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Two assassins came down the slope from the roof of the mountain to the surface; Alpha-One and Two. The third one stayed back at the top, as a backup.
At the moment, they were squatting behind a boulder of ice.
They were preparing for an ambush.

Against more than a hundred security personnel and other people at the research facility, only two assassins were really nothing,
No matter how latest the weapons and equipment they had. But these twos Still were not retreating. Because they believed before the opponent understands anything they will be able to finish their mission. The main criterion of a successful attack is the element of surprise. If you can surprise the enemy, the work becomes much easier. If the opponent is not mentally ready, they can be easily defeated.

They were planning to use this method this time.

The biggest problem was getting into the research facility - there were strict guards at every entry point, in other words, it was impossible to avoid their eyes. But Alpha One has solved the problem four days ago.

Every morning an ice tractor comes out of the facility with the garbages of the whole area. It travels two miles to the edge of the ice shelf and dumps everything in the sea. 

It went to the edge today too, they'll stop it on its way back, and they will enter the dome in disguise as the drivers.

Garbage dumping has become so routined work that the securities nowadays don't bother to check in anymore. It will be a great advantage for them.

Alpha-One looked at the clock, about an hour and a half had passed
Since getting clearance from Alpha Zero. He felt anxious, they were way behind their timetable. The tractor was also coming late today.

Meanwhile, it was time for the American ship to arrive too. when it arrives, they won't be able to carry on their operation anymore.
He decided to wait another five minutes. If it delays, they'll try to attack the entry point of the dome directly.
Alpha One sighed, wondering how the chances of success would diminish if that happens.
Where did the damn tractor go! That would have been a beautiful way to get into the dome!

The walkie-talkie hanging around Alpha One's waist came alive, their third companion was shouting from above.
"Alpha-One, this is Alpha-Three.  Reply."

"Alpha-One Speaking. What it is?"

"It's coming...the tractor, it's coming!" Alpha-Three was excited.

"Understood. You maintain the position. Over and out." Alpha One ended the communication.

Within minutes, the roar of the heavy engine of the tractor was heard. After a while, it appeared in sight, moving slowly.

The roofless carrier behind it was empty as it dumped the garbages earlier.
Who knows why it was coming so slowly still!

Alpha-One brought the walkie-talkie to his mouth again, "Alpha-Three, we are going to move now. Signal the helicopter to come now.
We have to fly out of here as soon as possible after the mission is over."

"It won’t take more than twenty minutes for it to arrive," said Alpha-Three, "can you complete the mission meanwhile?"

"Hopefully I can. if we are a couple of minutes late by any chance, tell the helicopter to wander around."

"Got it. Over and out."

Alpha One lowered the walkie-talkie and looked at his partner.
He nodded a little. The two of them got up immediately, leaving behind the boulder, they stepped forward and stood in front of the tractor track.

The driver and his assistant of the tractor were shocked to see two people suddenly emerging out of nowhere. He quickly braked and stopped the vehicle, the two strangers walked quietly and came along both sides of the tractor and
stopped by the two windows of the driver's cabin.

The driver was surprised to see two outsiders coming out of the blue on this uninhabited ice shelf.
He lowered the window glass and
then he asked, "who are you? Where did you come from?"

The young man smiled a little without answering. At a dazzling speed at the last moment, the pistol with a silencer was taken out from behind his body.

With a soft sound, the bullet created a third eye in between the brow of the driver. Alpha Two too shot at about the same time. Two lifeless bodies lay on the seat. 

The two assassins moved quickly. At first, the two bodies were unloaded from the tractor, the clothes were taken off and the bodies were thrown into a crack in the ice shelf. within a few hours, they would be covered in snow. After that, they put on their clothes and dressed as drivers and assistants. Sitting on the tractor, they covered their eyes and faces with snow masks and goggles. The heavy vehicle left for the facility- the whole incident took less than five minutes to complete.

Within ten minutes the tractor reached the garage entrance of the dome.
As soon as the horn buzzed, the automatic door opened and the vehicle entered the garage.
The two assassins parked it and came down from the track.
There were two guards at the door to the main part of the dome but they passed without any hindrance. 

The guards were satisfied just seeing the ID hanging on the chests of the killers. Looking at masks and goggles
they did not doubt; they remained silent thinking the driver and his assistant just came out of the cold, so they were not taking those off just yet.

Reaching the passage, Alpha One took out a map from his pocket. It was the
blueprint of the facility, collected from Brighton's mainframe computer through hacking before they hit the ice shelf.

The Operation Center of the dome was only fifty yards away from the dome. From Security lookout to
Water, electricity, air supply, temperature — everything was controlled from there.

This medium-sized room was the heart of the whole facility. Their target was now that room. to cover a small distance, they faced the security guards only once. The two of them crossed them pretending as if they were taking off their mask and goggles.

There was no access for outsiders
at the facility, so the security guards were satisfied with only seeing the ID.

Reaching the last turn, the two assassins stopped and peeked at the entrance of the Operation Center. The corridor was free, but two guards were standing in front of the door. They did not seem to be giving any concessions, in the whole facility
their responsibility was the most important - to guard the heart of the facility. They were well-alerted.
Why a vehicle driver and his assistant was wanting to enter the operation center, they'll undoubtedly want to know.

Two assassins instantly decided what to do. They turned around and came out, walking firmly towards the door.  At the sound of footsteps, the two guards turned their heads and looked at the two strangers with suspicion.

But seeing the two people advancing without hesitation, they also were surprised. They waited with their arms outstretched, challenging the newcomers as they approached. But two skilled members of the Alpha team did not given that opportunity.  two pistols with silencers came out from behind their jackets just ten feet away from the guards. They fired two shots without even disturbing the rhythm of their walk. The guards fell to the ground without any resistance. The assassins impassively passed the two bodies, twisted the knob and opened the door of the operation center, and entered the room. a total of six staff were working in front of various consoles inside, their back facing toward the door.

Alpha One fired three shots entering the room with amazing skills and extraordinary reflexes.
They have chosen their target in a fraction of a second; After the shooting,
It turned out that no one touched anyone's targets. 
All six staff received six bullets in the back of the head and stumbled upon the console even before they can scream. The killers did not look at the corpses. At first, they dragged the bodies of the two guards inside, then closed the door.

This time they looked at the security console.
Two men in uniforms were working there, now dead. With a tug, the two assassins threw those dead guards from the chair to the floor and sat down in their chairs.

There were nine eight-inch TV screens were set in there in three rows on the wall just in front of the console.
They were showing the scene being trampled by the sixty close-circuit cameras draped all over the whole facility. 

Alpha One leaned back in his chair. removing his mask he said, "let's see,
where is our dear Doctor at the moment?"

To Jin, Dr. Donnen's statements were blurry and unclear still.
He frowned and asked, "what do you mean, doctor? What do you mean by talking with the last Uno?"

"Last means last," the scientist sighed, "In the last three months six of us have died. I can't even say whether the seventh is still alive or not. Probably I am the last one standing."

"Just a minute, the calculations did not match up! Seven Unos and you are one...that makes in total eight Unos. Where are the other two?"

"They died a long time ago, in a car accident. But for a while now, it seems, they too were murdered."

"I don't understand what are you saying," Jin frowned, his calm composer long gone, "speak it up clearly!"

"Then You have to listen to the whole story first."

"We have no time to hear the story, we have to go. The whole world is in a terrible crisis... "

"I think it's better to listen to everything that professor has to say, Jin," said Arya, "we have to be on the run after we leave anyway, we may not have any opportunity to hear him out later. If we listen to him now, maybe we can find any clues there."

Jin thought about the proposal a bit. Blickman will remain unconscious for a while, and the guards will not enter the room unless they are called. So there was plenty of time for talking in peace.

It is good too if the ship of the Coast Guard arrives meanwhile. Blickman said they would never let Donnen go with them. In that case, there sure will be a conflict between the Coast Guard and the people at the facility.
The hustle and bustle can be a good cover for their escape. 
The doctor can't start the work of making antivirus until they can go out of this room and find a convenient place to do so.
So it will be wise to spend the time talking to him. Then maybe it will also be helpful to find out who can be behind this terrible virus among the unos.

So Jin decided to spend some time in the security chief's room.
He looked at the scientist and said, "All right, sir. Tell your story, however,
try to keep it short."

Donnen shook his head and said, "It all started In England...at Oxford University. I studied computer engineering there. Back in time, I was a little introverted. Moreover, I went there from another continent; Naturally in the beginning I had no friends. But what happens when you stay in one place for a long time?
Gradually you became close with one or two people, the same thing happened to me. I got close to some people, they became my only friends. The funny thing is, none of them were my classmates. Most of them were either seniors or juniors. Then how did we become friends? We all shared a common interest. Our endless interest in computers. Like most people of our age, we had no interest in  Music, fashion, film, or politics. Our every hobby was with the computer. It was our hobby, habit, Passion — everything. 
Nowadays though the number of such computer-addicted people is common, back in the day it was very unusual.
Cause at that time, it wasn't something recreational or advanced. Everyone treated it as a complex counting machine only."

"Then what did you do with  computers all the time?"

"We were researching on the device, how it could be improved-we used to worry about that. Seeing the passion, everyone at the uni called us "the team of dumb scholars".

"Hmm, you were ten in number at that time?"

"Not always. The number of friends in our group varied from time to time.
But when it came to ten, we stopped taking people in. Newcomers who wanted to join later, we didn't take them in the team anymore."

"Why?" Jin asked.

"Because they invented Uno-code then, they didn't want other people to find out about it," Arya understood and said, "right, sir?"

Donnen smiled, "Yes. But that happened much later. In the beginning, we were not trying to invent something like that, our attempt was then to make the existing conventional system more efficient.  That's what we were researching,
We ran experiments individually, then we often came together and analyze the results, we corrected and made constructive criticism of each other's mistakes - this was how the day went on. There were ten of us - seven boys, and three girls. Five of them were British. Among them, Michael and Debbie Walden were high school Sweetheart...They got married while they were still students at uni and had a daughter. The other three British people were Tricia Milner, Herbert Grant, and Dwight Gardner. Also, there was Kurt Masden-Irish and Val Mortimer's home was in Scotland.
The rest three of us were Americans — me, Louis Palmer, and the youngest member of the group — Elisa Van
Buren. She was half-Dutch as her father was from the Netherlands.
The girl was our junior by four years."

"Four years! How did she get into your group?"

"She studied computer science, she was talented... and Kurt's girlfriend."
Said Donnen, "that's how she became one of us. Of course, their relationship didn't last long, but Elisa didn't leave us even after their breakup, she remained in the group, being a good friend to Kurt. We were happy about that too. They were both a little
crazy and playful, they were the joy of our boring nerd group. They were The source of our life force."

"Mnn," Jin shook his head, "now that Everyone’s identities have been said, please start talking about Unocode."

"It would be much later- the year was probably in the early nineties. We had already finished our studies and were busy with our doctorates. One day Michael and Debbie appeared at the meeting excitedly. They said they have invented a completely revolutionary code. It can be used to replace binary code. We were quite surprised to hear about the Singular Code because the subject matter wasn't just an idea, they have come up with a sample to show us too. We were not told when the idea of ​​a code came to their minds, or when they took the thing to a demonstration level. Seeing the situation, it seemed that the matter was kept hidden from us and some of us were very angry, but it did not last long. Fascinated by the magic of the code, we forgot everything. the code was raw then.
So we got busy developing it. Four months later, the code was brought in working condition. It was time for the experiment. We created our software with the singular code and ran it in the computer lab of the uni. The result was just like a horror movie-the whole uni's system crashed within minutes. We unknowingly created a virus. The singular code program was so powerful that it was Overriding everything that was in binary and started destroying everything it has in its way. to be more sure, we tested it in two other places, the same thing happened every time. After the events, we were able to guess the destructive power of the code. Attempts have been made to break any of the binary code security. And it crashed everything. Seeing all this, we became worried, and many problems stood in front of us. Until I can run the code everywhere, it is nothing more than a weapon against the binary system.
But it was not possible to start the thing in a short time... " Dr. Donnen repeated all the difficulties Jin had heard about the code from Arya.

Dr. Donnen sighed and said, "that's why we decided to keep the code a secret. we took woath. We swore all together, as long as we can't bring the code to a stage like presenting it to the world solving all the problems,
We will not tell anyone about it, we will not teach it to anyone. The promise is still kept today."

"But you have not been able to suppress it completely," said Jin,
"call it a Rumor or a myth, people came to know it. They named it Uno-code and called you guys
Unos...they even know the exact number of unos. How is this possible?"

"There was an investigation after the uni's system crashed," explained Dr.
Donnen, "a small trace of Uno-code was found on the hard disk of the damaged computers. Although the scholars of the department didn't want to call it a code, the students did not agree. Several students became very interested in it and I guess the myth also started through them. We weren't caught, but in the investigation, it turned out that ten users crashed the system altogether. From there, the story of ten Unos Spread."

"Well! All right, let's finish the story.  What happened after the failed experiment and the oath to hide the Uno code? "

"We finished our studies, then everyone got separated to make a living. Jobs, business, teaching - we got engaged in various professions far and wide around the world. However, we did not stop researching Uno-code.
As we continued our research, we did not stop communicating with each other. The Internet has been discovered meanwhile, so routinely we met in cyberspace for a meeting. Discussions were going on about who made what progress. Everything was going well, but all of a sudden it happened.
Michael and Debbie, the inventors of the singular code, our two best friends...Died in a car accident. They worked at Kingswood Electronics in the UK, one day while returning home after office in the afternoon, the brakes of the car failed and the car fell down the hilly road and both of them died right there."

"Break fail?"

"No other cause was found in the official investigation. We also did not suspect anything. Michael always drove fast."

"What you were saying a while ago ... You don’t think the accident is an accident anymore..?"

Dr. shook his head. 

"But what makes you feel that way after so many years, sir?" Asked
Arya, "you said that everyone else died except you, why do you say that?"

The old man sighed, "after the death of Michael and Debbie we were sad and lost. They were our two dearest people. As they died, our manpower decreased too. Only ten people were already not enough for the gigantic work we were doing at that time. Michael and Debbie were the inventors of the unocode. They
knew most about that Uno code. They could make grammar about uno-code easily, even though they were working on some excellent methods to transfer binary code into singular code. We went backfoot as they died. We couldn't finish the work till now just because they aren't with us. Anyway, at least we didn't give up. We kept on going with individual research.
The rest have also kept in touch. Many years have passed since then.
The problem started three months ago...First- Louis was murdered in New York by some junky snatcher.
Kurt died a few days later of a heart attack. The operation was successful, but he did not recover. In the death of two friends, We suffered a lot, but still, we did not suspect anything. 
We had a meeting on the Internet a few days later Herbert was absent there. He was the crazy type, he always ditched us and just disappeared once in a while. So no one paid any special attention to it.
He wasn't even present at the second meeting at the end of the month, at the same time we discovered that Tricia disappeared too. This time we were suspicious and started to look for them and knew that Herbert was in a boat accident and Tricia died in a gas explosion at her own apartment.
The journalists did not bother thinking about a normal accident case, so nothing came out in the newspaper too. But we did not have any difficulty understanding what was happening. One after another-
The death of the four Unos can't be a coincidence at all, someone must be
targeting and removing the Unos from the world. I told the other three about my suspicion. Dwight believed, Elisa neither believed nor disbelieved, but promised to be careful;  And Val just laughed it out. The poor man got the result hand-to-hand. He died while climbing the mountain- another accident...Do you believe?"

Jin and Arya remained silent - they also agreed with the gentleman,
Five particular people cannot die in consecutive accidents.

After waiting for a while, Donnen again got back on track, "anyway, Upon learning of Herbert and Tricia's death, I began to worry about the whole thing. Why we were being killed, even if we do not understand it, all I understood is that someone sent professional killers behind us who not only kill, but also make the murder look like an accident. Just Think about it...Four people died, but no one doubted for once! The rest could have gone to the police to save themselves, but in that case, people more dangerous than the killers would get their hands on uno-code which is even more horrible. So I had to think of alternatives to save myself. I thought every murder is happening in the form of an accident. So I have to change my traditional lifestyle, or I will have to go somewhere where the killers won't find me or they can't put me up for any accident. Brighton technology was pursuing me for a long time to take me to their research project. Two-year contract... I have to stay on a secluded ice shelf away from everyone I know without any discreet connection with the outside world-
I was not agreeing with the thought previously. But in that situation, this offer seemed to save my life.
The lonely ice shelf, tight security - nobody can come from outside even if they want to. Nice arrangement, isn't it? I made it a condition with Brighton that the news of my joining the project will be kept secret; They agreed. Then what, I resigned from the uni and moved here.
Of course, even after coming here, I could not get rid of the fear in my mind, what if they comes for me in disguise? So I kept saying that if any strangers keep looking for me, they should be arrested immediately. they always plan a trap for anyone and everyone just for me ever since.
You guys just fell for that."

"You didn't tell Why do you think Michael and Debbie didn't have an accident," said Jin.

"Well, Mr. Kim, where six people were killed in an accident,
Tell me what would make me think of their death as any other normal death? Whether it was eighteen years ago!"

"Six? You've only talked about five so far. Who else was killed?"

"Dwight Gardner. In the middle of last month, it was a hit-and-run case."

"And Elisa van Buren?"

"I can't say for sure whether she is dead or alive. I found out about Val and Dwight's news after I came here. on the internet ... Reading the online edition of the newspaper. I didn't Nothing see anything about Elisa so far.  But there is nothing to be happy about in it. I remember Herbert and Tricia.  Maybe Elisa too died in such a way that the journalists did not consider it as news."

"It would be good if we could be sure.  Can't you contact her?"

Donnen shook his head, "No. I told them to lay low and not to contact each other for an indefinite time  before I came here."

"Mnn." Jin shook his head uneasily,
" It seems that this mystery has a connection with what we have come for her."

"What were you talking about, a virus?" Donnen wanted to know.

Jin shook his head positively.

"What has Uno's murders got to do with the virus?" Down frowned.

"It’s made by Unocode, sir," said Arya, "The virus will destroy all the computers in the world in the next three days."

"What!" The scientist was shocked. 
"What are you talking about?"

"You are not hearing things," said Jin, “only an antivirus made by Unocode will be able to prevent it. My guess is, Unos were being removed from the earth one by one so that they can't make the antivirus to stop the disaster."

The scientist frowned, "Why only antivirus ... the virus to is not possible for anyone to make it except any uno."

"Alive Uno,"  corrected jin.

Donnen immediately looked at him.  "What do you mean?"

"Sorry sir, but you said it yourself that no one but you is alive now."

"No!" Donner protested loudly, "Why would I want to spread the virus?  And why will I kill my dear friends one by one ...You think I am a monster?"

"Jin, I sincerely believe that my professor cannot do such a thing," said Arya taking the side of his favorite teacher.

"In that case, only Elisa Van Buren is left," said Jin, "If we think she is still alive!"

"Elisa?" Donnen nodded.  "Why would she make such a virus? Mr. Kim,
We have been working with a great purpose for almost twenty years.
If anyone wanted to use Unocode as a weapon, they could have done so from the beginning, Couldn't they?".

"I don’t know the answer to this question, Doctor," Jin shrugged, "but
you are acknowledging that the virus
It is not possible to make by any person except any uno. If you're sure that eight out of ten people have died, and if any two of you haven't done it,
then who did it?"

"What if everyone isn't actually dead, Jin?" said Arya.

Jin's forehead showed a deep frown.
"What do you mean?"

"There were so many accidents...any one of them can be fake.
Maybe the false drama of dying to remove suspicion from oneself can be fabricated by Someone."

Jin fell silent — that possibility really can't be blown away.

There was silence for a few moments.  Dr. Donnen was thinking with his head down. He suddenly straightened up, his eyes were shining.
"None of us did that, Mr. Kim, I forgot to tell you one thing,  It was a long time ago that's why I forgot it..."


"There’s one more Uno besides the ten of us. The eleventh Uno."

Both Arya and Jin were shocked.  "What are you saying? Eleventh Uno? Who is this number eleven?"

The computer scientist sighed, "What more can I say...that's the biggest Mystery."

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