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"You're all nothing but useless morons!" snapped Douglas Bullock. He was in a bad mood and wasn't even trying to hide that in his language.

He was sitting in the research facility director's room.

"You shouldn't be insulting us like this," said director Fanning, "we had nothing to do about what happened here."

"Then why are you paying the salaries of these idiots?" Bulldog pointed to Security Chief Trevor Blickman.

"This is going too far, sir," said hurt
Security Chief, "you may have a great position in the government, but that doesn't mean you can say whatever you want."

"I'm not kidding, you really are an idiot," Bulldog almost growled, "what kind of security chief are you, eh? Kim Seokjin entered first...then again someone entered and launched a commando attack...It doesn't seem like there was any security at all! You said you have thirty years of experience, No? Then how did that man make you unconscious that easily?"

"This is the first time in my life I had to deal with such professionals," said Blickman in a timid voice, "there might be a mistake or two..."

"Shut up! Don't try to play the victim card. You can't even imagine what a mess you have made the moment you let them go. Dr. Donnen was a priceless gem for us, his death has caused irreparable damage already. Have you any idea? Damn it! I should just throw every one of you into prison. "

"What was I supposed to do?"

"Why not be more careful after receiving the message from the Coast Guard? Why didn't you move Donnen away?"

Blickman shrugged, speechless. His full frustration now went towards the troublemakers and he almost cursed, "these are all that Seokjin's fault. None of this would have happened if I could have beaten him to death the moment I caught him."

"I think you are blaming that man unnecessarily," Commander Decker, who had been sitting quietly on one side of the table for so long said calmly, "my people have received as much evidence as possible which indicates that Mr. Kim tried to save that scientist. We got the evidence of fighting. And there was none other than he and Ms. Akaishi to fight against those attackers. If Mr. Kim himself killed Donnen, he could have done it inside the facility. Then why did he take him out of the dome? And why did he use a sniper shot even? Here they were together, wasn't shooting at point-blank range woukd have been more reasonable? Apart from that, after everything, why will he go into the cliff to jump down into sub zero water? Why?"

"No one told you to sit there and make up some bullshit theories," Bulldog said in a scolding tone, "where are your people? Why haven't they brought those two bastards here still?"

"They will come," said Decker, "But I will still say, at the moment, It is not right to bring them here. They are not running away anywhere, they can be questioned anytime after they got a little better."

"You don't know him, Commander. He has experienced the worst. A little cold water wouldn't do much harm to him. Bring him here right now. I want to know what happened in the facility- who killed Dr. Donnen- he or someone else?"

This time there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," said director Fanning.

A Coast Guard GCO entered after pushing the door.
Looking at commander Decker he said, "excuse me, sir. We have a crisis on the ship."

"What crisis?"

"It's about our two prisoners..."

Not much time was given to Jin and Arya. In front of four armed guards, they had to put on clothes quickly, and now they were being dragged like cattle driving towards the helicopter deck in Newburgh. They were still not completely healthy - their bodies were weak, hands and feet were trembling. But they were showing the level of illness more than the actual condition. Jin pretended to fall a few times and noticed that every time he does that, someone comes and catches him.

Jin was looking around while walking, checking whether or not there is any way to escape. But
he couldn't see anything that can enlighten his hope. Lt. Commander Flynn knows his job well. He may have heard about how they fooled Blickman at the research facility in Brighton. That's why there was no gap in security. And they were not handcuffed as they were sick but almost as big as a small platoon was assigned to escort these two prisoners.

Each of the escorts seemed to be dressed for war. They were wearing full combat gear. There were helmets on their head, in the hand, there were loaded MP-5 machine guns, spare magazines on their web belt around their waists along with bulletproof vests on the chest, bunches of hand grenades were hanging from it, who knows what else were there in their haversack!

fear-mongering in the prisoners' minds wasn't the only reason, ambitious X.O. surely was hoping to impress Bulldog with a grand display.
How to turn the excesses of this man to their advantage- Jin was thinking about that while acting ill.

In no time, the team reached the weather deck.
Jin and Arya were taken to the aft of the ship. The helipad of the ship was there.

Lt. Commander Flynn was seen standing there heroically with some other armed sailors. He was in his combat gear as well as his sailors. But the only difference is that the sailors were carrying submachine guns whereas he only had a pistol in his waist holster as side arms.

Seeing that the prisoners had arrived, he looked at the communicator standing next to them and said in a threatening tone, "why is the helicopter still not coming?"

"It will be here soon, sir," said the communicator hurriedly, "the pilot said he is leaving the facility now."

"Contact again, how long are we going to stand here?"

Shaking his head, the communicator got busy talking.

Jin thumped down on the deck looking at him, Arya too followed him
acting as if they were unable to stand.

"What is this? Why did you sit down?" Flynn growled, "get up, I say!"

"Not possible," said Jin wearily, "we can't stand anymore."

"Don't mess with me," Flynn threatened, "stand up on your own,
otherwise, I will kick you up."

"Why only kick, you can shoot if you want," Arya said bitterly, "however,
If you were in our place, you would have understood if there was any strength left in the body after jumping into the arctic water and getting shot meanwhile."

Angrily, Flynn started to say something, but his voice turned muffled by the heavy roar of the rotor. Looking up, Jin saw a Double H-Six Zero model Sikorsky helicopter coming down on the ship from the ice shelf.

Looking at the mechanical grasshopper painted in U.S. Coast Guard's traditional white-orange, a slight smirk appeared in the corners of his lips and disappeared as soon as it happened.

Double H- 60 is A modified model of the widely used Sikorsky's S-70 series. The army, Navy and Air Force also use this model. These are the same helicopters-but tailored to each force's needs.
There is a difference in design. The one used by the Army is called the Black Hawk.
the Navy's one is Sea-Hawk, the Pave-Hawk is used by the Air Force; And finally, The Coast Guard's model is the J-Hawk.
Specially designed for long-range search and rescue.

This 65 feet long aircraft can carry a weight of 10,000 kg. It can fly at two hundred miles per hour speed-without refueling, it can cover
about 70 nautical miles...that's 130 kilometers in land distance in one go. In addition to search and rescue, these helicopters are used in a drug-trafficking interception, cargo lifting, and special operations.

The J-Hawk hovered over the ship, then slowly It started to come down.

Flynn shouted once more towards Jin and Arya to stand up.
They shrugged their shoulders as if they couldn't.

The X.O could not bear this disobedience anymore as soon as the helicopter touched down the helipad. He beckoned the escorts to lift two prisoners by force. After receiving the order, four armed sailors started to move forward.

Looking at Arya, Jin instructed her on what to do in Korean, so that others do not understand. In the end, he asked, "can you?"

"Hopefully," replied Arya briefly.

"Okay, get ready. Keep your eyes on me."

People were standing on both sides of the prisoners. At first, they just told them to get up.

As the prisoners were not listening, they held both of them from both sides and pulled them to a standing position, then continued to drag them
towards the landed helicopter.

Two NIS agents were suffering from this dragging, but none of them decided to cooperate rather they put their whole body weight on them as if they have no strength in their hands or legs.
It would not have been difficult for four sailors to carry them like this, but at the moment they were
wearing full-on combat gear that put at least twenty pounds of extra weight on their bodies. That's why There was difficulty with their normal movement.

In addition, they had to drag two grown people with them. Just a few yards after, one of the guards' hands holding Jin slipped. The other man couldn't pull him up alone.

Jin fell face down on the deck, howling in pain. The other two who were dragging Arya also stopped hearing the sound.

"What the hell..." Flynn snarled, rushing over to the fallen man, "have you not eaten anything all day? Why is there no strength in your body?" XO scolded the two sailors who were standing like guiltily.

"Sorry, sir," they said and quickly went to pick up Jin again.

"Stop," said Flynn, "let's see if he can get up." He looked at Jin, "what now, Mr. Kim? Will you walk, or want to fall two or four times more like this?"

"Once is enough," said Jin in a grumpy tone, "no need to hold me, I'm getting up."

Flynn looked at his subordinates triumphantly, with a smile on his face as if to show- see, how to discipline an disobedient imbecile?

Jin was acting like he wants to be the next Oscar winner. He wasn't too hurt after falling on the deck, but still, he acted as if a champion wrestler just threw him over the head. He first settled down on his hands and knees, pretending to pass out, then began to stand up straight, trembling. He
did it slowly. Jin looked at the situation with narrow eyes, a loose feeling was being observed among the troop as no one was fearing danger from a sick man who cannot even stand properly, what else a person in his state can do, right?
The arms of the escorts were slightly lowered, and a lazy look was seen in their standing posture...that was exactly what he wanted. Arya was looking at him.

Jin gestured towards her, shaking his head very slightly. The executive officer stood close by, he lifted his head to his shoulders weakly, and then everything changed. Everyone was looking at Jin but in a single moment, what they saw and exactly what he had done - no one can say that clearly. There is no question of reaction.

Before anyone could understand anything, Jin straightened up quickly, the performance was over.

He Throws both arms parallel to each other as if wielding a sword at an incredible speed. The movement was a karate chop. Two escorts standing on either side were hit in the neck- the airway wasn't broken, but seriously injured for sure.

The two men's eyes widened, they could not breathe...They fell to their knees on the deck.
But Jin wasn't waiting to see them. He went to grab Lt. Commander Flynn as soon as he disabled two escorts.
He was within reach. He held the man's right shoulder and pulled him towards himself, the XO could not handle the force and came closer, his balance was ruined, and he was almost spinning losing his balance.

As soon as the victim's back turned towards him, Jin's left hand struck again over Flynn's shoulder and twisted it around his throat, Jin's right hand grabbed the pistol from his waist holster. The whole thing
took less than two seconds to happen.

Jin looked at Arya. She was able to free herself too despite having a paralyzed shoulder. She hit the chin of one escort with her head and punched the groin of the other man with her good hand. They both were now busy with their pain letting go of her.

All the people standing at the helipad were dumbfounded by the suddenness of the incident.
Suddenly they regained consciousness, raised their weapons, and looked at the two prisoners.

"Don't be silly," said Jin threateningly, waving the pistol in his hand.
"If anyone tries to show smartness, I'll just blow up your X.O.'s skull with a bullet."

The armed men looked at each other, totally in the puzzle.
Flynn was caught in a judo flip in the crease of Jin's elbow,
There was no way for him to move. He was gasping for air due to pressure in the throat,
There was no question of giving orders or speaking. These people were leaderless at the moment.

"Don't try to come any closer," added Jin, "drop the weapons, everyone."

Hesitation appeared on the faces of the escorts, whether to obey the command or not. The pressure on Flynn's throat eased a little.

Jin said, "tell them to do as I say. Otherwise, you will suffer."

"I will not say anything!" Flynn said angrily, "you don't know how much of a big mistake you are making, Mr. Kim. There is still time, let me go."

"And only then will I be acquitted?" mocked Jin, "you don't know what the actual situation is, sir. We can't fall into the hands of the CIA. We are now desperate, please do not endanger yourself by stopping us. Obey. that will be good for you."

"It's no use being desperate, Mr. Kim. There is no place for you to go. Surrender now!"

"Oh! you won't listen?" Jin's voice turned cold. There is no way to subdue this stubborn man without being cruel.

He pushed the barrel of the pistol into the muscle of the right hand of the X.O. and fired.

Flynn yelled and the bullet pierced his bicep.
Jin made a calculated shot,
The injury was not serious-just a little treatment can heal it in no time.
But at this moment Flynn was screaming in unbearable pain- this is the first time he took a bullet in his body.

Jin said with his mouth close to the man's ear, "I am serious.
Do you understand now? Tell everyone to drop their weapons. Otherwise the next one bullet will enter your brain."

Flynn shook his head. Looking at his subordinates, he said, "drop the weapons...Drop them!"

There was a clatter of weapons on the deck. Then Jin ordered, "drop the extra ammunition and grenades."

The sailors accepted it without hesitation. Then they left the helipad with Jin's instructions.

Arya stepped forward and collected ammunition from the deck.
Looking at that, Jin said, "take as many grenades as you can."

"Are you thinking of a war?" Flynn's voice was full of disdain.
"It is useless to daydream. Not just the Coast Guard, but the US Army, Navy, and Air Force- all forces will come out to hunt you down. You can't do anything with these little weapons, you'll die instantly."

"Only time will tell," smiled Arya.

Jin turned and pointed the pistol at the cockpit of the helicopter.
Panic flashed in the pilot's eyes beyond the plexiglass.
He came down quickly in Arya's instruction.

"Run," said Arya briefly.

The pilot ran away.

Arya finished her work, she collected two MP-5s and a haversack carried extra ammunition and grenades. Coming towards Jin's side, she said in the manner of reporting, "I am ready."

"Can you fly the helicopter? Will it be a problem because of your shoulder?" Jin asked calmly.

"I can," said Arya confidently, "But what would you do? Are we taking this man as a hostage? Will you guard him?"

"No. we are going to part with him here," said Jin.

He waited until Arya got into the helicopter and started the engine, then said,
"Goodbye, Lieutenant Commander Flynn!"

"Go," said X.O. gruffly, "I am sure the next meet won't be with your living body, but I will go to put flowers on the grave."

"That would be very nice of you," said Jin with a curt, then hit the man's nape hard with the butt of his pistol.

Flynn fell unconscious.

Jin jumped into the copter, "Let's go, Arya!"

"Where to?" asked Arya as she took off.

"I'll tell you later. First, make a few circles around the ship. Before going we have to get some work done."

Commander Decker was talking to Newburgh's duty officer on the walkie-talkie, he was a young lieutenant named Adrian Connor. He had little experience on the job, reporting in a trembling voice. When they heard what had happened on the ship over the speaker, every person sitting in the director's office froze.

They couldn't believe it - how can someone escapes from the hands of a disciplined force like the Coast Guard? However, the incident was not over yet. Suddenly there was the sound of gunshots coming from the speaker.

"Sir!" Shouted the duty officer over the speaker, "they are shooting at us!"

"What!" growled Bulldog. Are they all just sitting there and sucking their fingers? Ask to shoot back!"

Decker shook his head. He instructed on the radio, "don't sit quietly. Return fire!"

"Yes, sir!"

The next moment there was a huge noise like an explosion.
Lieutenant Connor screamed into the speaker, "Oh God! They are using grenades!"

Commander Decker turned to Bulldog with surprise in his eyes, "are these two persons crazy? If they are trying to run away, they can do that! But why are they trying to start a war like this?"

"Surely there is a purpose," said Bulldog, "that bastard Kim Seokjin does not even move a finger without a reason!"

"Do you have any advice on what to do?"

"I'm taking action, not advice," Bulldog looked towards the facility's director, "inform the fighter pilot who came with me that he has to take off immediately. Let's see how that bastard Kim Seokjin fights with a jet fighter!"

"Good idea, Mr. Bullock," admitted Commander Decker.

Shaking his head, Lyall Fanning, the director of the research facility got busy with messaging the pilot, also ordering a tractor to be ready to get the man to the airstrip.

"Where is the X.O.?" Decker asked the duty officer.

"In Sick Bay, sir. He has not yet regained consciousness. But I heard the injury is not that serious. Dr. is hoping he to regain consciousness in no time."

"Then you'll have to deal with it, Connor. Defend the Ship!
I permit you to use any kind of force if necessary."

"We can't go out for bullets and granade they are throwing at us.
Sir! How would we defend?"

Hearing the words, Bulldog shouted, "is he an idiot? Can't they shoot through the porthole?"

"Porthole..." said Decker, "shoot through as many openings as possible."

"It doesn't seem like they can be harmed that way."

"There is no problem with that. Just keep them busy for a while,
There is an F-14 fighter with us here. It is going to help you."

"What are you doing!" said Bulldog in a surprised voice.

"What?" Decker was shocked, "What happened?"

"Leaked my plan on an open channel?" Bulldog said angrily, "they must be monitoring all communications on the helicopter's radio. What will he do now, do you understand?"

The commander bit his tongue with his teeth understanding the mistake.

To prove the apprehensions of Bulldog true, in a few moments Lt
Connor reported, "the attack has stopped, sir. The noise of the rotor also is disappearing, the helicopter is going away."

"Look where it's going, Now."

"Ice shelf...It is moving towards the ice shelf..."

"Shit!" snarled Bulldog, jumping up hastily from his seat, he stood up and then ran out the door.

The senior commander hurriedly ordered over the radio, "contact our Sitka and Kodiak air stations in Alaska, and tell them we need immediate Backup."

"Yes sir."

After finishing the order, Commander Decker came out into the corridor,
He started running along the way Bulldog went out. He reached the garage in no time.

The fighter pilot still couldn't make it here, the whole place was shaking with Douglas Bullock shouting his lungs out.
A little later one ice tractor set out with the fighter pilot in it towards the airstrip. The dome with the pilot on board.

Behind the gigantic vehicle, Bulldog also came out on the ramp.
He wanted to go to the open and see the whole thing with his own eyes. Decker followed him.

The sound of helicopter rotors was heard even before they did stepping on the ice surface.

The J hawk was seen to emerge from one side of the ice shelf within seconds.
It looked like a huge grasshopper from a distance.

It hovered a bit, then turned after seeing the target - it was flying towards the make-shift airstrip now. The jet fighter F-14 and the DC-3 that came in the morning landed there.

Bulldog gave two extra men with weapons on the tractor,
He took a walkie-talkie with him to communicate with them. He brought the set close to his face and shouted, "fire! Fire!! the copter is here!
Don't miss it!!!!"

"No profit, sir," came the reply from the other side, "they are out of our effective range, speed is also too high. There is no use in shooting
Only bullets will be lost."

"Shut up!" shouted Bulldog, "I didn't send you to lecture...I have sent you to follow the orders. I say - fire!"

The two gunmen started shooting through the window of the tractor. with guns roaring the whole ice sheet shook. But J-Hawk didn't get hit by a single bullet. It continued to fly towards the airstrip as before.

"Fire, you donkeys! Fire!!" The bulldog was shouting.
"If you can't stop it, at least keep them busy for a while! Let the pilot reach the F-14 and we'll then see how Kim Seokjin can put up a fight against it!"

Seeing the crazy behavior of the CIA officer, commander Decker prevented himself from saying anything.

He could understand clearly, the man is shouting in vain.
There was no way to stop J-Hawk from reaching the airstrip.

The Commander's hunch proved correct-within a few minutes, the J hawk reached the top of the two airships that had landed on the airstrip.

After this, the rampage began. Seemed like the firing show on the ship was just children's play compared to what happened now on the airships. This time from J-Hawk to what was done with MP-5 machine guns, only torrential rain can be compared with that. The roar of automatic machine guns drowned out the sound of the rotors, joined by the occasional roar of grenade explosions. J hawk was conducting a full-on air raid on f-14 and DC-3. As a weapon, MP-5 machine gun isn't that effective against airplanes. But the amount of damage was increasing by being able to fire continuously, moreover, grenades have been added to it. Jin and Arya continued the attack for ten minutes, then stopped.

The spectators standing outside were surprised to see the surprised J-Hawk turning and flying toward the Dome
After the rampage.

In the meantime, the Coast Guard's
Several sailors and the facility's security guards came out following Bulldog and Decker.

Looking over them, Bulldog said, "Whoever has the weapon, take a position. When the helicopter comes here, we will attack it."

"Why is it coming here?" Commander Decker asked himself in a stupid voice.

Bulldog, the one standing nearby, didn't feel the need to reply.
A machine gun was snatched from the hands of one sailor, then taking position behind the ramp, he ordered the others to do the same.
"Don't shoot at random," warned Bulldog, "I will say when and where to shoot."

The sailors took up positions - four by the ramp. By the garage, three more people were next to the broken exit door. In everyone's hands, automatic machine guns-waiting with bated breath for the upcoming battle looking at the sky. J-hawk's shape was slowly growing with the distance with dome decreases gradually.

"Come on, Kim Seokjin," muttered Bulldog, "today there will be a settlement between us."

The hope of his heart was not fulfilled, the helicopter was coming towards the garage so far in a straight line, but when it got close it suddenly changed direction.

Now J-Hawk is moving toward the dome along a semi-circular path,
At the same time increasing the height. Bulldog saw Arya's appearance in the pilot's window for a moment - looking at him and waving!
Once again! It almost felt like a deja-vu!

He understood instantly, they have no desire to fight, they are wanting to accomplish the task without shedding blood. That's why he's going up the dome on the other side. But what is the purpose?

Within moments J-Hawk was out of sight- it had gone above the dome, and can't be seen anymore.

He could not understand what he was doing there. A little later, there was a new round of gunshots and sound of an explosion...the attack has started again! He came running out of hiding, ran up the ramp, and entered
the garage. Lyall Fanning stood in front, stunned.

"What's up there?" asked Bulldog.

"Ah!" as if the director of the facility was in a daze, not understanding the question.

"Don't just stand like a donkey!" exclaimed Bulldog, "answer the damn question! What's on top of the dome?"

Fanning said after getting scolded, "there is nothing there except our communication dish antennas."

"Dish antenna!" exclaimed Bulldog.

He understood Jin's intention no - he is ruining all communication systems.

Commander Decker also walked into the garage after Bulldog, panting.
he also realized what is happening.

Bringing up the walkie- talkie near his face, he quickly called the ship's duty officer, "Connor, have you been able to contact the Sitka or Kodiac station?"

"Negative, sir," replied the young lieutenant, "all our communication antennas were damaged in the granade blast...guess they were targeted those from the very beginning."

"Can you tell me how much damage has been done?"

"We are still doing damage assessment, sir. But right now we are not even in a position to send a distress signal."

"Shit!" Decker cursed, "start-up the communication as soon as possible, Connor. Quick!"

"We are trying, sir. But it is impossible to even start a set before two hours."

"They'll be gone by then, Connor. I want the repair to be complete as soon as possible..."

Bulldogs didn't feel the need to listen anymore. At his own pace he contacted the fighter pilot, "have you reached therr yet?"

"Yes, Mr. Bullock."

"Give a report - can you take off with the fighter?"

"Impossible, sir. They shot and broke the canopy, then dropped a grenade inside the cockpit there is nothing left of the console."

"And DC-3?"

"The aileron of the tail fin of the plane was crushed by the shot. Takeoff may be possible, but it cannot move in any other direction than along the straight direction of the plane."

Bulldog turned to stone in grief, no longer howling.

There was nothing left for him-the fighter and DC-3 were dead on the water, so it was impossible to chase J-Hawk. The communication will not be working too for at least two hours!

But the helicopter can reach anywhere in Alaska or the northern coast of Canada within one to one and a half hours.
There was no way to contact someone and ask them to intercept the helicopter.

Sensing the gunshots and explosions had stopped, he stepped out onto the ramp. The helicopter moved away from the dome, now it was seen to be moving away from the ice shelf on a southeastern course.

He did not tell the people with him to shoot, it was of no use.

He just watched the ugly mechanical grasshopper go away with a raging bull growling inside his chest.
That Kim Seokjin once again was getting away after fooling him and he had nothing to do but stay put.

A pent-up anger was throbbing inside their chest, but he did not let it come out. He muttered, "Seokjin, I will not back off without seeing the end of you. Never!"

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