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After what felt like an eternity, you finally finished the abomination of the cinnamon drink and put the glass back on the counter to call Dave for the third time this night.

He didn't notice and instead kept tending to the many dirty glasses that people left on the counter so that he would do the dirty part of his job.

A shadow moved in the corner of your eyes. You ignored it and tried to capture Dave's attention once again.

He still didn't notice. His eyes were glues to the performance on stage.

Someone leaned against the bar next to you.

Ignoring the stranger, you turned in your seat so that your back faced them to avoid a conversation.

"Excuse me!", a smooth voice suddenly called out towards Dave.

Snapping out of his thoughts, his head turned into your direction. But he looked past you.

"Sorry, didn't see you there.", he said with a smile and walked over to you, but kept eye contact with the stranger standing next to you. "What can I get ya?"

A little annoyed that he ignored you, you glanced to the side to catch a glimpse of the person who was responsible for you having to wait.

But the annoyance didn't last long.

A pair of bright blue eyes met your (E/C) gaze. Confidence made them shine.

A handsome man greeted you with a slick smirk, showing off his pearly white teeth. He couldn't have been older than mid to late thirties, early forties at best.

A groomed three day beard covered the lower half of his face. But it still allowed you to see that he had a sharp jawline with a broad chin.

With one arm rested on the counter top of the bar and one foot popped onto the foot rest of your chair it was hard to tell how tall he was. But he seemed decently build.

His outfit consisted of a plain white dressing shirt, the first few buttons undone and blue jeans with brown boots. What made him stick out was that black leather cowboy hat that covered most of his light brown hair.

"Hey.", he gifted you a charming smile, one eyebrow raised.

"Hello, cowboy.", it slipped from your tongue with a huff.

He chuckled and tapped the brim of his hat.

"Glad you like it, suga.", his gaze fell onto the drink that Dave had delivered to you earlier. "Not your taste?"

Confused, you frowned.


"The drink. Wanted you to enjoy it."

A slight shiver of embarrassment chased through your body.

Your eyes jumped to Dave.

He just shrugged.

"I would have showed you but he was gone already.", he defended himself and turned back to the man. "Here for another round?"

The stranger smirked.

"Sure.", he locked eyes with you. "Can I getcha somethin' more to your taste this time?"

He was charming, you couldn't deny it. Any other day you would have jumped at the opportunity since he wasn't just your type but also seemed like good company.

But this was terrible timing.

"I'm not... looking for company tonight.", you mumble and tried to make it up with a smile.

Playfully offended he leaned back, one finger popped into the big metal buckle of his brown leather belt.

"What a shame.", he purred and smiled. "I'm sure you'd have loads of fun with me, suga."

Sucking a breath in, you had to lower your head to hide the amused smirk that brightened your face. Chuckling, you shook your head, then looked up at him again.

"What's your name?", you asked. "Or should I keep calling you cowboy?"

He huffed.

"Ya call me anythin' ya want, suga.", he lowered himself in the empty bar stool next to you. "Call me Phillip."

He offered you a hand.

With a charmed smile, you shook it.

"(Y/N).", you said.

Phillip's eyes narrowed.

Confused, you tilted your head, waiting for a reason to his reaction.

But he just shook his head.

"Nothin'. Somehow I thought that name sounds familiar but... I wouldn't forget a face like yours.", Phillip glanced at Dave. "Would you mind servin' us some drinks? Whiskey for me and..?"

"The same.", you said.

Approving, he hummed.

"A nice face and strong stomach. Just how I like em'."

With a nod, Dave disappeared.

"So, tell me, Phillip.", you let your chin rest in your hand, turned to him and examined his body once more, but closer this time. "What brings you to a town like this?"

With a shrug, he took off the black leather hat and placed it on the counter next to him.

"What makes ya think I'm not from around here?", he asked back.

His gaze kept wandering over your face. It seemed like he had seen you before but couldn't recall the moment. But at the same time his eyes sparkled with the excitement of meeting a completely new person for the very first time.

With an amused smirk, you thanked Dave with a nod of your head as he placed the two ordered drinks in front of the two of you.

"Is that a real question?", you asked, one eyebrow raised.

He kept pretending.

"Enlighten me.", he took a large sip without flinching.

"The accent for example? Southern, isn't it?"

He snapped his fingers.

"And smart... Goddamn."

"That was easy. What else?"

"The hat?", he asked with a pleasant amount of self irony.

"Or the belt buckle."

"Both items with sentimental value."

"Very fashionable, cowboy.", with a grin, you took the first sip of your whiskey. "So what brings you here?"

"Work.", he said soberly and threw a glance over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of the stage.

"Very specific."

His eyes returned to you. He smiled.

"What do you want to know?", teasingly, he leaned towards you.

Your shoulders nudged against each other.

It made your heart skip a beat.

He was obviously well build. And felt solid. A construction worker maybe.

"What's your line of work?", you asked to keep the little game going.

"Military. My turn. How come a beauty like you is all alone tonight?"

For a moment the joy disappeared from your face. The stingy feeling of guilt returned and grief made your heart pull together.

But you decided to push it into the back of your mind.

You needed distraction.

"Why you ask?", you shrugged, glancing at him from the corner of your eyes while playing with your drink. "Do you want to change that?"

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