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The downtown Bunker Hill was just twenty minutes away from Willshire avenue. The CIA local bureau office was on the fifteenth floor of the Federal building in downtown Bunker Hill. But it took almost forty-five minutes for Arya and Jin to reach there during the morning rush hour.

Every second was important now for them. The time was ticking. The agency still couldn't locate Dr. Stanley Donnen. They couldn't tell how much time will be they needed either. But Jin was hoping. If they can convince the CIA, it will be easier. Their technology was diverse and advanced along with a vast database to look into.

They both stood in front of the federal complex of Los Angles after forty-five minutes. Two twin buildings were standing side by side fifty feet apart. The maximum government offices of Los Angels were located in these two buildings alone.
parking the car in the underground parking lot, they both came up on the fifteenth floor.

After walking along the wide corridor, there was a huge glass door with a CIA monogram on it.
Guarding the door were two suited men in front.

They stopped both of them.

"I.D please."

Jin brought out a visiting card and introduced himself.
"Kim Seokjin, Acting director, Tripple A investigation agency."

NIS branches were masked under this triple-A investigation agency here in America. The Americans definitely won't allow other intelligence agencies on their soil knowingly. So here came the secrecy.

The men checked the visiting card and looked at him, "what can we do for you, sir?"

"We came to see the bureau chief. It's important."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"My office should have called directly before we came here. I am sure they did," Jin nodded a little.

"Only phone call? You should have made sure of this matter if you got the appointment or not."

"See, it's a very serious matter," Arya opened her mouth, "we didn't get the time for all these formalities. Go check, Your director should be waiting for us."

"No need," one man shook his head, "you can't enter without any permit."

"Go check if we have that permit or not."

"Like I said, no need. We always get informed first if somebody was to come. In this case, we didn't."

"Maybe they forgot," Jin said calmly, "I am insisting you check again. It is very important. I am warning you, If we are late, you two might be called for a show cause."

The two guards looked at each other and finally one of them said, "ok, wait for a bit. Let me go and check."

He went inside the room and came back after three minutes, "good news. The chief will see you guys."

Jin nodded in acknowledgment and tried to enter but was again stopped by one of the guards, "just a minute, sir. We need to search your bodies- that is the standard procedure."

Jin brought out his Walther PPK from inside of his jacket and handed it to one of the guards, "no need. I only have this one with me. And she is unarmed."

The guard took the pistol, "thank you for giving it out beforehand. But sorry, we have to go through the search protocol."

Jin frowned in annoyance but shrugged a little as an indication of giving in.

Gesturing Arya to obey them, he stood in front of the wall of the corridor spreading his both hands on both sides.
Their bodies were searched with quick and professional hands.

Except for the CD of the Uno virus, their wallets, and their phones, nothing unusual was found. But the two guards were not giving up. As if they made up their mind about finding something no matter what. They were searching the same places again and again.

Jin suspected, probably they were intentionally doing it and wasting their time.

"What are you doing, may I ask?" This time Arya raised her voice a bit, clearly pissed, "should we strip if you aren't satisfied enough?"

The two guards were caught off guard and both of them stepped back this time, a little taken aback. One of them managed an awkward laugh and said, "please don't mind us, sir. It's not like we didn't hear about your deeds, Mr. Kim. Can't be so sure if you hide something in your body for god knows what! We had to be sure. It's purely professional."

Jin stood still facing them this time, "what do you mean by hiding something? You think we came to attack your bureau or anything?"

The guards were hesitant and hasty, "no...no we didn't say that!"

"Then what is the meaning of these?"

"You are overreacting, sir. We are just only following our protocol. Come with us, we will escort you."

"Give our things back," Arya said in a low tone.

"You can have the wallets back. You'll get the rest back when you return. Sorry... it's a matter of security."

"We need the CD for what we have come here."

"Our bureau chief will give the decision over it. Until then, we are keeping it."

"And if we get any emergency calls meanwhile?" Arya was still pissed.

"We will let you talk. Don't worry."

Arya sighed and took the wallets in her hands and looked at Jin and they both followed the guards and entered the bureau office.

The reception area was just in front. The guards went away after they escorted both of them to the reception desk.

The young woman at the reception smiled warmly and put down a register book in front of them, "welcome to CIA, Mr. Kim and Ms. Akaishi."

"What is this?" Arya indicated her toward the book.

"Visitor's book, ma'am. Sign it after writing down your names and addresses. And then please fill-up the forms here," the woman gives her two forms.

"And what are these again?" Arya was still frowning.

"Particular's form, ma'am. To keep the records of the visitors."

"Holly molly!" Arya almost whistled seeing the form and the size, "it's not only about me, I have to write down everything from my ancient grandpa even!"

"You should hurry up," the woman smiled nicely, "after this, you'll have to give your fingerprint, blood samples, and a DNA sample. We'll have to take your photos too."

Jin frowned, "are you all kidding me right now?"

"Not at all! Why would we? It is our standard procedure here! If someone enters pretending to be a visitor and then do some sabotaging here- that's why this system is here, so that we can have a record of the people that caused the damages."

"What do you take me for?" Jin's frown deepens, "It's not my first time in a CIA branch office. I even went to CIA headquarters in Langley. Where were all these procedures then?"

"Maybe they did some exception for you back then," the girl was
unbuzzed, "but it's no use giving those references here. Sorry, if you want to go inside, you have to follow the protocols here."

Something was wrong- Jin could sense it. They were harassing them intentionally. He needed to know why.

"So, Mr. Kim? Decided yet? Will you complete the formalities or go back?"

"Let's go back, Jin," Arya said to Jin in Korean. Her voice was angered, "why do we even care? They can die and go to hell if they want!"

"Keep your cool, Arya," Jin replied, "they are deliberately trying to get under our skin. They probably don't want us to go inside. Let's see what happens if we stand our ground.".

"But it's just pure insult. They are wasting our time too!"

"We have time until Jong-il-sshi locates Dr. Donnen. Let's play by their rules for now. Don't worry, we'll get our revenge in time."
Jin turned toward the receptionist and asked in English, "pen?"

The receptionist gave two pens and indicated them towards a door and said, "go in there, there are sitting arrangements.".

Signing the visitor's book and taking the forms, they both entered the said room. That was a waiting room with sofas and a center table. Both of them filled up the huge form in the next twenty minutes.
Two persons in white aprons came in this time. They took their fingerprint, and blood sample and even took buccal swabs for DNA analysis. At last one photographer came in and took their photos from different angles.

Arya looked at her watch and seeing forty minutes has passed since they came here, she opened her mouth, "you finished your circus yet?"

The person was startled and replied stupidly, "yes."

"Can we meet with the bureau chief now?"

"Sure. Come with me."

Following the person, Jin and Arya came out. Two guards were just outside the door. They escorted both of them after they came out.

The room of the person in charge was on the opposite side of the wing. They were escorted through a whole room of cubicles inside which agents were working busily.

The outer room before the room of the person in charge was a glass office inside which a woman was seated at a desk- the personal secretary of the person in charge. There were a pair of sofas near the glass wall for the visitor.
But Jin noticed them last. The first thing he noticed entering the outer room was the name of the person in charge engraved on the door.

And Jin stood still in his place for a second.

Now the mystery was being unfolded. Why they were harassed in such a way or why the meeting was continuously delayed deliberately- everything was now being clear to Jin. This person- the name of this person on the door was the answer to all these.

Douglas Bullock
Bureau chief

Jin sighed sharply and frowned while his upright shoulder fall in frustration, "God! Why is he here?"

"Who?" Arya frowned instantly.


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