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{TW} Character death ,, Suicide

"Sword?" Rocket's voice calls out hesitantly. Sword had texted him to come over quickly, yet hadn't opened the door. Rocket let himself in, peering through the dark and seemingly empty house. Walking towards where he knew Sword's room was, he knocked on the closed door, "Sword?"

The door suddenly swings open and Rocket is grabbed by a force, pulling him in. Caught off guard, Rocket yelps as he looks up to see a sweat-drenched Sword pull the blue demon into his chest. "Sword, are you alright?" Rocket asks, pulling away from the red demon to examine him.

"Uh- ..yeah- yeah, I'm alright." Sword stutters. His body was shaking and he was looking around wildly like something was going to happen from any and every angle. "I'm alright." The bigger demon repeats, almost as if he were trying to convince himself.

"What's wrong?" Rocket asks, reaching up to put his hand on his lover's cheek. "Sword, tell me what's wrong." His voice is demanding as the bigger demon turns his gaze away.
"I-.." Sword's voice trails off. "Rocket.." He turns his gaze back to the shorter blue demon. His eyes tear up, "Rocket.." He repeatedly mumbles his partner's name.

"What happened, love? What's wrong?" Rocket slowly guides Sword to the bed, sitting down with him. "C'mon Sword, talk to me." He urges.

Sword stares at the demon, tears beginning to stream down his face, "Rocket, I.." He trails off again, grabbing Rocket and pulling him close. His grasp is rough, like someone is going to take him away. "Rocket, I can't stop it." He manages to mumble.
"Stop what? What's happening?" Rocket begins to worry more, allowing the red demon to drag him into his lap. The smaller boy starts to stroke his partner's head in an attempt to soothe him.

"I-.. I-'m sorry, Rocket." Sword sobs, pressing his face into the blue demon's neck. "I'm sorry." He repeats.

"What's going on, Sword? I'm worried." Rocket presses himself closer to Sword.

Sword wipes the tears from his eyes, taking a few deep breaths. "You have to leave, Rocket." He's still shaking, his eyes jittering around wildly. "You need to go, now."
"What? I'm not leaving! Tell me what's going on!" Rocket refuses.

Sword pushes the blue demon off, quickly standing and grabbing his lover, basically dragging him to the door. "You need to leave!" He growls.

Rocket stared at the man in front of him, confused. He noticed Sword's pupils were strangely white. "What's wrong with your eyes?" Rocket reaches up to put his hand on Sword's cheek, only for the latter to slap it away.
"LEAVE!" The demon growled, opening the door and trying to push Rocket outside.

"No!" Rocket growled back, fighting against Sword. "What the hell is going on?!" He grabbed the bigger demon's arm, refusing to let go.

"Rocket, please!" Sword begged, "Please just LEAVE!" His eyes started to fill with tears agian. "I'll explain later, please just go! You can't be here!"
Rocket stared for a moment, "fine." He let go of Sword's arm, quickly grabbing his shirt and pulling him down slightly for a kiss. The kiss was short as Rocket turned away. "Whatever it is, please be safe." He sighed, turning and leaving the house.

As soon as Rocket shut the door and took a few steps, the door reopened and his wrist was grabbed, pulling him back. "What the hell is wrong with you right now, Sword?!" The demon growled, turning around to face his grabber. His growl was instantly cut off as he looked into Sword's eyes. What were once red irises are now small black dots, as if only his pupils remained. "..Sword?" Rocket's voice slightly shakes.
"Prepare yourself, Rocket." Sword chimes, his gaze unmoving from the smaller demon's.

"Prepare myself? Prepare myself for what?" Rocket takes a step back, pulling his wrist away from the latter. Sword's gaze were void of emotions. He was freaking Rocket out, this was very unlike his usual calm, playful personality. "What's wrong with you.." He took another step back.

Sword grinned. His grin wasn't genuine and full of happiness as normal. This grin was cold, sickly even. "I'm sorry, Rocket." Sword reached for the gear on his back.
Rocket's eyes grew with this action as he quickly turned to run. "What are you doing?!" He yells, hearing the footsteps of the red demon chasing him. He dared not to look back.

"It'll be over quick, Rocket! Come here! Rocket!" Sword's voice was mockingly cold, every time Rocket's name rolled off his tongue, it sounded like claws on a chalkboard.

Grabbing his own gear from his back, Rocket quickly took his launcher, shooting the ground below to send him into the air, landing skillfully on the roof of a house. "What happened to you?!" Rocket yells, quickly grabbing his phone to text Zuka.

>sword gine crsxy help mw pleqse
With the text sent, he shares his location with his dad. Looking around, the streets were deserted. "Sword..?" Rocket calls out in fear, tears welling in his eyes. "Sword please, what's wrong with you?" He looks around, unable to spot the red phighter. His breaths grow more shallow.

"Rocket, please!" Sword's voice is heard from behind the blue demon, causing him to turn around quickly, pointing his launcher at his partner. "Run!" Sword yells, tears streaming down his face. Only one of his irises had returned to his eyes. It was shrinking.

Taking the chance, Rocket quickly made his way off the roof, grunting as he hit the ground. Without missing a beat, he ran, fear being the only factor driving him. Hearing no steps behind him, Rocket's pace slowed. He ducked into an allyway, fighting to catch his breath.
Rocket gripped his chest as he leaned over, panting. Tears streamed from his eyes as he sobbed, confused about the entire situation. What happened to Sword? Why was he trying to hurt him?

Hearing a swish of air beside his ear, Rocket quickly grabbed his launcher, holding it up towards the sound. A loud screech was heard as metal hit metal. Rocket looked over to see a blow from Sword he just blocked. "Please- Tell me what's happening!" Rocket begs through tears, blocking yet another attack from his lover.

"Come on, Rocket! This can end now, Rocket!" Sword seems to be making a point of repeating the blue demon's name. "Rocket! Rocket give up! Come on, Rocket, I promise I'll be quick!"
Struggling to keep up with Sword's attacks, Rocket cries out. "Sword please! What's happening?! Why are you trying to hurt me?!" He sobbs, backing away from the unwavering attacks.

Sword's attacks slow, tears still streaming down the latter's face. "What are you doing to me, Rocket?!" He smiles, irises beginning to form around his pupils once more.

"Sword- please stop!" He begs, "I don't know what's happening, please! This isn't funny!" Hoping it was some kind of prank, Rocket begs for the stop.

Blows soon coming to an end, Sword stares at his lover, dropping his gear. "Rocket.." He sobs, taking a step back from the demon. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." He mumbles out apologies, seemingly just as scared as the smaller boy. "Please, get away from me. I don't want to hurt you." He growls through tears.
Without a second thought, Rocket turns and runs, trying to get as far away from Sword as possible. He loved the demon dearly, but fear and confusion drove his feet. Not stopping for anything, Rocket ran until his chest felt like it was going to give out. Closing his eyes as his pace slowed, Rocket sobbed, unable to keep running.

Suddenly, his body felt light. Opening his eyes, Rocket found himself standing? floating? existing. Existing in a void of nothingness. The blue demon looked around panting, having no choice but to sob. He didn't know what was going on, he didn't know why this was happening. He just wanted it to stop. Maybe this was some kind of dream!

It had to be a dream.
This was all just a bad fever dream.

Catching his breath, Rocket with his knees against his chest, quietly crying into them. Feeling a hand on his arm, he looked up to see Sword. "Sword.." He cried.

"I'm sorry, Rocket." Sword apologized, grabbing the demon and holding him close. "Please, forgive me. I didn't mean for this to happen." The red demon sobbed, pressing his forehead against his lover's.

"What's happening?" Rocket asked, reaching to put his hand on Sword's cheek.

"I.. I don't know." Sword admitted through tears. "Forgive me, Rocket." He leaned in to kiss the blue demon, to which his lover accepted.
Blinking his eyes a few times, Rocket found himself face-to-face with Sword in an allyway. "What.." Rocket can barely mutter before he quickly jerked to the side, Sword's gear crashing with the brick wall where his head was a heartbeat before. Fear returning, Rocket tried to run again, tripping over something with his prosthetic foot. Quickly turning around to face Sword, he scampered back on the ground. The red demon slowly walked closer.

"Oh, Rocket." He grinned. "I'm going to miss you." Lifting his gear once more, it came crashing down, colliding with Rocket's head.








Waking with a jolt, Sword sat up and looked around hastily. He was in a.. hospital? Confused, Sword tried to get up, wires littering his space.

A nurse quickly ran in, running to Sword's side and settling him back down to lay. "No!- You can't get up right now." She sighed. "It's a very bad idea, your vials are unsteady and I don't think you'll have good muscle strength."

Sword looked as he seen movement from the door. In walked Venomshank and Zuka. Why were they here? Why was he here?! Sword tried his best to remember what happened, his breath growing unsteady and rapid. All he could remember was a pain in his chest. The worst pain he had ever felt before.

Gripping his chest, Sword began to panic. He didn't know why he was panicking, he only knew something bad had happened.
Looking at the older demons who entered the room, he could tell Zuka had been crying- a lot. Despite Venomshank having his usual mask on, from his posture Sword could tell he was worried. "..What..-" Sword choked out. "W-What happened..?" He asked, his entire body shaking. Looking closer, he seen Rocket's goggles held in Zuka's hand. "..Where's Rocket?"

Zuka turned away as Venomshank spoke, "Sword.." He thinks for a moment, unsure of how to word things. "Something... happened."

"What do you mean? What happened?" Sword asks, glancing at Zuka who's obviously wiping his tears while turned away. "Where's Rocket? Is he okay?"

Venomshank hesitated a moment before answering, "he's dead, Sword."
Sword's entire world seemed to crack before his very eyes. He forced a smiled. "Hah! Nice joke, Dad! But really, I want to know where he is." Despite Sword's carefree words, his voice was shaking horribly.

"He's dead by your blade, Sword. You killed him." Zuka speaks up, turning to look at the red demon stuck in a hospital bed.

"No, I wouldn't kill Rocket." Sword denies, crossing his shaking arms.

"That's because you didn't." Venomshank steps closer. "You fell victim to a corruption only seen in rare instances. He died by your blade- by your hands." The deity reaches to grab his son's arm for reassurance, only for Sword to harshly pull away.
"As if!" Sword scoffs. "I would never hurt Rocket, you both should know that!" He growls, wings stretching out, threatening to knock almost everything near his bed over.

Venomshank glances at Zuka before sighing. "We will give you time to come to terms with what has happened, Sword." Taking their leave, the two older demons leave the room.

"Kill Rocket.. like hell that would ever happen!" Sword growls to himself, rolling onto his side. He hadn't noticed the nurse from earlier had managed to sneak out without him realizing. Now left alone, Sword angrily dismissed the idea that Rocket could ever die- especially by his hands.




Only when he stood at Rocket's fresh grave did he realize it was true. Staring at the scene in front of him, Sword showed no emotion. Turning around, he allowed his feet to take him home.

It was a long walk from Playground to Lost Temple, but he continued the miles step by step, is pace forever unwavering. Time was non existant to the demon as he reached his home in Lost Temple, walking past the deity in the kitchen, straight to his room. He didn't even notice Venomshank was in the house.

Locking his bedroom door behind himself, Sword's vision goes straight to his gear, leaned up against the wall. Stepping to it, Sword picks it up and stares for a moment, red glistening in the sunlight let through his windows. He lifts his blade towards himself, Sword plunges it into his stomach, driving it through his organs.

Coughing as he feels blood well in his throat, he pulls the blade out, ramming it into another sum of vital organs. He continues to repeatedly stab himself until his legs give in and he falls to the floor.
Choking on blood and bleeding out, Sword lays there limp. He coudln't hear the calling of his name and knocking on his door from his father. Weakly smiling to himself, Sword allowed his gaze to darken. He refused to live in a world without his Rocket. Closing his eyes as Venomshank broke through his door, they would never open to see the light of day again.
That was wild! <3
Please check if there are mistakes!
And all credits to sweets_boyxx!!

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