Chapter 1

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Hey guys I'm just going to let you know now since I forgot to last chapter that this is my first fanfic. I am open to constructive criticism as well as ideas to make it better. Please like and review so that I know what you think. Thanks for reading!

Danny's POV

"Hey Danny! How are you today?" Sam, one of my only two human friends asks me from behind me as I am getting my things from my locker.

"Hey Sam. Hey Tuck. I'm fine what about you guys?" I say putting on the best fake smile I could. I was woken up twice last night for ghost attacks and spent two hours trying to get them in the Fenton thermos after that. And then there is the fact that I had the same weird dream that I keep having about the crown of fire and ring of range. I also didn't get my homework done because of ghosts.

"Great considering I got out of the house before my parents saw me this morning." replied Sam.

"Yeah and I got the new PDA yesterday. Her name is Gina." adds Tucker. I laugh and enjoy the fact that some of my life is still normal. Even if I do keep them at a distance, they are still my best friends other than the ghosts I've started to hang out with.

"Danny, there is something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Yeah Sam?"

"Well, the thing is, I was kind of wondering-"


"Would you go out with me?" she says quickly and my face erupts in a blush. Unfortunately it isn't because I felt the same way. It's because of what I'm going to have to tell her.

"Sam, you're one of my best friends. You're also an amazing girl, but-"

"It's fine, you don't have to say any more."

"No. You need to know the reasons." my face gets even redder than before.

"Dude, why is your face so red?" Tucker questions.

"Because, the reason I won't go out with you is because you're a... a..."

"A what?" Sam says, angry that I won't come out and say it.

"A girl." I mumble.

"A what?" they both ask together.

"A girl okay!" by now my face must be a tomato.

"No way! You're gay." Tucker says surprised.

"Please don't tell anyone. My sister is the only one who knows."

"Don't worry Danny. We would never do something like that." Sam reassures me. I sigh when I realize she isn't mad about my rejection anymore.The warning bell rings and we all groan and start heading to our first period english class with Mr. Lancer.

~~~Line Break~~~

I get home and head straight for my room in hopes of avoiding Maddie and Jack. I don't really see them as parents anymore and when they aren't around, I can't stand calling them mom and dad. When I get there, I see a tall girl with red hair and blue-green eyes laying on my bed and reading. She has on a black shirt with blue jeans and a headband the color of her eyes.

"Jazz!" I yell, dropping my book bag on the floor in favor of running and tackling my sister.

"Hey little brother! How are you? Are you getting enough to eat? Are you sleeping well?" I laugh at her worrying. I missed that about her even if I complain about it while she is here.

"I am fine. Better now that you're here. I have been going shopping since my writing and art have been doing well and I make myself dinner most nights." I answer.

"But are you sleeping well?"

"How am I supposed to do that when Boxy gets out at least once a night?" She smiles sadly at me and puts a hand on a shoulder.

"Things will get better. I'm sure of it." I smile back and hug her. "By the way, while you were at school, dad came by said to have you meet him tomorrow morning at six. He says he has something he needs to talk to you about." I groan at the fact that he wants me to get up so early.

~~~Line Break~~~

"Hey, dad. You said you wanted to talk to me?" I say to my father. Ever since my evil future self tried to kill my sister and my only two friends, Clockwork has been like a father to me. It wasn't until I slipped up and called him dad for the first time, that he told me that he has always seen me as a son, even before we met. He has also taken Jazz as a daughter.

"Hello, Daniel. I did indeed. You see, there are going to be some changes coming up, and I have determined that it is for the best if I send a ghost to start school with you and help you through these harder times."

"What do you mean?" He looks at me as though saying 'you should already know my answer'. "Right, you were vague for a reason, good of the timeline, blah blah blah." I say grinning at him. He chuckles and nods his head.

"That is correct."

"Can you at least tell me who it is? No wait, let me guess. Dora?"







"Why don't I just tell you?"

"Fine! Way to take all the fun out of it. So, who is the lucky ghost that has the honor of spending time with the great Danny Phantom?"

"You sound quite full of yourself there ghost child. I feel it is you who should be honored to spend time with me."


"Daniel, language." dad reprimands.

"No way in hell am I going to school with HIM!"

"You know, I had a similar reaction when I first was told as well. Unfortunately, the stopwatch always knows what is best and I have been informed that I will be benefiting from this in some form. Therefore, I have agreed to accompany you to school."

I glare at the purple clad ghost in front of me. He is a tall, super skinny ghost with black hair and green eyes. His skin has a purple tint to it and he wears a grey scarf around his neck. He also has round glasses and pointed ears. I back away from the ghost that ruined my Christmas even more than it already was, in favor of being slightly hidden by my father.

"Ghostwriter is not your enemy anymore Daniel. You need to accept that. He will also be spending time with you and your friends after school. He will help cover for you when you need to go fight an attacking ghost, and provide assistance if necessary."

"But Dad-"

"Don't 'but dad' me. The timeline shows that this is the best course of action, not only for the world and ghost zone, but for you and Ghostwriter as well."

"FINE! But don't expect me to like it!" dad chuckles and I glare at him.

"Off you go now. The two of you are going to be late for school if you don't leave now."

"Not again! Please dad? Just this once? It was your fault."

"Alright. But only because we wouldn't want Andrew here to be late for his first day."


I grab ghostwriter by the arm and start dragging him along as I hear the familiar sound of "Time Out!" that is my father stopping the timestream to allow us to get to school on time.

"Hey Phantom, why do you keep calling Clockwork your dad?"

"The name is Danny, you should start calling me that so you don't slip up in front of the humans. And I call him dad because he is my adoptive father. He and Pandora are the closest things I've ever had to parents that actually care about me. They both see me as a son, so they decided to adopt me." He is silent for a long while. Understanding seems to be in his eyes and I can't help but wonder if he had a similar experience when he was still alive. I honestly didn't mean to tell him all of that. I haven't told anybody that much about me let alone somebody who was just recently an enemy. What is wrong with me?

"Andrew." I am jerked out of my thoughts at the sound of his voice.


"Call me Andrew. It was my name when I was alive, and it is the name I used to enroll in Casper High." We stand there looking at each other for a long time, a comfortable silence surrounding us. Then we both look down to realize that we are holding hands from when I started to drag him towards the portal.

"Sorry! I didn't mean- I was just- it-"

"It's fine. We are in a hurry. Right now I should be the one dragging you along."

"Right! School! Humans! Wait! Humans!"

"What are you on about now?"

"How are you supposed to go to school when you look like a ghost?" He smirks.

"I have a power that allows me to appear human." he says.

Next thing I know, his ears become less pointed, his eyes stop glowing but remain green, his ghostly tail became legs, and his ghostly aura disappeared making him appear like a normal, but very good looking, human teen. I feel myself start to blush and I turn away to continue going to school so he won't notice.

"Have you already been enrolled?"

"Yes. Your father has already taken care of that already." I nod my head. "Well I guess you will be hanging out with me and my friends while you are there. I will introduce you once we get there."

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