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i just wanna give you the loving that you're missing.

"lets go to my apartment" it was noon, both of the, lazing around jungkook's room when the older suddenly got up.

"your apartment?"

"yeah, come on" they packed their stuff before leaving the room, jungkook telling the helper he'll be gone till monday, both of them getting in jimin's car afterwards.

"i thought you don't drive" jungkook questions once the older starts the car, putting on his seatbelt.

"taehyung wanted me too, he said i shouldn't be scared of the past anymore and well, it's not that bad" you told me you were hurt, you told me you had bad memories of driving, he wanted to say but chose to remain silent.

turns out, jimin's apartment is right in the busy streets of seoul, tall skyscraper with magnificent and expensive glass and walls as they stepped in. jimin's parent had bought him the penthouse, at the highest floor of the building and jungkook marvels at the open space and beauty of the apartment.

"i only come here at times, to clear my mind or when i'm stressed and want to be alone"

"taehyung. . .has he been here?" jimin pauses for a second, hand hovering above the can of soda before he gives a hum, closing back the refrigerator door.

"he used to stay over here in the past"


"don't think about it" jimin senses the male's hesitations and hates it, asking him to be comfortable.

"we can play games all day or go out, whatever" jimin says, picking up the remote and flipping through channels.

"can we go to the fair across the city?" jimin laughs, shaking his head, jungkook whining and hitting his arm with the pillow.

"jeon jungkook, you kid"

jimin brings him to the carnival, the boy's eyes lighting up like a four year old getting candy as he drags jimin all over the place.

jimin suggests for them to the ferris wheel but jungkook shakes his head fervently, not liking the idea of heights. a few minutes later, he changes his mind as he sees a huge white bear in one of the booths.

"hyung, if you can win me that, we'll ride the ferris wheel" jimin accepts with a smug smile on his face, walking over and paying the worker there before he takes the gun, firing at the fast moving targets, scoring perfect ones that earns him the snow coloured bear. he deposits them into jungkook's hand before tugging them to the wheel, jungkook hiding his face in the toy as red tinted his cheek, shaking his head at his thoughts.

he feels as if their two lovers falling in love and having the time of their live on dates, like they were together and should be able to do these kind of things. but reality always sets in and jungkook has to keep his feelings at bay.

"look kook-ah, it's really pretty here at night" jimin says, voice a whisper as he looks at the scenery surrounding them, fairy lights refelcting itself in his eyes and jungkook feels a pang in his chest that this beautiful, ethereal creature right in front of him is not his, and it hurts, it hurts.

"taehyung, he wanted to talk to me the other day" jungkook suddenly brings up, making jimin snap of his daze from the view and turning his head to face the younger.

"what did he say?"

"he told me to stay away from you. i mean he didn't outright said it but he said i might have intentions from taking away his time with you. i'm sorry if i disrupted-"

"don't. he shouldn't have said that. i have the right to be friends with whoever i want. why didn't you tell me?" furrowed brows with a tinge of anger in honey brown orbs made jungkook feel guilty for ruining their day but he had to tell jimin.

"i didn't want to bother you"

"tell me, the next time he bothers you" jungkook nods, getting out of the carriage as the ride end, both male having a late dinner at a small local diner, a comfortable one by the road.

they went back to jimin's apartment afterwards, bathing and changing into more comfy clothes before jimin falls face forward onto the bed, tired from the day's events while jungkook was still showering and changing.

the younger got out of the shower only to see jimin sound asleep, blanket thrown haphazardly on the bed. he sighs, throwing his towel in the hamper and making his way onto jimin's bed, placing the blanket properly and wanting to take extra pillows and blankets to bring over to the couch when a hands pulls him down onto the bed, a yelp resonating in the room.

jimin is still asleep, he must have accidentally pulled jungkook down with him but he has a tight grip, not faltering soon enough which made jungkook's heart race because they're so close to each other.

jimin shifts, ends up spooning jungkook with his arms and legs, a comfortable position for them but jungkook's cheeks heats up, trying to pry away from the older's grip.

"kook-ah. . .don't. . .leave. . .me" it comes out slowly as a puff of air, soft and low that it's almost inauduble but jungkook heard it loud and clear, eyes widening and chest constricting.

he gives in eventually, fingers caressing the apple of jimin's cheek.

"you have to know that i-" jungkook bites his lips, eyes prickling with tears as he turns away, jimin moving in closer till they were chest to chest, silent tears falling unknowingly to the sleeping male on the bed.

"you made breakfast? what in the world is this?" jungkook grumbles, saying how jimin is being ungrateful and unappreciative and the older coos and apologizes, sitting down and starts to eat.

"did you rest well?" jimin asked through a mouthful of rice, looking up to see the younger.

"you didn't want to let me go" the older freezes and chokes on his rice, starting a coughing fit. jungkook's eyes go wide as he hands him water, patting his back.

"i what? why wouldn't i want to let you go?"

"that was what i wanted to ask you"

"i don't remember anything" the doorbell rings and they both look at each other in confusion.

"is it your mom?" jimin gets up and starts walking to the front door, seeing the figure from the screen and sighs.

"it's taehyung" jungkook rolls his eyes unknowingly, walking slowly towards the front as well as he heard the door being open.

"you didn't answer my messages and calls yesterday amd you weren't at home so i- jungkook?" taehyung halts in his movement, seeing another presence in the penthouse. his lips turned into a line as he scans the room, seeing the unfinished food on the table and the messy bed and blanket at the other side of the room.

"excuse me but i would like to talk to jimin in private"

"oh, alright let me just get my-"

"no, you're staying" he grabs the male's wrist, turning him around and pulls him close to his side making jungkook flush.

"he's my friend taehyung, he can stay. what is it that you want to tell me? i'm sorry for not replying yesterday, i was really tired" taehyung sees the bear on the couch and looks away, jimin doesn't even like stuffed toys, yet there's one there.

"i'll just leave then, i'll see you tomorrow" he places a small peck on jimin's cheek before leaving, shoulders drooping as mind swirling as he starts his car and drives back home.

"are you alright?"

"yeah, lets just eat" they stayed silent after that, only small talks thrown here and there till they're done, jungkook insisting on doing the dishes and making jimin take a shower, telling him he smells bad.

"you like me anyways" jungkook narrows his eyes before splashing water at him, sticking out his tongue as jimin looks at him with a hard gaze.

"you're lucky i'm fond of you"

"go and bathe, you stink"

"fuck you"

"shut up" he hears jungkook laughing softly, sees the smile on adonis features, his own smile tattooed on his lips as he shakes his head, ignoring the way his heart made somersaults and the butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

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