Chapter |7|

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Danny yelped when he was awoken by the loud shrieking of his alarm clock. He quickly turned it off before rolling onto his side and curling up in a ball.

Today was the entrance exam, the thing he had been stressing over for almost a month. His stomach was in knots, he doesn't think he'll be able to eat breakfast. He groaned and got out of bed before throwing on a long sleeve gym shirt and some athletic pants. He gathered the rest of his stuff and put it in a bag before walking out into the living room where Aizawa was cooking breakfast.

"Morning" the hero mumbled, hair in a messy bun and bags under his eyes. Danny looked similar, minus the messy bun. Danny's hair was pretty long but wasn't long enough for that.

Danny mumbled a barely coherent "morning" back. He flopped himself onto a chair and pressed his forehead against the table.

"Nervous?" Aizawa asked, already knowing the answer, as he placed down some steamed rice and a bowl of miso soup. Danny lifted his head and grabbed a spoon. He hasn't quite yet gotten the hang of chopsticks.

"Very, I know I'm used to fighting villains and stuff but what if I mess up? In front of everyone? What if I fail and I get sent back to-" Danny immediately cut himself off. He hoped Aizawa wasn't paying attention, he hoped Aizawa wasn't paying attention.

But of course, the tired hero always paid attention. He would never send Danny back to his parents. He has plenty of evidence that the Fentons are shitty parents. The minute Danny says he wants him to, Aizawa will fight for custody.

"You're not going to fail. When I see someone who genuinely wants to help people I'm not going to sit back and miss the opportunity to give this world a hero it needs. Besides, Nezu has already taken a liking to you and has no doubt already marked you as an official student of U.A" He wasn't lying, the rat has learned a lot of stories about the kid from Yamada and Nemuri. Aizawa also told him a bit about his quirk when he had given the mouse/bear/whateverthefuckhewas the glove.

Danny relaxed a bit before giving the tired hero a small smile.

"No problem kid, now hurry up and finish your breakfast. Unless you want to pass out halfway through I suggest eating all of it" Aizawa said as he sat down across from the ghostly teen. Danny groaned but took a bite of rice.

"...can I have a muffin instead?"



"You see that large building over there?"

"That one?"

"Yes, that's where the instructions will be told so head over there" Aizawa was half tempted to walk him there himself, since the kid had a habit of getting lost, but decided against it. He had to meet with the rest of the teachers.

"Okay, wish me luck!" Danny's nervousness had eventually turned into excitement. He was still nervous about the exam, but the thought of getting in and making friends excited him.

"You won't need it" Aizawa grinned along with Danny. Passerby's shivered at the seeming menacing grins the two had plastered on their faces. It seemed neither of them knew how to smile properly.

Danny waved goodbye before heading towards the large building. He had followed a large crowd of students so he wouldn't get lost.

"Hey man!" A cheerful voice greeted from beside him. Danny jumped a bit but turned and saw a guy around his age. He had spiked red hair and red eyes. He gave Danny a toothy grin and waved.

"O-Oh, hi!" Danny cringed at his overly cheerful greeting. The red-haired teen didn't seem to care though.

"So are you aiming for the hero course? I'm Kirishima Eijiro" He introduced.

Oh right, people introduced themselves using their last names here. He didn't want to say Fenton though, this was a new phase of this life.
"I-I'm Danny, and yeah, what about you?" Danny found himself relaxing as he talked to the red-haired teen.

"Heck yeah! Heroes are so manly. Especially Crimson Riot! I have a hardening quirk kinda like him too. What about you? What's your quirk?" Kirishima asked. He was quite a chatty person, kinda like Yamada.

"My quirk is called 'ghost' which means I have the basic powers of ghosts along with a few other abilities" Danny explained, thinking that shooting spikes of ice and creating portals are normal attributes for a ghost.

"Woah, that's so manly! I hope we get in! That'd be so awesome if we were in the same class too!" By now the two of them had made it into the building. They walked into the auditorium but saw that there was no empty seat side by side so the two had to split up. Kirishima gave him his number which he put into his new phone Aizawa had gotten him. He doesn't know how to use it yet since he's never really owned a phone before.

But hey, he fixed his parents' high-tech ghost portal when he was ten so this should be a piece of cake.

Danny found a seat next to a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks.
"Hi! I'm Uraraka Ochako!" She happily introduced with a smile. Danny smiled back, making friends wasn't so hard. Everyone was so nice to him. Much nicer than his old classmates in Amity.

"I'm Danny, nice to meet you" He gave her one of his toothy grins.

Yamada entered the auditorium which caused everyone to quiet down.
"Heeeey boys and gals! How are you all doing this exciting day? Everyone say 'hey!'" Yamada yelled out in his usual chirpy tone of voice.

Poor Yamada, nobody said hey besides Danny. Although in fear of being heard he whispered it so it didn't count. Yamada shrugged it off before going on to explain how the practical exam would work. You had ten minutes to destroy as many villains, aka robots, as you can. There were four robots in total. A robot that was worth one point, another two, another three, and the last one, zero. Danny's enhanced hearing picked up on some kid with green curly hair mumbling.

Suddenly, a smart-looking kid with glasses stood up and began saying how U.A is a very prestigious school and couldn't afford to make mistakes. He then turned towards the mumbling kid and said that 'if you're not going to take this seriously, then you can just leave!' Danny felt bad for the green-haired kid who looked a bit nervous. Heck, Danny would have gone invisible if that was him. The smart-looking kid was kinda scary.

Yamada nodded and began explaining that the last robot was going to be used as a distraction and wasn't worth anything. Bowing in apology and understanding, the smart-looking kid sat back down much to the relief of the curly-haired kid.

There would be three exams held since they couldn't fit everyone in at once. Danny was part of the group going first which he was both happy and unhappy about. At least he'd be able to get it over with sooner.

Danny was a bit bummed out when he realized Kirishima wasn't in his group. Luckily the scary-smart dude wasn't either.

Danny had put on some black fingerless gloves to wear along with his athletic getup. Aizawa also forced him to put on some headgear in case he passed out mid-exam and ended up smacking his head on the ground. It happened once before which resulted in a nasty concussion.

Danny stood at the entrance of the 'battlefield' along with everyone else in his group. He suddenly heard Yamada's voice over the intercom.

"Go, you didn't expect there to be a countdown, did you? There's never countdowns in-hero situations!"

Danny took off running into the training grounds along with everyone else. He went immediately into what he called "Hero Mode" where he focused on rescuing pedestrians and capturing ghosts. In this case, the ghosts were the robots.

He immediately blasted through a three-pointer then ripped out the wiring of a two-pointer by phasing his hand into the machine. He shot an ectoblast at a one-pointer heading his way. After realizing he had destroyed all the robots in his area, he went out to search for more.

As he was looking for more 'villains', he saw a kid stuck under some rubble. He quickly phased them out.
"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, thanks!" The kid then ran off to gather points.

Every time he saw someone stuck or about to get hurt, he helped them. It was his instinct, sometimes he didn't realize he was helping someone until they were thanking him.

"2 more minutes left kiddos!"

Had 8 minutes passed? Time seems to go by in a flash. He had just destroyed two more three-pointers when the ground began to rumble. At first, he thought it was an earthquake until he turned and saw a big ass robot the size of a fucking tower.

"The fuck they didn't mention the fourth robot was a fucking transformer" He stated.

Back in the observation room, Yamada turned to look at Aizawa in disappointment.

"You taught our innocent bean bad words!" He accused.

"That kid's vocabulary was never innocent, to begin with. Now get away from me you blonde nuisance"

Back at the training ground, Danny turned to get the hell out of there. He froze when he heard a small yelp. He turned and saw a guy whose leg was stuck under a boulder. It was the same kid he had first helped.

The robot's foot lifted and Danny's eyes widened. If he didn't do something the dude will end up getting stepped on.

Like a roach.

And nobody wanted to be associated with roaches.

Danny immediately took action and froze the ground. The ghostly ice traveled through the ground and up the robot's leg. He only meant to freeze the robot's leg but ended up freezing the entire thing. The robot ceased all movement as the ice engulfed its frame.

"Oh.. oops.. I definitely overused my quirk"

He quickly fished the kid out from under the boulder before turning to head out of the arena. He wanted to get to Aizawa before he inevitably passed the fuck out.

He immediately passed out a second before Yamada announced that the time was up.


Danny had woken up twenty minutes later in the recovery girls' office. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"Oh, good you're up! You're looking much healthier than the last time I saw you" the Recovery girl said as she walked into the room.

Danny smiled tiredly at her before yawning.
"No going to sleep quite yet. You still have to do the written exam"

Danny let out a pathetic-sounding whine but immediately perked up when Recovery girl handed him a sucker.
"Oh now stop that, I'm almost positive you'll do great" The old woman gave him a wrinkled smile.

"Really?" Danny asked as he unwrapped the sucker and put it in his mouth. She nodded, smile still in place.

"Now I need to go heal some more students, off you go" She shooed Danny off the bed and out the door. She handed him a very detailed map so he wouldn't get lost before closing the door.

Did he still manage to get lost?

Yeah lol


all doneeee

I was gonna split this up into two chapters but decided against it.

If u see any mistakes pls lemme knooowwww

Tis all,

Good day.

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