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Frustration tightened your throat as you climbed the stairs from the basement back into the reception hall.

Loud voices echoed off the walls. People were arguing. It sounded as if a fight would break out at any moment.

At the edge of your field of vision you could make out two men who seemed strange. Probably relatives who were so far away that it was a joke to invite them.

They held each other by the collar, teeth bared.

A sigh made something in your chest tighten.

"You won't get anything!", growled one of the men, middle-aged, with brown hair that was already turning grey at the temples.

The younger one pushed him away aggressively.

"We'll see about that.", he hissed. "I worked for the company. I'm entitled to shares! You've done nothing."

"I handled the field, you spoiled brat. I am the reasons our men were the USA favourite."

You stood there, fists clenched, watching the spectacle.

It looked like a cockfight, two grown men trying to bash each other's heads in like children, while their wives and children stood around shouting at them.

The sight made you laugh.

All of a sudden it was quiet.

And you laughed. Loudly you did while all eyes turned to you.

Confusion appeared on their faces, fear.

But no shame. Not a single one of them was ashamed of the sight.

"Fucking hell...", with tears in your eyes, you wiped your face with both hands and took a deep breath. "I've seen more civil behaviour in the zoo."

With an unimpressed expression in your eyes, you looked at each of them in turn.

One of your eyebrows lifted to throw a silent question into the round. Not one answered. Not a single word of apology was spoken.

It was just dead silent.

One could have heard a feather drop.

Suddenly footsteps echoed off the walls.

"As always, you have everything under control.", Aunt May gave you a confident smile. "You can just always be counted on."

Your gaze wandered to her. For some reason you felt the urge to ask her to leave.

Felix appeared behind her, a man in a black following him.

The first thought that came to your mind was that another parasite had arrived to steal some of the cake. But at second glance you noticed a briefcase he was holding, covered by the black suit jacket he had thrown over his arm.

"The lawyer's here.", Aunt May said, taking you in her arms. "It will be over soon."

All at once you felt exhausted. Sighing heavily, you returned the embrace, buried your face against her shoulder and took a deep breath.

The scent of an expensive perfume rose to your nose.


It reminded you of your mother. She had always smelled like a field of freshly blooming lavender and a meadow of wildflowers.

May had never smelled like that.

So why did the scent seem so familiar?

Rubbing her back, you looked up again to greet the lawyer with a handshake.

"My deepest condolences. Bad time?", he asked with a polite nod of his head.

You shook your head.

"I want to finish this as soon as possible.", you gestured up the stairs. "My father's office is free. Up the stairs, first door on the left. Everyone gather there."

Like a flock of obedient sheep, the crowd started to move, driven by the promise that their pockets would soon be filled with purple notes.

With hard eyes and a blank face you watched them, listening to them still exchanging venomous words.

Aunt May, Felix and Michael stayed behind with you and the lawyer.

"I'll see about tea.", Michael said and wanted to go back to work.

You held him back.

"I want you to be there.", you said.

LI don't think I'm important enough to be mentioned in the will.", he smiled.

You shook your head.

"It does matter. I want you there."

"My darling, we should join the others.", Aunt May pecked at your arm.

But you refused to be pulled along by her.

Your eyes jumped to the lawyer.

Soberly he pulled a pair of glasses from the breast pocket of his jacket, then reached into his trouser pocket to fish for an opened letter and unfolded the paper.

From the many creases and a few stains on the white, one could see that the letter must be somewhat older. Your father had probably sent it years before he died. He had always preferred to be safe than sorry.

"Michael...", the lawyer murmured while his dark eyes wandered lazily over the lines. "Ah yes, someone with that name is mentioned here. Their presence is expressly requested."

He pocketed the letter again and looked expectantly at the old man.

With a mild smile you held out your hand to him.

He hesitated for a moment.

Michael was a loyal soul, humble like no other and did not like to take more than he needed. He would have been satisfied if his last salary had been paid.

But you felt he deserved a reward. And so did your father, apparently.

"Please.", you said gently.

A deep sigh escaped him. Tired, Michael closed his eyes and took your hand.

"One last time...", he murmured and let you help him up the stairs. "For my old friend."

Aunt May let go.

"I thank you.", you nervously squeezed his hand.

At that moment it felt like he was the only thing from your old life that could hold you.

With every single step, every step you climbed up, closer to the door of the office, it felt like the earth was shaking under your feet.

Your heart was beating wildly in your chest.

Cold sweat ran down your back while goose bumps spread on your arms.

Just before you reached the door, you stopped. Your legs refused to go any further.

Voices reached your ears. Like a penetrating whine, they pierced into your eardrums, making them tremble and bleed.

"Don't worry.", Michael patted your hand encouragingly. "What doesn't kill you..."

You had to huff softly, then swallow hard.

"I'd like to run away.", you confessed.

"Don't we all at some point? Believe me, it will pass. Like the pain when you rip off a plaster."

Taking a deep breath, you enter the office.

"I hope you get loads, Michael.", you said, and let him take a seat in one of the leather armchairs in front of the desk. "You deserve it."

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