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Jin and Arya were standing by the door in the garage, she was tapping the switch vigorously. But the door was not opening.

"What happened?" Said Arya in an annoyed voice, "why it is not opening?"

"Guess they cut the power supply of the door," Jin said frowning.

"Seems like nothing escaped their eyes. All these just to trap us!"

"That is the charming trait of professional killers." Jin shrugged a little.

"But how do we get out now?"

Jin glanced at the vehicles parked in the garage and suddenly he had a smile on his face, "what's the point of sweating over a closed door when we have an iron monster at hand?"

"What are you talking about?" Arya was surprised.

Jin pointed her towards a snow plow. It was another version of a bulldozer that works on ice. It was extremely powerful and used for breaking and flattening ice during road construction or blockage.

Arya checked out the thick steel of the exit door and the machine monster one after another, "can it break this thick door?"
There was hesitation in her voice.

"There’s only one way to know, right?" said Jin and approached the snow plow. Dr. Donnen who was in look out at the excess door between the passage and garage called him back suddenly,
"Mr. Kim...! I can hear footsteps.  Someone is coming this way!"

Jin glanced at his watch. People in the dome were still unconscious. They were not supposed to wake up so soon. Those who were lying randomly in the garage, they have taken them aside and some of them would have gained consciousness if it was time while doing that. Then who can it be?"

"What should I do .." Donnen said, pulling his head behind the door to look at Jin. And immediately a pair of submachine guns roared, and a bunch of bullets rushed inside through the open door.
The scientist trembled with fear, if he did not move his head in time, he would have been lying dead on the floor already!

"Shit!" Arya cursed, "professor, Get out of here...Get out of there!"

"Who is shooting?" Donnen said in a shocked voice. "Was there any other man with that two assassins?"

"No other people," said Jin, not having difficulty understanding the matter,
"They had bulletproof vests with them."

He started running. There was
A jerrycan full of fuel in the rear bracket of a Land Rover. He grabbed it and picked it up.

Dr. Donnen walked away from the door, with jerrycan in hand
Jin has just arrived, and at that time the assassin's shot fired again. Seeing Arya coming forward, he raised his hand and stopped her, "I'm taking care of it, you break the door - that's what we need the most. We have run out of ammunition. I can't hold them for much longer."

Shaking her head, Arya ran towards the snow plow. Dr. Donnen shuddered and asked, "umm...do I have to do something?"

Jin looked back at the two tracks on one side of the garage.
There were six motorcycle-like vehicles parked on it. He showed them and said, "do you know how to drive a snowmobile?"

The scientist nodded positively.

"Good," Jin said. "Get the keys for the two of them. We have to use these to escape. The speed of the tractor and the plow is very low. We can't use them. Start two snowmobiles. Leave one for me and Arya, and mount on the other one and wait. We will go out as soon as the door is broken. Ok?"

After receiving the instruction, Donnen did not delay and ran toward the booth on one side of the garage for the keys.

"Listen up, those three in the garage!" 
Alpha-One's voice came from the passage, "don't be silly, there is no way to escape. Hand over the scientist to us, then we won't kill you. Do you agree?"

Jin remained silent.

"Why aren’t you talking?" The voice was a little impatient this time.

Peeking out a little through the excess door, Jin let out his upper body a little, and aiming at the source of the sound he fired three shots. 

Swearing came from the other side.

Jin said, "that is our answer. You Like it?"

A little silence. 
Then the tough-looking young man spoke again, "you’re making a huge mistake, stranger. The biggest mistake of your life."

"Is that so?" Jin said sarcastically, his hands busy tearing off a part of the shirt from the bottom of the jacket, "what else can we do? We are born to make mistakes, do you know that?  What is there to whine about it now?"

"Who are you, stranger? You are not someone from the facility - I know that. What is your identity?"

"That is just rude," said Jin as he worked. He was soaking the torn clothing in the oil from the jerrycan, "before asking someone's name, you have to introduce yourself first, don't you know?"

"Our names are of no use to you. You are a dead man," Alpha-Two's voice was heard.

Jin rolled the cloth soaked in oil and put it on the mouth of the jerrycan and closed the lid loosely. He said to the opponent, "I can say the same thing to you too. But the word
"eunuch"  should be placed in the place of "man". Those who want to kill helpless and innocent people, I do not think of them as anything else than a eunuch. By the way, what is the plural of a eunuch?"

Arya's amused laughing was heard.

Alpha-Two started cursing colorfully, "I swear If I don't skin that bastard alive...!"

The speech was drowned out by the roar of the snow-plow engine.  moving forward with its nose pressing against the exit door, it began to push with all its might.

The sound of resistance was so strong that it seemed like the whole dome was crying out for help.

“God damn it!” shouted Alpha-One.  "They're breaking down the door!"

The two assassins straightened up and rushed to the garage door while brush firing toward the passage.

Jin did not rush, he took out a lighter from his pocket - he found it while searching the body of an unconscious guard for ammunition inside the garage.
He set fire to the clothes and laid down,
Through the gap between the bullet's stream and the floor- he shot indiscriminately. He wasn't sure if his bullets hit the targets, but the assassins were forced to stop firing and take cover behind two pillars.

Jin did not miss the opportunity, hanging the jerrycan in his hand, he came out through the open door, then threw the thing with all his might into the passage and closed the door behind him.

The fuel-filled jerrycan landed five yards away from the two killers.
Seeing the scene in the light of the burning cloth, those two immediately knew what was going to happen.

"Jesus! Again?" Alpha-Two almost wailed. The two killers didn't take a second to turn and run with all their might. Behind them, the jerrycan exploded.
Along with the sound, an orange fireball grew in an instant- consuming a lot of space. The twos still couldn't cross a safe distance. The two assailants felt the shockwave on their backs—they flung and landed on the floor a few years forward.
all the air was knocked out of their chests by the impact of the fall.
The two assassins straightened up after moaning in pain for a few moments.

Alpha-Two shook his head as if to get rid of an invisible wasp that was buzzing in his ears and yelled,
"I will kill that motherfucker! I will kill him with my own hands!" His voice was sullen and enraged.

Alpha-One stood up quickly, "quick!  They are running away! Alpha-Three can't handle three people alone!"

The two murderers tried to hurry back, but the fire has already spread across the passage. Before going through it to the other side, the exit door was defeated by Arya's snow plow. Out went the snow plow, tearing through the steel- it came out pushing the broken pieces of the door and landed on the surface of the ice shelf.

Two snowmobiles almost jumped out of the garage through the destroyed door. Jin was in the front one and Dr. Donnen mounted on the second one. Jin stopped the snowmobile beside the snowplow and again charged forwards after ensuring that Arya came out and sat properly in his back seat.

Alpha-Three witnessed the scene from the hillside. He was prepared a Remmington extended-range sniper rifle with him. His eyes were on the Leopold scope mounted on top of the rifle. He said on the walkie-talkie, “I can see them. What should I do?"

"Kill the target first," answered Alpha-One, "That's our priority. Alpha two and I will take care of the two bastards."

"You are saying that you are gonna take care of them for so long already," Alpha-Three's sarcastic voice came through the walkie-talkie, "I don't think I can see any injury on their body yet!"

"Shut up!" Barked Alpha-Two, "You'd know what kind of opponent they were if you were here. They are not even letting us breathe properly!"

"Do what I say without talking," ordered the leader.


Alpha-Three picked up the second snowmobile at the optical site, he adjusted the focus and held his breath and waited a few moments to aim perfectly, and then pressed the trigger.

The enormous white field of the ice sheet trembled with a thunderous sound, It echoed on the mountain and increased several times, and continued to murmur
across the horizon.

Arya was shocked while sitting in the slow mobile, "holy fuck! Jin...!"

Jin gritted his teeth, "they have kept a sniper standby."

Arya took a glimpse of the back, "the bullet missed him, but we should warn him."

The two agents turned their heads toward the second snowmobile in the back.
The assassin's sniper rifle roared the second time just then. Dr. Donnen's body shook in front of their eyes. One side of his head was blown away by the bullet wound.

They saw the brain and blood splattered from the broken part of the skull in disbelief.

"Noooooo!" Arya's voice sounded like wailing.

The computer scientist was sitting in the seat still, his eyes wide, his hands on the handlebar.
He lost his grip as soon as the slow mobile went to ten yards and his body dropped on the ice.

"Jin...professor..." Arya was crying.

Seeing two new snowmobiles jump out of the broken exit door,
Jin was startled. The first two assassins were coming to get them.
"Arya!" His voice was stern, "control yourself."

"But but..."

 "We have nothing else to do for him," said Jin as he increased the speed of the snowmobile, "we have to save ourselves first."

Alpha-Three's rifle roared again, the ice jumped up to their left. Jin was driving the snowmobile in a zig-zag way to divert the sniper guy, never standing still in one line while trying to quickly get out of the range of the rifle.

The task would not have been so difficult if not for the other two snowmobiles coming after them from behind.

The third killer shot for the fourth time, this time the ice flew to their right.

Alpha-One and Alpha-Two have already reduced the distance by coming straight after them. They shot fire with their Uji submachine guns. Their bullets bit the ice in two rows behind Jin's snowmobile.

Arya cursed helplessly. They were trapped. Between the sniper sitting on the hill's slope and the other two assassins who running behind them have blocked all their escape routes.

He looked around and saw only one way. It can use to evade enemies, but it was impossible to say if they'll be still alive after what he is going to do now. For a moment he closed his eyes, called out to the creator, and then decided to gamble.

The engine of the small vehicle
rumbled, Jin turned the track and changed direction. He was running towards the nearest edge of the ice shelf. The snowmobile was now leaping and running over the uneven surface of the ice shelf like a pantalon's horse.

"What are you doing Jin!!?" Arya was terrified of being able to guess Jin's motive.

"Last attempt," replied Jin in one word.

There was a roar of gunfire in the background, and the bullets flew in all directions around them. Suddenly a painful scream was heard... The body of Arya fell on his back.

"Arya! Arya, hey! Have you been shot?"

No response came.

Jin's jaw tightened.
If only he can return from this situation with his life, he'll punish all the murderers with his own hands.

The edge of the shelf has come, Jin ran without slowing down, and he closed his eyes at the last moment. The small snowmobile crossed the edge of the cliff at high speed,
went away some distance in the empty air, then started falling downwards. Detached from the heavy vehicle, Two human bodies too started to fall. Jin was hugging Arya, he kicked the snowmobile just in time of separation.
Just as he guessed it, there was an ice shelf twenty feet below.
The two fell on top of it.  But the snowmobile also dropped three yards away from them.
Then rolling over the edge, it fell
One hundred and thirty feet below,
Until a huge amount of seawater was splashed.

But why was the small ice shelf swaying like a loose tooth? Jin didn't understand for a few seconds. Then he understood- the snowmobile damaged the smaller shelf and loosened it. But when he understood,
There was no way back.
Jin did not have time to complete his thoughts. The chunk of ice detached from the ice shelf and was going straight down now to the sea with the two of them on it. With a huge splash of water, it fell into the freezing waters of the Arctic.

Death was just a matter of time now.

When the two assassins came to the edge of the ice shelf, they stopped their snowmobile. Alpha-One and Two went ahead and peeked down.
They saw no sign of the two persons in the middle of the deep water.

Alpha-Two cheered, "it's impossible for someone to survive and return from there. If they don't die after being thrown into the water, it will be the cold that will finish them off."

"Yeah," said Alpha-One, shaking his head.

The walkie-talkie came alive, "what happened, are you done?"

"Yes," said Alpha-Two in a happy voice. "Those two went straight into the water."

"That's it. The problem is gone. Come back soon, the helicopter has been waiting for a long time."

"Coming right away!" Said the second killer, looking at the leader. "Let's go." 

The tough-faced leader once again looked at the sea before mounting his snowmobile. Though that man was his enemy, he still couldn't help but respect that man for his skill.
He made a cross on his chest and mumbled, "rest in peace, Stranger.   Truly, You were a great opponent!"

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