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Phana's pov

1months later

"P'Pha..what are you doing...?" Wayo suddenly come and hug from behind. I smiled and turn to look at him.

"I'm just counting a star baby.. Wheres Cooper.?" I ask as I kiss his eyes. He look so cute with his super large shirt. My shirt actually..Since he pregnant he love to wear shirt..when he sleep.

"He with Ming and P'Kit.."

"Oh..." Thats also normal. Ming and Kit also Forth and Beam..they always kidnap our son when they come.

"P'Pha..Do you love me??" I smile and grab his waist and pulled him closer.

"Of course I love you baby. I always love you..Forever..". I said as I plant a kiss on his lips. Thats the normal thing I do everyday..maybe every hour I guess. He really love asking me that question .

He giggle then kiss my chest. "P'Pha..P'Forth said he already found the guy who stab you last month."

I look at him and smile. Thank god.. Wayo always worried about that.. He never let me go out alone after that day. He and Cooper always follow me even tho I just want to go out and wash my car. My wife just cute.

"We need to go to the police station tomorrow morning."

"Okay baby..Did Ming and Kit bring Cooper to their house?" Wayo nodded his head and smiling.

"Then just leave me and you??" I smirk and look at him. I really miss him. Like know what I mean..

"Whatever you thinking..don't think P'Pha..Let sleep.." I pouted but still followed him to the bed after I closed the balcony window.

I layed beside him and hug him.I placed my face burried on his neck.

"Goodnight Beauty..."

"Goodnight Beast..."


"What do you mean he get away!!" Wveryone look at me when I suddenly acream in this police station.

"I don't know ..but theres someone in here that helping him..I'm sorry Mr.Kongthanin. "

This stupid fucking polices can't even take care of one criminal.

"Calm down Phana..they will find him...don't worry.."Forth trying to calm me down. Wayo and others didn't come to the police station with us. I ask Ming to look at them at my house.

We almost reached our car when suddenly Forth phone rang. He take out his phone from his pocket and asnwer it.

"Hey baby.." I look at his face exspression changing slowly then look at me. "Okay..okay..Look at Cooper carefully..Bring him to our place. Now!"

"What wrong Forth..? What happen??"

Forth ignore me and look at his phone. I van heard a sound of people screaming and asking for help. I walked toward Forth and look at the video, is that Wayo and Ming??

"Someone Kidnap Ming and .....Wayo.I'll go and tell the police..and I want you to take this car and go to my house first Phana..I'll ask the police to check this video...go Now! "  I grab the car key and drove away.

I will kill the shit who did this.

I approximately 15 minute I arrived at Forth house. I saw Kit car there and ring the bell. Kit open the door with Cooper in his hand. His eyes is red and swollen.

"Daddy..the bad guy take mommy and uncle Ming.." My sons start crying again.

"Don't worry know daddy is  strong right..I will bring mommy and uncle Ming back. I promise.." I kiss my son cheeks slowly. Then my phone ringing . Its Forth.

"Phana..I know where they are..I send you the location now. I'm and the polices is on our way."

"Thanks Forth.." I hangup and look at the location he send. "Baby..I will go and save mommy and uncle..I want you to be a good boy and protect uncles Beam and uncle Kit..can you do that?" He nodded. I smile and look at Kit..

"I'll bring him back Kit.." Kit nodded and patted my shoulder. I jumped into the car and put that location in the gps.

"Just wait a bit more baby.."


Wayo's pov

I open my eyes and see Ming infront of me. I tried to move but I can't. I have been tied to a huge pole.Same with Ming. I look around but I see nobody..

The last thing that I remember is I was throwing a trash with Ming..and then....what happen??

"Ming..aii Ming...Aii bahhh!! wake up!" Ming open his eyes slowly and start looking around.

"What the fuck.!..Did someone kidnap us?" He just realize that he has been tied. How can I have a friend like this.

"Maybe..but who??"

" two wake up already?? Hows its feels ?"

Suddenly a skinny tall boy walked in with a few people behind him. He holding a pistol in his hand. Who the fuck is this.. Please don't hurt me and my baby..And my stupid friend to...

"I'm supposed to take this guy only..But you always stick with him..thats why I have to take you with me..Sorry.." He talk with Ming but point the gun at my head.

"You is so freaking crazy man!!! Let us go stupid bastard!!" Ming start to shout.

"I heard your voice again..He die.." He look at Ming and smirk.

I can't help but to scream. I feels really scared right now..My son and my husband keep running in my head.

"Why you do this to us.?? We don't even know you...!" I said and look at him. He pulled  the gun away and laugh..

"You destroy my life !!! Because of you Daniel is ignoring me.!! all because of you..!!" That guy start screaming and look at me.

" you me... means...  I don't understand..?" I know Daniel..but this guy?

"I'm Daniel fiancee Seongwoo."

"Daniel never mention that he has a fiancee.." I furrowed my brow and look at that guy in the eyes. He look so mad right now.

"That because he in love with you..I really try hard to win his heart.. I do everything for him. But he can't just forget you.. I don't see anything special with you. He can just forget you if you are gone. I pay someone to kill you..But that guy is so stupid and he stab the wrong person." P'Pha..

"He got caught..and I have to help him out from that prison so he won't open his mouth. Then I ask him to bring you here..But he freaking.Bring your friend along.. So I kill him. So useless." He scrath his head using the gun on his hand.

"I'm sorry...But Theres nothing between me and Daniel. Daniel said to me that he already move on and inlove with someone. Maybe its you..Please thia ia not the way.." I cry and beg him.

"Whatever." He spray something on our face and slowly my vision blurred ..Then the last thing I remember is his laugh..

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