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Phana's pov

"Oii Forth..Don't lifted my son while you were cooking..what if the hot oil splatter." I look at Forth that still don't let go of my son.

"Look Cooper..your dad is so possessive about you.." Forth put Cooper on the table and start talking about me.

" You know...Your dad always possessive about your mommy before they get married. He never let anyone touch your mommy. He buy alot of thing to your mommy. He is a stubborn guy but listen to your mommy well. Thats why your mommy accept his proposed and marry him." Forth laugh and look at me.

"Just like what uncle Daniel do..But mommy didn't accept his proposed .. Mommy said he still love daddy thats why..." Cooper said while smiling.

I walked toward my son and sit infront of him. Forth turn off the stove and call Ming to sit together. With Cooper on the table.

"Uncle Daniel proposed mommy??..Can baby tell daddy what happen ? everything...please.." I hold my son hand and smile. Why Wayo didn't tell me that Daniel proposed him.

"Ermm...Uncle Daniel always help mommy. One day he ask mommy for a dinner ..mommy said he can't reject that invitation because he owe uncle Daniel. When we are eating ..Uncle Daniel kneel infron of mommy with a ring box and he proposed mommy. But mommy said he can't accept uncle Daniel. He said Uncle Daniel is a good guy.. But his heart only belong to daddy." I look at my son and smiled.

"Thank you baby..." I said and kiss his cheeks.


Wayo's pov

"Oh Wayo..hows your life with Phana now?? Are you two okay??." P'Kit ask me when we just sitting on the bed and talking about our life.

"Yes..everything is fine P..Cooper and P'Pha know father and son.. Sometime I feel like they  planning something without I know." I chuckled and look at P'Beam.

"P'Beam..I heard you want to adopt a kid?"

"Yes..I want to adopt one.. But its hard. I already try like 4 times and they reject it. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm not like you.. I hope I like you..But I'm not." P'Kit patted P'Beam back slowly.

"Well my friend has an orphanage. Maybe she can help you." I can see him smiled when I said that..

"Really..then its gonna be great..But don't tell Forth okay..lets keep it a secret between us."P'Beam said the laughed alone. Well he look really happy right now.

"Wifeyyy....Food is ready!!" P"Forth voice make three of us stand up . We look like a hungry wolf right now.

I run down with P'Beam and P'Kit. But you know that I'm clumsy so I tripped over my feet and my body flew.Oh..shit..I close my eyes. This gonna be hurt. But after a few second I open my eyes and see that I'm in my husband arm.

"Wayo!..Can you be more careful.Thank god I'm here..what if I'm not here..You gonna get hurt..Stop making me worried please..! He burried his face on my shoulder and hug me tightly

My husband is acting weird. I look at P'Forth but he just shrugged his shoulder. What happen to my husband??

"P'Pha..don't worry you will always beside me right...You always be my knight..Naa..Look at me.." I cupped his face and look at him. And kiss his lips.

I has to tip toe just to kiss him. I break the kiss and smiled at him.

" two..stop it..we're hetting hungry already.." P'Beam scream make me laugh. I pulled P'Pha hand and sit on the chair. I look at my son that sit on P'Kit laps. He just like his dad..Clingy and spoil..

" will always love me right??" P'Pha ask me then kiss back of my hand.

"Yes baby..I'll always love you..always.. Why you acting weird today P'Pha..? Is anything wrong??" I can see his smiled.. But at the same time I can sense something is wrong. His hand kinda shaking..And he look weird.

Even when we talk about Daniel that day he more calmer than this.. I look at him. And see he just playing with his food. Then my heart pounding like its will explode.

Oh my god...I feels weird...

A/N : yuhuuu...I'm back...R u tired of me??? please don't😭..... Haha..Remember I said I want a happiness with them all the time.. I'm sorry i have to break my promise..I need to put a bit of salt in this sugar(wtf😂)....

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I Love You Guyss😍☺😊😘

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