°The Last Kiss💋 (End)°

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Phana's pov

Everyone just remain silence in the car while  I'm driving including First that sit beside me. Kit already inform the police and tell Forth and Beam too. Even tho our body feel sticky cause we don't even have a time to take a bath. Don't worry Wayo I will find you. I promise.

"Hey , Phana.. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't disturb Wayo. "First suddenly start ro talk to me. After 15 minute in the car.

"You know what First . I never thought that you love Wayo so much. But looked at all the picture inside your house its make my heart hurt. I really want to kill you but I can't." My eyes still focusing on the road.

"Pha..actually there's something you should know about Park. He is... actually my younger brother.
All the picture in the house is belong to him. I have to admit that I like Wayo. And being a psychopath because I don't want people to think bad about him. Everything that I done to Wayo is just to protect him. Park emotion is not stable. Remember the day a I ask him to drink and let him drunk. I do that because Park is looking for him. I have to distracted Wayo. I need to let Wayo always stay away from Park." I turn my head and look at First face. He just bow his head and look at his legs.

"Wh...what do you mean First.?But why u do that if you don't like Wayo?" I ask .My hand shaking heard what First just say right now.

" I have my reason Pha. Now drive ..We need to save Wayo ..remember??" He tilted his head and smile. His finger point to the road ask me to keep driving cause I stop my car when he was talking about Park. I can't believed that Park is  his brother. Plus he become a psychopath because of him. That stupid.But why he did that..I just cant stop thinking about it. Ming and Kit in the backseat also look curious.

"Pha..Forth said he on his ways.He need to pick up Beam at home then here.Calm down okay friend". Kit said and patted my shoulder. Ming don't say anything he just looked out the window and he look so worried.


Wayo's pov

"P'New .. Can't you untied my hand. Its hurt. Please P" I beg P'New because my hand feel really sting right now.

"I can't sweetheart. Because if I do that. I'm sure you gonna fibd a way to run from me." He said while sit next to me.

"Hey you crazy..just let me go you son of a b***h !! Let me go you stupid!! " I start to scream and shout at him cause I already at my limits. I don't want to beg him anymore.

"Wayo stop it.!" he hold my hands trying to make me stop. But I don't care anymore what he gonna do. All I think is I need to get out from this place. I can see P'New face.He look furious. I scream and shouting and trashing till my hand bleeding. But then all he slapped me twice and I don't know what happen next. everything turn black.


Phana's pov

Almost 2 hours we finally reach our destination.At New house. I don't even rang the bell. I don't even think to much.I just broke the locked door and walked into the house.

"New!!! where the hell are you.? come out now!!" I shouted call his name. Its not take to long he shows up.

"Well..well..Phana what are you doing here.?" He ask and smiled widely.How dare he smiled infront of me.

"Where is Wayo ??" I tried to hold my anger while asking to him.

"How would I know where is Wayo."

"You stupid bastard.!" I run to him and punch his face. Then First ,Ming and Kit hold him.

"Pha..go and find Wayo ..We hold him here.Go ." First sais while hold that bastard hand.

I run to look at room by room. F**k I hate big house . At the thirth room I open and saw him. I see Wayo.With his hands and legs being tied . All the bruises, and theres a blood coming out from the corner of his mouth. No..No...Wayo.. I run to him. Untied all the rope. And lifted him on my arm. He look so weak. I run back with Wayo on my arm.

"Come on.We beed to bring Wayo to the hospital." Ming,Kit and First let New hands and run to the car with me.

"Wait Phana..Its not that easy to take Wayo from me!" I turn my head and see New running with a knife to me.But suddenly First shows up infront of me. And the knife that supposed to be stab on me has been stabbed at First stomach. Ming shock and don't want to let New run he grab a vast and knock New head with it and make him faint.

"Ph...Pha...I'm sorry..remember when I said I have a reason when protecting Wayo? Thats because I want you to be happy.. I don't love Wayo..But the person that I love all this time is you ..its you Phana Kongthanin." He lean closed to me and without I realize it he kissed me .First actually protecting Wayo from his own brother because of me. First fall into Kit arm. He closed his eyes slowly and everything become quiet. He's gone.

"No..no..no..First wake up you idiot. you cant die yet stupid.wake up!" I shake his body but no respond. He let his body get stab just to protect me. But now he's gone. I look at Wayo that still unconcious and hugged him. The police come Afew minute after First already leave us all. Forth and Beam come with the police.


2 months later..

Beam's pov

Everything is going back to normal except for First is no longer with us. Me and Forth already married. Wayo and Phana is going for a Photoshoot. Wayo always accompany Phana if he has a photoshoot outside the studio. Kit and Ming still love each other. But the different is Kit is no longer grumpy.  New is in the jail. And Park moved to New York after First funeral.

"Beam sweetheart. Are you done yet.?" Forth voice from the kitchen wake me up from my daydream.

"Yes..yes..I'm done" I grab my coat and wallet then walked to the kitchen and hug Forth.."I love you naaa".

Forth smiled and kiss ny forehead. " I love you too".

A/N : Thank You BABIESSSSSS... I love you alllsss


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