Chapter One

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"Oh, come on Cass, it's not so bad, really!" Cassidy ignored her father and kept looking out the rain dappled window, her face pressed against the cool glass. To her annoyance, he kept talking. "I would've killed for a chance to grow up here as a kid!" My mother, a small petite blond woman with bright blue eyes put a hand on his shoulder. You're not helping, her eyes seemed to say. Dad sighed and grumbled to himself but eventually fell silent.

Cassidy stared at her reflection through the glass, taking in her slightly too big nose, and her frowny expression which definitely made her look like an angry pig. Her long brown hair and bright green eyes was the only pretty thing about her. The green trees flew by in a blur. She was still getting used to how beautiful this cursed place was.

The car ride was silent for about thirty more minutes until Dad took exit number 79. This was it. Cassidy starighted and looked all around. Mom looked almost as excited as Dad. She had her head out of the window, practically drooling. Cassidy sighed and looked out her window.

There wasn't much to see, honestly. A grocery store, a post office, city hall, a middle school and an elementary school. When Dad was driving past the high school, Mom told him to pull over. A sinking feeling gathered in her stomach. Oh god, please no...

"Get out sweety. Let's get you registered." No fricken' way! Cassidy groaned but got out anyways.

"Do we have to do it today? I mean, we just got here!" She complained as they walked towards the main doors. That's pretty much all she had been doing since her parents told her they would be moving to Clearlake.

"Of course we do." She replied sternly. "I'm not giving you a chance to fall behind." Again, her tone said. Knowing her mother wouldn't give in, Cassidy trudged solemnly after her.

The main entrance led to the main office which was was stationed to the left. Straight ahead was the cafeteria, she was guessing. Her mom gave her shoulder an apologetic pat as she turned left and entered the office. Cassidy looked around the hall, looking at trophy's in showcases, P. E records, even the class pictures, which hung proadly upon the crimson painted walls.

"Honey, come here please." She turned to see her mother's head peaking out from behind the office door. "The principal would like to meet you." Stifling a groan, Cassidy followed after her mom, past a old dozing secretary, and into a type of waiting room.

There was someone in the principal's office now. She could tell by the muffled shouts from inside. She cast her mom a pleading look which she totally ignored by pretending to read a corny "Drugs are Dangerous" poster.

Suddenly the door swung open and the most beautiful guy she's ever seen stormed out, fists clenched. When he saw her he stopped in his tracks and paled. His eyes widened. Jesus, do I have something on my face?? As quick as he came, he left, storming down the hall.

A few moments later a tall, athletic man came out, wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Mom gasped and I fought the urge to gag. She stared dreamily at him. He had broad shoulders and a good bone structure. His black hair was greying a little bit and he had emerald green eyes. I wanted to slap my mom. Get a grip! You're happily married for christsakes.

"Ah, hello ladies. Come in." I rose and followed after him and then stopped when I realized my mom wasn't following me. I turned and saw her trying to fix her wind blown hair. Married! I wanted to shout. You shouldn't care what you look like to other men! Mom smiled and grabbed my arm, leading us into the office.

"Have a seat." The principal said, already sitting in his plush leather chair. I sank into the chair closest to the window and stared out longingly, wishing I was anywhere else. The principal's deep voice broke me out of my thoughts.
"I have to ask, ladies, shouldn't you have a parent here with you two when you register?" Mom giggled. I turned, my explosive temper getting the best of me.

"I'm the one registering. She's my mother. She's 45 and married." My mom gasped and the principal shifted uncomfortably in his chair. I took pride in creating such an awkward moment. It was a gift, really.

"Well, I'm Mr. Mason, the principal as you already know." I glared.

"Do you always greet new students like this? Why can't that sleepy secretary just print me off a schedule and we can be done with this?" I snapped. I was seriously getting impatient. Mr. Mason's expression hardened.

"Yes, I usually do. I like to get to know my students. Make them feel welcome. But if you insist, here," he handed me a piece of paper. I looked down at it. My schedule. "School starts at 8 and gets out at 3 o'clock. I'll see you tomorrow, Ms. Johnson. He nodded to mom and began writing on the papers on his desk. Mom rose stiffly and left the office, not looking her way. Damn, i'm definitely gonna get an earful. But what's new?

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