Chapter |10|

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Does thou enjoy le baguette 🥖 sparklesparkle


Danny followed the rest of the guys to the locker rooms. He chatted with Kirishima and two other guys on the way there. Their names were Denki and Sero and they seemed to be pretty nice. Although Denki kept on making lowkey pervy comments on the girls but other than that he seemed like a fun person to hang out with. Sero was funny and seemed to be good friends with Denki. The three got along just fine.

"Man, your Japanese is so good if you didn't tell me I probably wouldn't have known you were from America," Sero said, the other two nodding along.

"Thanks, it's a part of my quirk which allows me to understand and speak any language fluently" Danny replied, immediately regretting it. He didn't want to sound like he was bragging.

"Dude that's so awesome!" Denki said smiling at the small ghostly teen.

"What do you mean 'part of your quirk' Danny kun?" Izuku asked, getting closer to Danny with a glint in his eyes that showed he was eager to learn more about the boy's quirk. Danny nervously smiled at the other small boy's expression.

"U-Um, well my main abili-" Danny was cut off by Iida.

"Since all of you are done changing we should go meet with Aizawa Sensei! We do not want to keep him waiting!" The tall boy exclaimed, making hand motions.

"Oh, well I guess you'll have to tell me later!" Izuku said.

"Yeah guess so"

They met up with the girls halfway there. Ochako, who Danny recognized from the Entrance Exam, immediately started talking with Iida and Izuku after saying hello to the ghostly teen.

"Hey, Mina!" Kirishima waved down a girl with pink skin, pink hair, yellow eyes, and yellowish horns.

'She looks so cool!' Danny thought.

She smiled and walked over to the four of them. Sero and Denki greeted her, it seemed they already knew her. She looked at Danny and smiled.
"Hi, I'm Mina Ashido, nice to meet ya!"

"I'm Danny, nice to meet you as well" Danny smiled back at her.

Soon, they all arrived outside where Aizawa was waiting for them. There was what looked to be a small obstacle course on the grassy field. They all stood side by side as they waited for Aizawa's instructions.

"Huh, how come there are so many crows out today?" Ochako wondered out loud. Danny, who felt uncomfortable under their beady-eyed stares, used Kirishima as a shield. Everyone else looked over at Tokoyami who didn't seem to notice.

"This will be like the normal fitness exams you took during middle school, however, this time you will be using your quirks to help you receive good scores" Aizawa explained, arms crossed.

"That's it? That sounds kinda like fun" Ochako said with an excited grin. Aizawa's expression morphed into a grin of his own. Danny became nervous, nothing good could come from that face.

"Fun hm? How about this, whoever comes in last place will be expelled" which earned several reactions from the class. Danny knew he wasn't bluffing, Nemuri and Yamada both told him stories of Aizawa expelling students who didn't seem fit to be in the hero course.

"B-But you can't do that!" Ochako nervously stammered out. Aizawa grinned again.

"Let's see about that"

Once everyone was done panicking, they waited for Aizawa to continue.

"Danny, since you scored first place in the exam you'll go first" Danny looked at Aizawa in utter betrayal. Aizawa ignored the look and motioned him to stand next to him. Danny did as told.

The cranky cat man gave him a softball. Danny looked at it in confusion.
"How far could you throw a softball without the use of your quirk?" He asked.

"I don't remember that was like a year ago" Danny mumbled, not wanting the rest of the class to hear.

"Okay, how far did you throw Yamada's vase that one time?" Aizawa also spoke in a quieter tone so the rest of the class didn't hear.

"Oh, like 50 feet"

"Use meters kid we're not in America anymore"

"I can't just magically convert feet into meters who do you think I am? Albert Newton?"

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that. Anyways, 15 meters is how far you can throw without using your quirk. Now throw the ball again, only this time use your quirk to your advantage" Aizawa spoke the last part so the class could hear.

"I-I don't think I can do it in front of all these people..." Danny shyly stuttered out.

"Oh for fucks sakes kid, if you do it I'll let you have a muffin tonight for des-"


Everyone watched in awe as the softball disappeared from their sight. Izuku began mumbling excitedly about what his quirk could be. Aizawa blinked in slight surprise then looked down at his phone.

1609 Meters.

"Woah! Dude that was so MANLY!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"So who's gonna go get it?"

"I vote Mineta"

"I second that vote"

"I third it"

"Guys whyyyyy"


An hour and a half later the Quirk Assessment was finished. He was worried about Izuku throughout the whole assessment but knew he would be able to make it. After all, he managed to beat a zero-pointer in the exam.

The curly-haired teen managed to throw the softball 705.3 meters after Aizawa interrupted him the first time. His fingers broke which explains his hesitance to use his quirk. That's a sucky-ass drawback.

After changing back into their uniforms, they all walked back into their classroom. They all sat in their respective seats as they waited for Aizawa to speak.

"Alright, the scores are up," Aizawa said as a list of names and scores was projected onto the whiteboard.

Danny saw that he was in 2nd place which caused him to smile, relieved. His smile disappeared when he saw Izuku was in last place.

Izuku himself looked distraught. Ochako and Mina began to comfort him when Aizawa spoke once more.
"Also, I was only joking about expelling whoever came in last place. That was only so you all would try your best"

Izuku looked about ready to pass out from either shock or relief.

"You guys didn't know?" Yaoyorozu tilted her head in confusion.

"No, we didn't know! I think I lost a few years of my life stressing about it" Denki melted into his chair. Danny poked the side of his face to see if he was still alive.

There were only a few minutes left of class so Aizawa let them all get to know each other. He said it's important to have a strong relationship with your future heroes but Danny knew it was just so he could take a nap.

"Oh, Danny Kun, I've been meaning to ask about your quirk. Um.. what is it exactly? I've tried to analyze it during the assessment but couldn't quite see" Izuku asked as he turned around in his chair to face him.

"Yeah, I've been curious about it too! You threw that ball pretty far so it must be some type of strength quirk right?" Ochako asked.

"Um.. not exactly, it's called 'Ghost' which gives me the same abilities as a ghost! Such as ectoblasts, invisibility, intangibility, Ghost speak, flight, portal making, ghostly wail, cytokinesis, and a few more I'm still experimenting with!" Danny finished explaining. Everyone was staring at him in shock.

"w-what's wrong?" Danny became nervous at the looks.

"Ghosts..? What kinda ghosts can shoot blasts and create portals" Sero voiced everyone's thoughts.

"Um.. all of them? Well most of them. All ghosts have invisibility, intangibility, and flight but a ghost's core determines the rest. For example, I have an ice core which is why I have cryokinesis" Danny had already explained all this to Aizawa.

"S-So g-ghosts exist..?" Mineta shivered in fear.

"Yup! Although most are nice. There is one who wants my pelt though so some are also quite rude"

"I knew ghosts were real! Awesome!" Denki exclaimed.

"Yeah, so manly!"

"So we just gonna bypass the pelt comment?"


"So kid, how was your first day?" Aizawa asked as he took a bite of their dinner. Danny wore an excited grin as he told the older man all about his first day. He told him about the friends he made and how everyone was super nice to him.

"Hey, Aizawa? How come you lied about joking about expelling whoever came in last place?" Danny asked. Aizawa knew the kid would catch that. No doubt Yamada and Nemuri told him about the entire class he had expelled.

"Same reason why I decided to take you with me to Japan. The kid has potential"


Hope you enjoyed thaaaat :D

If you notice any spelling or grammar mistakes pls let me knowwwww

Tis all,

Good day.

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