberately began to play.

We both gracefully waltzed between the couples. I laughed & smiled uncontrollably.


Paper faces on parade...


Hide your face so the world can never find you..."  The song went.

Erik twirled me exceedingly, waltzed & carried me in accordance to the song. Then he took me to the roof of the opera house where it was snowing.

"Erik? Why have you brought me here?" I said as I was rubbing my bare arms from the cold. "It's freezing." Erik took off his red velvet cape, & wrapped it around me as he took me to the edge of the roof to see all of Paris.

It was a beautiful view up here. "Do you remember the day we first meet?" Erik said as he still kept his gaze on the view.

"Yes..." I nodded.

"Do you remember our first..." I looked over to Erik as he shifting his body back & forth.

"Our first what?" Erik looked over to me & said.

"Our first kiss." I remembered our first kiss when Erik & I were on the bed when Erik got hurt from those drunk guys in the alley tried to rape me.

"Yes... And it was most happiest day of my life." Erik shoot his face to me as I stared at him with a bright smile on my face. Erik flushed, down down & said.

"Maddy? Do you really, truly love me?"

"Of course I do Erik. And I'll always will love you."

Erik got down on one knee, grabbed something out of his pocket, held it close to his chest. "Maddy... You were the ONLY person that ever been my friend, showed my what real love is like, & compassion. I loved every second of the day we spent with each other, I love your hair, I love your eyes, I love being next to you, & I love you!!!" 

I was in complete shock when I heard Erik saying those words, that he had never said that before. "Maddy..."

"Yes... Erik?" I said, not knowing what he was doing.

He opened a small box that had a diamond ring in it. I gasped, holding my hands to my mouth. "I ask your dad for his blessing, & he said 'yes'." Erik took a deep breath as he was really nervous. "Will you marry me?"

I was completely speechless. Erik was proposing to me!!! I looked down at him, with eyes full of hope. I smiled as tears ran down my face & said.

"Yes!!!" Erik smiled grew as he put on the ring on my ring finger. I leaped forward into his arms as he swung me around in circles. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!! I'll marry you!!!"

Erik & I were both shedding tears. Erik leaned into my face, & pressed his lips onto mine.

Then fireworks exploded into the air as everyone was screaming out 'Happy New Years'.

"Happy New Years my future bride."

"Happy New Years to you, my future husband. I love you."

"I love you most of all my petit bourgeon rose."

We held each other in our arms as we kissed our way through the night.

I love you Erik... I love you so much. Now Erik is my fiancé.


Hi RaddyMaddy here,

THANK YOU 4 THE 1,065 READERS!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy:) Thank you 4 the 60 votes, & 32 comments.

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