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Wayo's pov

I check my phone after I take a relaxing shower and soak myself inside the bathtub .After I come back home from the office I fall asleep and just woke up about an hour ago.

I saw Ming text ,then I open it.

Wayo,I got that looking alike P'Pha instagram.You can go and check it yourself.

( @gxxod_Nxxk )

I smile and reply to him.I know he is trying to help me.

Thank you Ming 😘               

I login to my Instagram account and type the username that Ming just send to me .And just a few second ,I found it!

I tap at the username and his account show up. Thank god its not a private account. Then I stalk that Nick account. Going thru his post one by one.


Liked by 98,2976 others

I know I look so damn hot in white😎


nicknick   P nick u look handsome as always
gtyas   so manly😍
cool_gxx    can u be more cool than this...

Liked by 76,4298 others

May I sit before we talk😎


Tanya_tan    Omg!so hot
Aglioz       who is he? actor?
Nick_xx  @Aglioz u gotta be kidding me ..U don't know him?
Thesexy     😍😍😍

Liked by 96,5980 others



Nicknick    sexy as fxxx
ufxxkid      oh god..bless my eyes
Aloner        when u know u is good looking ..
dark_rose     now i can die😍in peace..


Wow..he does have a lot of fans .And he really look like P'Pha..that smile..that eyes..that nose..but he is different. His personality doesn't look the same at all... I'm a liar if I say I don't feel anything watching all of his picture .He remind me to the only person who broke my heart .But I guess maybe Ming is right. He just look like P'Pha. But he is not P'Pha.

I really miss P'Pha right now .P'Pha who always hug me when I want to sleep. The one who wake me up in the morning. The one who always touch and caress my face .I really miss him but in the same time I hate him. He cheated on me. He leave me.

Oh god...what should I do.??

I turn off my phone and laying on my bed .My eyes focus on the ceiling . I already take a medicine that P'Kit give me and that make me slowly close my eyes. And without I realize it, I already fall asleep.

forgeting all what I've been thinking...


The sound from my phone that keep ringing wake me up from my sleep. I reach my phone and see who is exactly calling me at this 4 a.m.

Uiii...12 missed call from unknown number .Who number is this ??.Maybe its Ming. I try to call back.


That person pick up!

         "Hello?" silence

         "Hello?who is this?" still silence.

Because that person do not speak a thing .I just hung up .Then I block that number. The clock showing 4.30 a.m and my eyes still feel heavy to open. Then I decide to continue my sleep without no one disturb.


Beam's pov

I just can't sleep even tho its already 3 a.m.Maybe because I miss Forth. I try to call Forth but its can't be reach .Its make me kinna worried a bit. Then I login my Instagram account to see if Forth post anything.


Liked by 65,4397 others

Miss me😏?

4567 comment


Shit!! did he know I'm gonna look for him .But I can't help but to keep smiling watching the picture of the two of us.

While I was scrolling the Instagram page.I got a text massage from Forth. I read it without waiting even a second.

Open the door my sweetheart.I'm infront of  your door right now.U miss me right 😏

I jump from my bed run to open the door for him. Before open the door I try to control my feeling and calming myself.

" What are you doing here at this hour?" I ask as soon I open the door. Trying to look calm as possible.

"I come because I can feel that someone miss me." he said while smiling. He walked into my room without asking me.

When he walk infront of me I notice that his hand and his knee is bleeding. And that make me kinda panic a bit.

" What happen to you.!?.. Bleeding all over.!? tell me what happen!! " I pulled his hand ask him to sit on the bed and run to take the first aid box at the bathroom.

"Accident .But its not that bad .I can't feel the pain tho". He said like nothing happen.

Hearing he said like it was nothing make me feel angry. Then I push his wound with the cotton that I already put an antibiotic on it. And I heard his small scream.

"Arghhh..calm down sweetheart...U gonna hurt me do u know that." he said and look at his wound hand.

" Serve your right. You said that you don't even feel the pain right?.Then why are you screaming?" I ask then raised my left brow.


Forth's pov

This small guy really gets my nerves on. His lips...I can't stand just to watch his lips.

Without I realize I grab his neck put his lips and mine together. He tried to pulled back but I won't let him do that .Because tonight he gonna be Mine.

The pain that I feel just now, is already gone .I grab his waist with my other hand. And push him onto the bed.

I can see his face.I know he is scared .When I pull his shirt off his body I can see his eyes. Is he gonna cry? I ask myself.

" Beam.. I'm sorry.. We don't have to do this if you don't want to." I said that then sit back at the edge of the bed, feeling kinda stupod right now..I should at least ask him..damn yiu stupid Forth..

I thought that Beam really don't want me. But suddenly I can feel his kiss behind my neck. And that make me shiver down to my spine. His warm breath really turned me on.

" You can do whatever you want Forth .But after that promise me let me treat your wound." he said that then backhug me. With his chin rest on my shoulder.

" I promise you my sweetheart."

Within that , The moon and the star has become the witness of our love that night.

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