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Putting down the attache case inside his walk-in closet, Jin finally let out a sigh.

It has been weeks since he was away and finally came back home just now. Though he was a little tired, he still went into the bathroom to take a shower first.

He came out half an hour later to find something to eat. He was a bit sleepy.
Probably because of jet lag, but he needed to eat first. It was his first meal in two days.

He didn't expect anyone to be in the house, but as soon as he entered the kitchen, one woman turned around from the kitchen counter.

Jin was a bit surprised but bowed respectfully.

"Young master?" the woman's voice was a bit confused, "you are here for food?"

"I'll cook something, you can go back first," Jin's voice was gentle.

"We are almost done," the woman hesitated a bit, "my son is taking care of the garden. Would you like me to cook something for you?"

"Please, no need. I do not..." Jin started but was interrupted with a mild smile of the woman.

"Please, have a seat. It won't take long."

It was unusual for people around him to talk to him taking initiative let alone not letting him finish his words or ignore his orders. But things surely have been different lately.

It seemed for a second that Jin was going to protest but he held back at the last moment and nodded a little before sitting on the kitchen table.

"Master came by," The woman was chatting casually.

Jin looked at her directly with questions in his eyes.

"He probably wanted to see you," looking at the expressionless face of Jin through the corner of her eyes, the woman continued her talking, "he sat in the garden alone for quite a time."

Jin again nodded in acknowledgment.

"Do go and see him if you can."

Jin was silent.

"That girl also came by."

Jin again looked in her direction. But this time his eyes didn't have questions, but curiosity.

"Arya," the woman smiled a little, "she came this morning. Told me to give you this when you come back," she brought out a paper from her apron's pocket and placed it on the kitchen counter.

Jin got up from his chair and walked up to the counter.

He picked up the paper and unfolded it. Arya just tore a page of a magazine and scribbled down a few words along with a map. Jin's fingers slowly caressed the words written on the torn paper.

"You are different," commented the woman from behind the counter.

"Pardon?" Jin looked up not grasping what the elderly woman said.

She didn't speak further and avoided the question with a smile and placed a plate on the counter, "have a bite."

Jin folded the paper in his hand and shoved it inside his pocket.

He quietly finished his lunch and again bowed to the woman after leaving the table, "Thank you for the food."

"You are so bright nowadays, young master. You look...different."

Jin's brow turned into a mild frown but it didn't take long to disappear completely, "Is that so?"

The woman didn't expect any reply, but getting it anyway, the smile on her lips turned affectionate, "I have known you since you were young. But I have never seen you like this."

"Like?" Jin raised his brow a little.

"Happy," the woman hesitated a bit but her smile didn't falter when she reached and touched Jin's shoulder and patted slightly, "you look happy when she is around."

Jin dropped his gaze a little.

"Look, you are smiling!" the woman's voice was a little surprised yet affectionate, "I must say, it is my lucky day!"

"Can you..." Jin looked up and hesitated a little.


"Can you make some more food?"

The woman was surprised yet again. Though Jin was the owner of this house but still, he never asked them to do anything. She and her son always assumed what they needed to do and did them accordingly.

"Sure. What would you like to have?"

"Anything spicy."

"But you can't eat spicy food," the woman looked at him skeptically.

"She likes it," Jin replied quietly, "I don't know how to cook spicy food,"
His voice was almost regretful, "sorry for the inconvenience."

"I don't think I can take it anymore," the woman smiled again, "It is so sweet!"

"Can you box it and pack it after you are done?" Jin again asked gently as if he was afraid that he was asking for too much.

"Sure, will do!" the woman nodded, "are you going somewhere?"

And she was astounded seeing Jin suddenly smile radiantly, "Yes. I have a date."

The trail was a little sloppy but a lot tough. No wonder she would choose a trail like this for Jin.
It didn't take much time to come here driving for around 14 km, but the traffic made it hard to reach here earlier.

The mountain rangers at first prevented him go off track. It was not uncommon for hikers to get lost in the wood or mountain. But they didn't hold him back after checking his ID.

Jin brought out the map once again to observe the trail. The third peak was almost in front of him, but there was no instruction to go there, rather the map took another bend towards the right.

After a minute or so, suddenly Jin knew where he was going. It was not of surprise that he couldn't remember it at first.
In his defense, when he came here almost a decade ago, it was nighttime, and looking through night vision was way more different than looking at things in front of his eyes.

After crossing the narrow stream, Jin sensed the smell of the smoke faintly.
He increased his pace but remained careful so that he was not loud.
After another five minutes, he came out in a relatively clear dent-like basin between two cliffs of Bukhan mountain.

In the middle, a small fire was made, though it already went off emitting ribbons of bluish-gray smoke that was flying towards the cliff above.

There she was- sleeping beside the campfire.

Jin watched her for a few moments and then got rid of his backpack.
He carefully assembled the portable tent, ignited the fire again, and after finishing his work, he laid down beside Arya.

She looked so peaceful in her deep slumber.

Jin's eyes lingered on her face.
Her sun-kissed skin- strands of messy black hair, long eyelashes, and the arched brows- She was a definition of serenity.
Who would believe that she can get much more dangerous than anyone can ever imagine within a blink of an eye if she wants?

Jin's eyelids turned heavy slowly. And he surrendered to jet lag without any resistance.

Jin got up with the smell of something cooking.

Jin sat up and smiled seeing Arya struggling with the stubborn fire.
Jin waited until she was done.

Arya looked back after she finished her work to see Jin wide awake.

"God! You scared me!" Arya scolded him instantly, "why are you sitting there like a ghost?"

Jin smiled a little and offered a hand towards her.

Arya smiled this time and got up and walked back towards Jin and sat down beside her.
She took Jin's hand and intertwined their fingers, "are you tired?"

"I am alright."

"How did it go?"
Arya asked curiously, "did you find that guy?"
Arya was referring to the mission Jin was sent to a few weeks ago.

"I did," Jin nodded.

"I told you to teach him a lesson. Did you?" Arya laughed, "If I were you, He'd be in a hospital right now."


"Words, Jin."

"He is dead."

"Bad for him," Arya shrugged a little and looked at Jin, "are you ok?"

Jin smiled again and his other hand came up to caress Arya's face mildly, "I am."

"Then what is this?" Arya poked Jin's side hard and gained a grunt from him immediately, "your movement is a bit stiff to this side."

"Just a little bruise," Jin brushed it off.

"Have you seen a doctor?"

"No need. It will heal in no time," Jin tried to reason but Arya's frown deepened as she listened.

"Let me see."

"No need," Jin casually unclasped her fingers one by one which was now fisting his shirt.

"Kim Seokjin." Arya's voice was cold.

"Alright," Jin nodded in defeat and lifted his shirt little just enough to let Arya see the injury.

It indeed was a bruise, but nothing like "little" as he described. It was bigger than her sole. The sides were already starting to get discolored. From pale yellow to greenish. But the rest looked nasty blackish blue and sickeningly red.

"Give me a hundred push-ups, soldier!" Arya grinned cruelly, "for lying."

Jin again smiled and pulled his shirt back and touched Arya's hand, "how have you been?"

"Why? Did you miss me?" Arya grinned.

"I did."

"Aww!" Arya giggled, "to be honest with you, I still can't get used to your sweet words!"

Jin averted his gaze.

"Come on! Don't be shy!" Arya chuckled and touched Jin's ear mildly, "It is red again!"

"It is not," Jin mumbled quietly.

"Agency is sending me to America." remembering her task, Arya suddenly brought the topic, "for few weeks."


"They asked me to build a secured interface for our double agents and sleeper agents there. It will take a little time to build a masked agency."

"Take care of yourself there, will you?" Jin looked at Arya.

"I will. Why?" Arya grinned mischievously, "you afraid bugs will eat me?"

"Humans are worse than bugs," Jin sighed a little, "just take care, ok?"

The grin on Arya's face didn't falter a bit. She scooted closer to Jin and placed her head on his shoulder, "I can take care of myself, you know. Don't worry."

"I know." Jin nodded a little, "you want me to come?"

"You have works," Arya smiled, "I will be working too!"

"Mission break," Jin reminded her, "I am free until the next mission."

"Then how about I go first, wrap my works, and then you come?" Arya smiled, "let's go on a vacation together."

"Where do you want to go?" Jin asked curiously.

"Why? You have any place in your mind?"

"The whole world?"

"Jin?" suddenly Arya looked up.


"Who am I to you?"

Jin frowned a little.

"I mean..." Arya tried to explain, "we know what we mean to each other. But what would we call it? Who am I? A colleague? friend? Girlfriend? lover? What is this relationship?"

"You need labels?"

"I hate labels," Arya tried to smile, "but I am curious. Who am I to you?"

Jin was silent.

But the silence wasn't a bit awkward. Rather the veil of the dusk lowering its shadow over the basin with the continuous singing of cicada created a comfort around them that Arya felt like she can enjoy this silence her whole life. Was it because of the timing or just because of the man beside her? she had no idea.

"Jin?" Arya broke the silence but was interrupted by the calm voice of Jin.

"My home."

"Huh?" Arya looked curiously at Jin.

"You are the home I never had, Arya. You are someone I want to come back to when life weighs too much, when I am stumbling or when I don't trust myself anymore."

Arya's heart instantly turned soft. Part of herself screamed in frustration for not knowing this side of Jin earlier. For hurting him, for all the ignorances, for everything life brought to them.
But another part of her just wanted to hold him tight so that she can undo all the pain she caused him.

"Gross!" she rolled her eyes instead and tugged on Jin's shirt, "come here."

Both of them hugged each other in silence.

"Don't always be this honest, ok?" retracting from the hug, Arya grabbed Jin's nape and touched their forehead together, "It makes me want to cry."

A slight smile appeared on Jin's face but he stayed silent.

"You won't have to lose me once again. I am not going anywhere." Arya bumped on Jin's head a little playfully, "get up. Time to eat."

After the early dinner, they both lay down side by side. The piece of the dark sky between two cliffs was embroidered with the sequins of stars in its whole body making the whole scene like a veil of night maiden spreading over the head to cover the two wide-awake souls under her spell.

"One more to go," placing the bandage on the bruise, Arya tapped on Jin's side, "God! I don't know how could someone hit you like that!"

"He was a taekwondo master," Jin protested slightly.

"So are you. Or are you becoming too old to fight others?"

"That is kookie's dialogue. Not yours!" Jin again protested and tried to get up but Arya pushed him down again, "I am not done yet."

Her hand slowly caressed the bruise before she placed the last bandage, "It will trouble you for a few more days."


Looking at the bandage, Arya didn't know where the impulse came from, but like always, she leaned in and touched her lips on the bruise surrendering to her urge.

Jin flinched and got up immediately, "what are you doing?"

"Kissing it better. What? Never heard of it?" Arya raised one brow. Clearly disappointed with the sudden movement of the man in front of her.

A slight chuckle left Jin's mouth, "is that all?"

"Or do you think I am taking advantage of you like you did here a decade ago?" Arya rolled her eyes, "sneaky bastard!"

"You remember this place?" Jin smiled.

"Or why else would I call you here?" Arya smiled too, "tell me Jin, what were you thinking back then when you first kissed me?"


"Words." Arya again reminded him.

"Fear," Jin answered.


"I don't know, I just felt like I had to do something before anyone could. So..."

"You mean Hobi?" Arya teased him a little.


"So you decided to kiss me in the dark instead of confessing?" the mocking tone in Arya's voice was clear, "smooth."

"It was dumb," Jin again looked away.

"Embarrassed again?" Arya smiled and laid down again, "I am just glad that it was you."

Jin turned around and Arya went to put her head on his chest like it was her right all along and mumbled, "I like hearing your heartbeat. It is always erratic. Tell me, you sure you don't have heart disease?"


"You know, your heart always gives it away?" Arya brought her hand and placed it on his chest, "why are you so quiet on everything?"




"I don't think I can live a day thinking you are not here," she looked up to see Jin's expression, "how did you do that?"


"My silly boy," Arya's hand came and slipped in Jin's hair, "was it too hard?"

"It was," Jin nodded a little and caressed Arya's face, assuring her that he was ok now, "don't leave me once again."

Arya got plopped up on her elbow and looked at Jin's face.
"Tell me one thing, will you?"


"Exactly since when did you start liking me?"


"Tell me, tell me," Arya poked Jin, "since when?"

"The bus stop."

"What bus stop?" Arya frowned. Her memories didn't recover. She was stuck at where she was before, in an abyss of bits and pieces of memories full of meaningless occasional flashbacks.

"The first day," Jin's answer was short.

"First day means, first First day?" Arya's eyes widened in surprise, "don't tell me..."

"Yes." Jin nodded.

"Hell! This is fucked up!" Arya laughed, "were you always this hopeless romantic who would fall in love at first sight? Why didn't I know this side of you earlier?"

"Language, please!" Jin stopped his index slowly drawing irregular patterns in Arya's hand.
His ears indicating his embarrasement again.

"I like it when you are embarrassed," Arya chuckled, "you look beautiful with those red ears."

"Stop it!" Jin closed his eyes but opened his eyes sensing Arya coming too close this time.

"Is it ok if I kiss you now?" Arya was smiling like a giddy teenager.

Jin reached her face and pulled her down with gentle force and pecked her. Sensing Arya's smile increase, He kissed her again.

Jin was always gentle with Arya and she loved every bit of his small things that made her fall for this man. He never crossed his line with her and stayed extremely uptight.
And she liked it even more. She didn't want to change him from who he has been all his life just like how Jin never tried to change her.

They had their fair share of conflicts and arguments but those were all behind them. They aged and maturity took over. This time- these whole differences of both of their personality made the bond even stronger and understanding and of consideration.

No matter how impulsive and random Arya was- she knew she only can love this one person in her life and that is this man in her arms right now.

In that sense- she too was a hopeless romantic in a way, right?

"What are you thinking?" retracting from the kiss, Jin asked calmly looking into Arya's eyes.

"This and that," Arya shrugged, "but why did you stop? Who permitted you?"

Jin chuckled a little and pulled her once again towards him, "I love you, Araya Akaishi."

Arya silently took his hand and placed it over her chest.

Seeing Jin's stare, she mumbled softly, "you feel it?"

"I do." Jin nodded.

"What do you feel?"

"Everything," Jin placed a small kiss on Arya's forehead and connected their lips again.

The kiss was warm and soft and Arya was breaking into the tiniest pieces while clutching onto Jin's shirt. Her eyes turned teary she have no idea why.
When they separated for the air they were refusing for the past few moments, Arya hid her face on the crook of Jin's neck and mumbled, "Kim Seokjin! I love you so much that I feel like I can't breathe anymore. I love you so much that I feel like I can die!"

Jin's hands stopped for a moment and then both of his arms came to take her into an embrace that he didn't intend to let go of, not anytime soon.

[Ok, they are back!
I wanted to explore Jin a bit more in this book. I wanted him to be a little easier this time but still wanted to keep his personality intact.

Tell me if I am being able to portray that or what else can I do for that vibe.

Also, suddenly my exams are nearing and this time it is something very important for the field I want to choose next for my career. Hope you'll be considerate if my updates are slow and if I disappear without any notice for weeks.

Everything will go back to normal once I finish my exams, so hang in there!

Hope this book doesn't disappoint you!

And lastly, how is it now that Jin and Arya are together? No more hiding and avoiding, just being honest and open?
Let me know.

Until next time! Onnea!]

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