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"Outer space!" Jin frowned hard, "you are saying it is an alien communication? I mean a message from the aliens?"

"I think so," Arya nodded in response.

"Absurd," Jin shook his head left and right.

"I collected all related data. This signal was received by their deep space probe-Voyager 2. It is now out of this galaxy. NASA even located the source of this signal through a very complex process. It came from Cadmium galaxy, almost 200 thousands lightyear afar from the earth."

"How does this signal come this far?" Jin still wasn't believing Arya's words that much.

"Maybe they used any booster," Arya just shook her shoulder quietly, "don't ask me the explanation- I don't know how it works anyway. I just know that this sound wave was encrypted in a very low frequency. You know low pitch sound can cover a very long distance!"

"It is unbelievable," Jin commented calmly, "Are you sure It is not any type of scam?"

"I don't think so," Arya shook her head, "if it was meant to be a scam, NASA would be already up on television, declaring their historic discovery, whatever it might be, at least it is their biggest proof of the existence of Alien!"

"When was this signal received?"

"Almost 24 hours now. I checked their electric logbook. It came from Voyager 2."

"So you do not doubt its source?"

"No. The Americans already started their research. One copy of the signal has been sent to area 51. One team of space scientists has already started working on their top-secret computer system under Airforce. But I think they should declare the news to the world. The more they delay, the more the risk of losing credits to others."

"Why?" Jin frowned.

"All of NASA's space-based probes' and satellite transmissions have been monitored by every developed country for ages. I assure you, all of them have already got a copy of this signal and the started their research by now. At the end of the day, he who will declare first will be the owner of the credits." Arya smiled wickedly.

"You said they received it 24 hours ago, then why are they still silent about it?"

"They are just waiting to be sure. It is a huge matter anyway!" Arya whistled unmindedly, "If it turns out to be a scam, they'd be in trouble. And there is the issue of finding the meaning of the message too..."


Arya chuckled, "What is the value of an alien signal if there isn't any meaning to it?"

"I saw you were just looking at some random pattern!" Jin smiled a little.

"Not random patterns," Arya smiled, "a visual copy of the sound. Tried to see if there is any pattern in the intensity and pitch. I am not understanding anything only by hearing. So it is the only way." She tapped on Jin's hand, "let me show you."

Typing something on the keyboard, Arya brought back the previous page on the screen. Jin just stared at the programming language on the screen without understanding a single word of it. He wasn't an expert. So these patterns and the hieroglyph all were the same to him.

On the other hand, Arya was looking at these intently, taking notes here and there, scrolling down when she was done without sparing a moment to look at her surroundings.

"You understand any of these?" Jin frowned.

Arya chuckled and shook her head left and right, "nope. How can I understand something only by reading which was supposed to be a sound? But I can read it. It is like writing Chamorro with the Korean alphabet. You can read it, but can't understand the meaning. What am I doing is seeing if there is any common pattern in it."

"Ok, you do your work. I have to finish my work too." Jin got up and Kissed the top of Arya's head, "Are you free this evening?"

"I will be," Arya grinned, "If Jong-il-sshi still staggers in his works and I get no parts I requested for."

"Should I tell him to delay the order then?" Jin raised one brow.

Arya smiled, "look at you! Sneaky, huh?"

Jin placed an envelope on Arya's keyboard, "I'll wait for you."

Before he went out of the room, Arya hurried, "what is it?"

Jin didn't answer, rather he shrugged to brush it off and went away.

Arya opened the envelope. There was a map, one key card of a famous hotel with a few vouchers in it.

"Sneaky," Arya smiled and put down the envelope.

She got a date tonight.

Arya got off work a little after the afternoon. Jong-il managed to hand her over all the hardware she demanded but she decided to start the work the next day.
Jin has already left finishing his work. He'll go back to Korea the next day for an urgent call from the agency.

Arya was a little down. They were supposed to go on a vacation after her work finishes. Guess she has to get used to it already.

Arya reached the hotel within the next thirty minutes. Jin has booked her a suite she had no idea why. But she already decided to go with the flow.

To her utter surprise, she was delivered a huge box from the reception as soon as she checked in and went into her suite.
The room was elegant and comfy. Much to the contrast of Jin's house in the forest which was distant and cold expressing the aura of its owner.

Pushing her deeper into confusion and amusement, room service called and within the next four hours, she was sent to a VIP spa service, attended carefully from her toe tip to her temple.
Surpassing her laughter, she still managed to enjoy her relaxing time which Jin arranged for her.

It was hilarious to her. She has to ask him whose idea was this. Jin wasn't someone who'd figure out something like this all by himself.

By the evening, she was ready in a dress that came in that delivery box. It was from Metisu with skew neck slip lines and clean black with one single white thin strap.

Jin and his choice- Arya smiled unmindedly while looking at herself in the mirror. The dress was simple, elegant, and classy at the same time.

When the receptionist again called her to inform her that her car was ready, her hair was done perfectly by the stylist tending her appearance. Grabbing the small purse that came with the dress, she came down to the front.

Jin was there. All dressed in his usual black. But he looked expensive and classy.
Jin's eyes lingered on Arya for a few moments before he moved a little opened the car door for her.

"Something is wrong!" Arya chuckled at Jin, "what happened to you suddenly?"

"A man should treat his lady well," Jin nodded and closed the door as Arya got in.

Though Arya knew he was serious about his remark, couldn't hide her laughter and pointed at his head, "you have officially lost it!"

Jin got in the car and started the engine without any words.

"Thank you for everything, by the way," Arya grinned and looked at Jin.

"You liked it?"

"Loved it," Arya nodded and smiled, "parks of having someone so rich!"

A very slight smile appeared on Jin's lips and keeping his eyes on the road, he hummed slightly, "You look beautiful."

"I know I am beautiful!" Arya grinned, "thank you for the dress."

"Not for the dress. You are beautiful always." Jin disagreed slightly.

"Aww!" Arya squealed knowing Jin doesn't quite like such meaningless sound, "well, you don't look so bad either, mister!"

"Thank you."

"Aish! This proper boy!" Arya facepalmed and sighed, "where are we going?"

Jin silently took out two tickets from his suit's pocket and handed her.

"Hell!" Arya's eyes widened at the sight, "It has been ages since I last attended a ballet performance! When was it?" Arya tried hard to remember but couldn't.

"Final term at the academy, during the last vacation. It was swan lake at that time." Jin's voice was calm.

"And how do you know?" Arya's eyes turned narrow as she charged toward Jin, "were you my stalker?"

"I bumped into you in the opera house," Jin's eyes were still on the road.

"Why were you there?" Arya was still frowning.

"Family's charity event. Uncle arranged the whole event including the Orchestral concert and the ballet shows."

"No wonder!" Arya almost groaned, "what did I do back then?"

The slight smile on Jin's lips this time brightened a little bit, "something funny."

Arya leaned back and sighed, "you know what? I..."

Jin took a glanced at Arya and suddenly it occurred to him, Arya was down. A little down so suddenly.

He quietly pulled over. Arya looked at him confusedly.

Jin smiled at her gently, undid her seatbelt, and pulled her closer.
Seeing the gesture, Arya smiled and wind her arm around Jin's neck, and mumbled, "you know me too well."

"You may not recall what happened to our past, but this present and future aren't going anywhere. I won't let it go anywhere," Jin kissed Arya's forehead and smiled a little, "if we had already lost thirty years, we'll make the next thirty years of memories together. We'll create new memories."

"We'll be sixty by then," Arya chuckled. She was feeling a little better already, "who said we'll be still together by then?"

"Cause you are stuck here with me, Araya Akaishi, there is no turning back now."

"Is it a warning or a threat?" Arya laughed.

"A promise." Jin looked deep into her eyes, "I am not going anywhere, Arya. As long as you want me here with you."

Arya bit her lips to surpass her flushing face and mumbled, "start the car. We will miss the show."

And Jin did.

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