A Little Bonus

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Hey everyone! I'm so proud to say that we have officially hit 1k reads on Phoenix! That's absolutely insane to me, because I didn't expect that to happen. So, thank you all so much! In celebration, I'll be sharing with you guys a little bit more of my poetic side.

So, I present to you, the song I wrote, titled Phoenix! (I know, creative.) I wrote this while I was just starting to write Phoenix, because I had everything in my mind.

So, without further ado, here it is!


No matter what you do, no matter what you say, there will never be any lies.

I'll always be that phoenix, and from the burnt ashes, every time, I'll rise.

The burdens of school on my shoulders had just been lifted.

I was enjoying my life, burden free, for the first time in a while.

Then, my mom placed a heavier burden on my shoulders.

It was the burden of having you involved in my life.

The large wings that I had used to fly through life

Were cut off when you slid that ring on my finger

I fell to the ground, injured, unable to fly no more.

And you never had the decency to help me fly again.

Throughout my life, I've been burned down to ashes. By a number of things.

My classmates, my mom, school. But, there's one thing that I'll always do.

No matter what you do, no matter what you say, there will never be any lies.

I'll always be that phoenix, and from the burnt ashes, every time, I'll rise.

The responsibility of taking care of me sat idly in your hands.

You let that responsibility dissolve into the nothingness it is.

Instead of using those hands to take care of someone like me

You used those hands to hold me down and restrain me.

Your actions were like a cage that kept me locked up.

Your words sparked the fear for me to fly again.

Do you see my arms? Do you see my legs? Do you see the char?

Your words were the fire that burned my feathers and left all these scars.

Throughout my life, I've been burned down to ashes. By a number of things.

My classmates, my mom, school. But, there's one thing that I'll always do.

No matter what you do, no matter what you say, there will never be any lies.

I'll always be that phoenix, and from the burnt ashes, every time, I'll rise.

Every day, the hot fire that you breathed out had burned me down.

Every day, I was reborn into a new phoenix, weaker than the last.

You are a merciless thief that took so many things from me.

My adulthood, my family, my life, my dignity, and my innocence.

The thoughts you caused me to think was the last chain.

The chains that would always keep me bound to you.

They added on top of the already numerous scars I had.

And because of you, they will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Throughout my life, I've been burned down to ashes. By a number of things.

My classmates, my mom, school. But, there's one thing that I'll always do.

No matter what you do, no matter what you say, there will never be any lies.

I'll always be that phoenix, and from the burnt ashes, every time, I'll rise.


I honestly put off sharing this with you guys, because I didn't know of a good occasion to share it with you guys. I didn't want to put it in the teaser, because I just felt like it wouldn't be in the correct position, you know? But anyways, you guys get to see a creative side of me! Out of curiosity, how did I do? Let me know in the comments.

Hey everyone! So, I don't usually share my poetic things with you guys. I believe I only shared it twice in INI, when I wrote a poem into a chapter for Valentine's Day, and when I wrote a Christmas poem for you all. I don't know, I'm not used to this, ahaha. I guess I'm trying new things!

Well, other than that, I think that's pretty much it. Hope you all liked this poem!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! See you all on Saturday with a new chapter of Phoenix. Have a great week!

Love you guys,


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