Early Morning Sunrises (short)

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This is short But check out the fic



Rocket grumbles as sun hits his closed eyes, waking him from his sleep. He closes them tighter, attempting to roll onto his other side to hide from the light. The rocketeer quickly notices his arm is stuck, his eyes blinking open in alarm. Adjusting to the light, Rocket is met with the face of a sleeping Sword who's ontop of his arm.

Sighing with relief, memories of his previous day out with Sword swarmed his head. They had been so tired, they both just crashed at Sword's house, too exhausted to walk Rocket back home. Examining his friend's face, Rocket stiffled a giggle. Sword was passed out, his mouth slightly open with just the slightest bit of drool seeping out. His eyebrows were furled as if he was concentrating in his dream.

Turning his attention back to his arm, the blue demon winced as he felts pins and needles pierce through his muscles whenever he slightly moved it. "Sword." Rocket growled in an attempt to wake the red demon. "Sword!" He repeated whenever his friend didn't budge. Growling through a sigh, Rocket vowed to sleep with his prosthetics on next time he shared a bed with this lazy lump!

Untangling his leg from between Sword's, Rocket shuffled himself away from the latter, attempting to pull his arm out from underneath him. Pulling his arm free, Rocket failed to realize how close to the edge of the bed he was, causing him to fall off with a hiss as he hit the floor.

The noise caused Sword to jump awake, "..huh??" He looks confused at Rocket.

"YOU PUSHED ME OFF!" Rocket accuses, pulling himself back in bed, sitting up to glare down at Sword.

"..wuhh?" Sword is still only half aware of his surroundings, his eyes half-lidded with sleep.

"Shut up." Rocket growls, laying back down with his back to Sword. Despite his embarrassment, he doesn't fight the arms that wrap around him, pulling him so his back is pressed against Sword's chest. "You need to get curtains for that damned window."

"Mhmm.." Sword presses his nose into Rocket's head, "j'st... go t' slee' man." The demon's voice is barely louder than a whisper, low and soft as he drifts back to sleep.

Rocket huffs, grabbing one of Sword's hands and interlocking their fingers as he settles back down to sleep. It was too early to be dealin' with all of this.


It may be short but let the author cook 

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