Chapter 14

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Elle's POV

I'm messing with the glowing green chains that hold me to the wall and block my powers as I wait for my next meal glumly. The man who took me brings them in every eight hours. They aren't the luxurious meals I get at home in the castle, but they are far better than the ones I got out of the trash cans when I lived on the streets, which were sometimes nonexistent.

"Why hello little princess. It seems as though your parents are getting closer to the castle. But don't worry, I won't let them get there. That would be too easy, wouldn't it?" A man wearing a white cape with random splotches of color littering it. He has a multi-colored mask on, a purple t-shirt with orange trim, brown dress pants, a blue tailcoat with yellow trim, and red sneakers.

"You're a bad man! Daddy and papa will stop you. I believe in them!" I yell at him as I struggle against my chains.

"Ah ah ah." he chastises, "Struggling will only waste energy. And your father will fall to me. Do you know why?" I take this pause to spit in his face. He wipes it off before answering his own question. "Because I have put years and years into my plan, ever since I saw my defeat at the boy's hands through my father's viewing screens."

"What do you mean your fathers viewing screens?" I ask, already dreading the answer.

"I'm your uncle, little girl. You see, your father was actually meant to be born as my twin. Unfortunately, there was an accident, and I was miscarried while my brother was the lucky one. Half alive. Ha! That should have been me. Now he wants to kill me again? Not gonna happen! I became the ghost of chaos when I came to the ghost zone. That means the more hectic things are, the more powerful I become! Clockwork took me in as his son when I showed up here. I didn't have much of a childhood considering I've looked like this since becoming a ghost. I skipped the aging and now, I'm this!" He spreads his arms as to present himself. "I know I'm impressive but don't be intimidated. In fact, I'll give you the once in a lifetime opportunity to join me. You can call me Uncle Mayhem! What do you say kid?" He holds his hand out to me.

"Show me what you really look like." He chuckles, but takes off his mask, smoothing out his hair in the process. I can't help the gasp that escapes my lips as the exact image of my father aside from the green hair and blue skin. "Well what are you waiting for uncle Mayhem, get these chains off of me and get me some real food, and you've got yourself a deal." I smile the fakest smile ever, and hope like hell that this man takes me with him to see daddy and papa. Then I can escape and help them take this lunatic down. But if what he is saying is true, then grandpa clocky has a lot of explaining to do.


Danny's POV

We are finally nearing the city. We should be there in about a half a day. The class is growing restless and the feeling like everything is going wrong just keeps growing. It doesn't sit right that we have gotten this far and haven't seen or heard from this Mayhem character.

"Everyone stop. Something's not right. You guys take them back to the acropolis. I want to scout ahead. I'll go get a carriage from the castle and bring it back to get you guys." I decide aloud.

"No way. You're not going on your own with some lunatic on the loose who has our daughter captive. It's not happening." Andy tells me.

"Andy, I need you to stay with the group. It's too dangerous not to have either you or me there to help protect them. Their lives come first. Not mine."

"Damn your hero complex. You aren't going alone. I don't care how powerful you are. I agree that something is not right. But we need to be rational about this-"

"I am being rational-"

"No you're not. I know it's hard, and all you want to do is go find her, but we can't do anything if we all end up dead. Then she would be in even more trouble than before. We're going to take a break and reassess the situation."

I nod my head and let him wrap me in a tight hug. We pull apart and pull team phantom to the side. I am surprised when I see Jack walking towards us.

"Danny, we need to talk." He tells me.

"About what?" He glances around nervously. "If what you're going to say is what I think it is, then they already know. In fact, even if it isn't what I think it is they already know. So go ahead." I prompt him to continue.

"Well, you're Phantom, aren't you? You always have been. I don't know how, but you can change your appearance, and even imitate having a heartbeat. You died and pretended you were still alive, still you."

"That's not entirely true. I am Phantom, but I'm not faking a heartbeat or anything like that. Now, I can't honestly deny giving myself panic attacks just to make it high enough to register as human when it's being checked, but that is totally different and, really, when am I ever honest with humans outside of team phantom?" I tell him with a forced grin.

"I didn't expect you to just come right out and say it." he says surprised.

"Well, with the way you've been so accepting and supportive of me and my friends during this trip, it didn't take much to realize that you figured it out. My only question, is how?"

"Come on, Danny, we both know you haven't exactly been hiding it. You all seem more at home here than anywhere else, you have amazing skills from what I've seen, and you two mentioned having a daughter. I was actually slightly suspicious before the trip when I realized how much you and Andrew look like the two who saved that little girl, who I'm assuming is the daughter that was mentioned before. While I am curious how you became half ghost, I understand that now isn't really the best time. I just wanted to let you guys know that I am here if there is anything I can do to help."

"Thanks, Jack. We were talking before about how if it weren't for you keeping her in line, we probably would have thrown Maddie off the path a long time ago. Of course, now the logical explanation for her extra rude behaviour, would be this Mayhem person that kidnapped Elle. He has powers to create chaos which is his most likely source of power. Do you think you could convince Maddie to put on this new specter deflector?" I ask holding the object up for him to see, "It will ignore the ecto signatures of benevolent ghosts, and protect her from the influence of ghostly powers. Mayhem will be unable to use her against us if she is wearing it."

"I can try. She will probably be suspicious but I think I can come up with something to convince her."


He walks away, specter deflector in hand. We get back to planning.

"We need to figure out a way to split up without putting either parties in danger." Andy points out.

"But how do we do that?" Val asks.

"What if we created clones of everyone to keep going the normal path, and take everyone back the way we came, or around the straight path. We have enough food to take a two day detour, but that would leave no room for anymore problems." Sam suggests.

"It's too much of a risk to use up all of our food supplies. What if we made the duplicates and turned everyone invisible?" Jazz interjects.

"There is no way that we can turn all of us invisible, and have duplicates of everyone. We would all have to be touching each other." Tucker points out.

"Danny can easily extend his invisibility to everyone. And I can write that we have clones. It takes a lot less energy than actually creating them." supplies Andy.

"But what would we tell the class?" I ask. Everyone is silent for a long time.

"We could give them each a pair of phantom phones, and have them push the button three times. Then, they would think that it's the cause of the invisibility, and we can talk to each other without yelling and catching Mayhems attention." says Tucker.

"Oh my god that's genius!" I exclaim. And with that, we get to work.

We decide to use the rope we brought along to tie everyone together so that nobody gets lost when we can't see each other. It's been an hour and so far, and nothing has gone wrong.

"You do realize that by thinking that, you have just jinxed us, right?" Andy asks me telepathically.

"Dammit!" I say in return.

"Oh little brother, I really thought that you were smarter than a stupid trick like this. After realizing that the others were clones, it wasn't hard to figure out what you did. It didn't take much to find you either. If I find the need to, I can see anyone who is invisible. It's really nice actually. Saves me a lot of trouble." A strangely familiar voice says in a degrading tone. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought I was the one talking. Other people didn't know any better.

"Danny, sweetheart was that you?" Maddie asks.

"No. Everyone, get behind us." I tell them, dropping our invisibility.

"You must be Mayhem. Where is our daughter?" Andrew asks.

"Come out my dear." A small cloaked figure walks out from behind him. The cloak was multicolored and looked really ugly. "Remove your cloak."

When the figure takes their cloak off. In its place, stands our three year old daughter.

"Elle!" team phantom shouts in unison.

"Go on child, show them who's side you're really on." Mayhem starts laughing in a way that only an insane person can.

"What did you do to her?!" I yell.

"Nothing but talk sense into her. At least she knows which side is the winning side. I'll give you credit for teaching her common sense little brother."

"You little-" I'm cut off by Andy posing a very important question.

"Why do you keep calling him little brother?"

"Little phantom, would you care to explain?" Mayhem asks Elle.

"Daddy, Uncle Mayhem was supposed to be your twin brother! He was miscarried and came back as a ghost! But he said you want to kill him. So we are going to beat you before you can! Isn't that great?" Elle tells me. Then she winks at us to make sure we know it's just an act.

"Now, little Phantom, go and show them what you can do." Mayhem orders.

I don't know if what Elle told us was true, but it doesn't matter right now. Our daughter is in trouble. Elle starts coming towards us and as soon as she is within range, I act.

"Andrew now!"

We push Elle behind us where Jazz is waiting to keep her away from this lunatic. Andy shows his true form, while I change to my king ghost form, and get ready for a fight. Team phantom gets out their prefered weapons aside from Jazz, who brings Elle to Jack with orders to protect her, before rejoining us and drawing her own weapon.

"I don't care who you are. You kidnapped our daughter. I hereby sentence you to afterlife in the dungeons. If you resist, we will use force to the point of second death if necessary." I tell him.

He shoots an ecto beam at me and I take that as my cue to attack.

"Let the fight begin."

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