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Dusk was hovering over Duivendrecht.

Arya was sitting on a balcony of her room, guarding.
Although Gus and Friebel were outside, still, Jin didn't want to take any risks.
So, after talking to Dr. Buren, he installed a watch post on the second floor. They were taking turns to guard around.

Arya closed her eyes for a second but sprang up hearing the sound of someone entering the room.

She sat up seeing Jin enter the balcony.

Jin smiled at her, "what, have you fallen asleep?"

"No...Yes...I mean..."

"Relax, your body needs a little rest considering how we are running on pure adrenaline!" Jin held a plate in his hand and offered it to Arya.
"Have a bite. You'll get strength. We have more work ahead."

Arya took the plate in her hand and looked at the clock - it was twenty-past six. She said, "where did you go? You were supposed to come twenty minutes ago to take the guarding post!"

Jin pulled another chair and sat down, "just scouted around the whole house. That took some time. I saw you talking with Eva, I thought I would give you two some time to catch up!"

"Like I needed that time!" Arya rolled her eyes and smiled a little, "Jin, I know you have questions. Just ask away."


"What why?"

"Why her?"

"Don't get the wrong idea." Arya laughed mischievously, "we dated, yes. But that was just for fun."

"How is that fun?" Jin frowned a little.

"Just think, some handsome dude suddenly asked you out," Arya almost laughed, "think how interesting would that be? It would have been so much fun! Wouldn't you want to play along a little?"

"No!" Jin's brow instantly formed a knit, "you are weird! Who would do that?"

"Well, I was waiting for any men to approach me. Turned out they all were just cowards," Arya again rolled her eyes, "nobody ever approached me, can you imagine?"

"They were blind." Jin shrugged a little.

"Don't assume that I forgot that you were among them too!" Arya smiled, "anyway, Eva and I were classmates. We worked on a few projects together. She was a nice girl and we quite enjoyed each other's company. But suddenly one day she asked me out."

"And you agreed?" Jin again frowned.

"Well, I thought It would be a fun experience. Of course, I'd tell her that I just wanted something new to try and I had no interest in her romantically. But I ditched her on our third date even before I got to tell her. I had to go away for looking for my mom. And I never returned."

"So she never knew you used her for fun?" Jin eyed her seriously.

"Jeez! You are now making me the bad guy!" Arya frowned, "we didn't even pass the stage of holding hands. I'd tell her if I saw that she was getting weak for sure!"

"Wouldn't she be hurt?"

"So what do you want me to do? I was stupid who'd do anything that seemed interesting and fun. I'll apologize to her, ok?"

"Your wish." Jin shrugged, "it seems like she still likes you."

"It's all in past, ok?" Arya smiled, " by the way, are you jealous?"

"It's the second time you are asking me this!" Jin raised a brow.

"Are you though?" Arya's grin widened.

"No." Jin's answer was clear, "I know you are mine."

"That's more like it!" Arya smiled mischievously and got up from her chair and put the plate on the table beside her.

Jin was watching her action calmly but his ears started to get bright red when Arya straddled him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Why don't you let me prove it to you once again?"

"I...I..." Jin struggled for words but closed his eyes as soon as Arya's fingers grazed his ears.

"Should I?" Arya whispered bringing her lips close to Jin's ears.

Jin's hands wrapped around Arya's waist and their eyes met once again.
Jin's eyes fell into Arya's lips and Arya smiled while leaning close noticing it.

"Just kiss me," Arya whispered, "you don't need to ask for permission you know."

Jin leaned back a little and looked into Arya's eyes.

She had a little smile on the corner of her lips. But as Jin's eyes bore into hers, her smile slowly disappeared.

"I am not stopping this time," Jin's voice was almost like a low growl.

"Who asked you to?" Arya whispered as her fingers slipped into Jin's hair slowly and Jin closed his eyes.

Their nose touched and Arya drew a shaky breath.
Jin's hands slowly went up her waist dragging her shirt along them.
Arya almost gasped with the touch of the cold breeze on her skin and her breathing became heavy slowly.

Arya found Jin's ear again and bit on his earlobe mildly and chuckled in a low voice. Sensing Jin's hands clutched on her waist a little more tightly, she smiled and tugged on his hair, and whispered in his ears, "you are a dangerous man, Kim Seokjin! You can't sway my heart like this!"

Jin's lips found her neck this time and Arya's breath hitched inside her throat and her body shook every time Jin's warm breath touched her cold skin.

As if a fire irrupted between them, Arya felt like she was getting dizzy with the heat spreading through her body and the cold air reverbing among them.

It was like Ice and fire.

A fire too strong that can burn everything along its way. Arya didn't know if she could survive that fire or whether she should just let it consume her.

When Jin's fingers gently touched her spine and moved upwards as if those light fingers were concentrating on playing the mildest symphony over a piano- she let go of her reasonings behind.

She was always bold but this time she felt like she was getting weaker over every second that she had no control over herself.
Her body responded to his touch. But her heart trembled even more with the sound of his very heavy breathing.

"Inside..." Arya whispered closing her eyes tightly.

Jin's low hum was heard beside her ears and the next minute Jin got up from the chair with Arya still straddling him.

The inside of the room was warmer than outside, but it became even warmer when both of their lips finally found each other's and they grabbed each other in urgency and a fiery passion.

Jin's husky and low voice was heard, "are you sure?"

Arya quickly reached Jin's collar to draw him closer and responded with her shaky voice, "shut up and come here!"

The door suddenly opened startling both of them and Jin secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Eva was standing at the door. Eyeing both of them, she smiled a little, "sorry, bad timing!"

"It's ok, come inside." Jin let go of Arya's waist but still held her hands. They were suddenly hit by the reality they were in. The timing was indeed, bad!

"I was wondering..." Eva started but was interrupted by words suddenly coming out of the speaker of a walkie-talkie.

Jin raised the set to his mouth taking it out of his pocket, "yes, Gus. What's the matter?"

"I am seeing a few people approaching the villa from all directions. I..." he couldn't finish his sentence. A blunt sound was heard just before the communication was cut off.

Jin stopped. He knew what that sound was. Gus Fork was shot from a close range by a pistol with a silencer.

There was no reason to think that Friebel was safe too. Jin turned off the lights in the room and ran to the window. He removed the curtain and carefully peeked at the back of the house. It took a while for the eyes to adjust to the darkness. Then with an experienced eye, he saw the movement behind the bushes.
He went out to the corridor and went to the other side of the room, from there he saw the front of the house through the window. The situation was the same here.

Arya and Eva also came after him. The young secretary asked in a surprised voice, "what is happening?"

Jin's face was calm, "a new team has come after us. It is bigger than the previous ones...not less than twenty-five people I guess. They have surrounded the whole house."

"What are you talking about!" Eva almost shouted. "Gus and Friebel..."

Jin just shook his head without saying anything.

"Oh no!" gasped Eva.

Arya looked startled, "twenty-five people! Shit...how would we stop them?"

Jin was thinking at the speed of light. Then he said, "the cellar...quick!"

The cordon was slowly being shortened by Bulldog's army.

All of them were his trusted CIA agents, and every one of them was highly skilled. They were summoned from various parts of Europe for this mission.

The team was running the raid following every textbook instruction. Though initially, they started it secretly. They were no more hiding as they were bringing the size of the circle down. They have already come out of the cover of the trees and bushes. Bulldog was a hundred yards behind the cordon maintaining a safe distance. He doesn't want to get into danger if there is any shoot-out.

"We are thirty yards from that house," reported the leader of the assault team, "so far no one has opened fire at us."

"Well, don't be so careless," said  Bulldog, "Our target is a very cunning man, he will be determined to make fools of you."

"Don't worry, sir," said the team leader, "we are on alert. If you give permission, I can enter inside."

"Wait for a little, if you rush inside, you can be in danger. Take reports from around, get fully prepared, and then enter."

"Yes, sir."

Bulldog was a little worried. The element of surprise was lost already.

Who could have thought that Jin would be in contact with the guard outside through a walkie-talkie? It was too late to shoot the man too.
That man informed him about the raid in the house and warned Jin before they could shut him down.

What kind of defensive action a Korean spy will take now was impossible to guess. Only God knows what he has in his mind.

Douglas Bullock's mind flashed back to a year ago in Arkansas.
The incident of the missionary church siege. Kim Seokjin was cornered by the FBI, the secret service, and a federal task force of police in the old church. The building was also set on fire.
It was impossible for Jin to survive. But he made a fool of everyone with a strange trick and ran away without letting anyone know.
Whether something like that happens this time or not - Bulldog couldn't get rid of that thought.

Elisa van Buren and her brother, however, vouched for them that
there were no secret tunnels to escape from the villa. That's a relief.

Jin has no way to escape, he has to fight to survive. However, It was also known from Elisa that that man has nothing but an automatic pistol with him now. There were no more weapons in the house, so the fight should be brief.

The only course of action he can now imagine from Jin is- attack the team sneakily that would enter the house hiding here and there.

Radio has come alive again. The team leader said, "I've got Everyone's report, sir. No abnormalities are seen anywhere. If you give permission, I'll initiate infiltration."

"Okay," said Bulldog, "leave half the people outside and let the rest enter.
Together...I want them to enter from around the house at the same time. And yes, the target will probably be hidden. He can surprise you and attack you from behind. Stay alerted."

"Don't think about anything, I will start searching as soon as I go inside. He can't benefit from hiding even."

"That's good."

"Anything else, sir?"

"No. Commence Attack!"

Under the two-storied house, Jin, Arya, and Eva have entered the underground cellar. A gas cylinder, a burner, a few steel cutlery, and small glass bottles were brought with them from the kitchen on their way down here.

Putting the things down to the ground, Arya panted and said, "don't mind, Jin, I have full confidence in you, but I will still say - getting in here wasn't probably a good idea. This cellar is like a dead end. There is no way to go anywhere from here. We will be cornered!"

Jin showed her the items, "do you think I brought them without any purpose?"

"There is no doubt that you still have a few tricks up in your sleeve. But couldn't we do that somewhere upstairs?"

"No." Jin shook his head. "we wouldn't have lasted ten minutes if we were up there, eventually we'd get caught."

''We would get caught here too,'' Arya

"We will, but not so soon," added Jin, "the trapdoor of the cellar is blended in with the kitchen floor over time, it can not easily be seen - you noticed, right? After bothering to search above, they will give attention to it. Considering the size of the house, we will get twenty to twenty-five minutes. Any additional time is needed to make the plan successful."

"What's your plan?" asked Eva.

"Come on, I'll show you," the two companions were taken to one end of the cellar.
There were several bags of fertilizer stacked for use in the garden around the house.
He has seen it while scouting around the house.

Jin picked out two sacks. Arya frowned and read the labels on them. The first was potassium nitrate and the second one was a type of mixed fertilizer.

Arya could not understand anything and looked at Jin inquisitively.

"It has sulfur," said Jin, showing the second bag.


Jin pointed to another corner of the cellar, over there, coal bags were kept for use in the fireplace.

"What are you pointing me at, nothing is going into my head," Eva said in an annoyed voice.

Arya, however, was thinking fast, "Potassium nitrate, sulfur...and
coal..." suddenly her vision brightened. She said in an excited voice, "gunpowder!"

"Exactly!" smiled Jin, "the enemies are more in number, but making a couple of small bombs can tip the equation in our favor. What do you say?"

"Sure, why not?" Arya was also smiling widely.

"What are you saying!" Eva was surprised, "you will make gunpowder by combining this fertilizer and coals?"

"You got it," said Jin, "without pure sulfur, these things will not be hundreds of percent strong. But that will do for now."

"We need fuses and seals, Jin," Arya demanded.

"I saw a dry rope there," Jin pointed to the side of the entrance, ''there is also a maintenance locker. Look if something is available in there to seal.
Candle wax will do."

Arya returned with everything within minutes.

Jin broke the candlestick and dropped small pieces of wax in a dish then kept it above the fire. Eva has already connected the gas cylinder to the burner and lit the fire.

Within seconds the wax melted and turned into liquid.
Now in another container, a quantity of sulfur mixture, and coal, nitrate was poured. Jin mixed everything well with a spatula. Arya meanwhile, applied potassium nitrate to dry ropes and turned them into fuses.

The gunpowder was ready. Three of them filled the mixtures in the glass bottles. The fuse came out in the middle and then they finally poured the wax and sealed the bottles.

A total of eight bombs were made in this way.

Jin let out a breath.

"Can you beat the people upstairs with just these few bombs?" Eva asked.

"Depends on what you mean by beating," said Jin, "no matter what we do, we will not be able to defeat them all. I just want to reach the garage, there is a Land Rover. If I can surprise them with the bombs, then running away with the car will not be difficult to do. They will be in a state of shock so they won't have time to stop us. The eight bombs we made should be enough."

"It's a long way from the kitchen to the garage," said Eva dryly.

"I know. We will need the help of luck as well as effort."

Arya looked at the watch, "a lot of time has passed, Jin. If we don't get out now, we will be trapped, they will come and find us."

"Yes, come on." Jin handed four bombs to her, "do you have anything to light the fire? We can't bring the burner with us you know."

"I will take the match from the kitchen. Do you need one?"

Eva was given the gas lighter to light the burner, Jin took it back now and said, "I have a lighter."

"Then let's go, let's go out."

Jin peeked through the trapdoor lifting it a little. The kitchen was empty.

After a round of searches, the attackers left. All cabinets and drawers were a mess. The doors to the cabinets were ajar, and the refrigerators and deep freezers were opened too.

Those people were not taking risks at all, they were searching all the places that can be possible hiding spots.

He thanked his luck - the trapdoor was blended with the floor for being the same color as the floor. Otherwise, they would have been dead by now.

Jin motioned to his companions after confirming everyone's safety and the three crawled up Into the kitchen soon after. The bodies were pressed against the floor so that they couldn't be seen from the outside through the window.

Out of the kitchen, they could hear the sound of the assailants moving in the corridor, and through the window, they could only see the men surrounding the house.

Jin began to fix his course of action while being busy looking around.

The dumbwaiter on the left side wall caught his eye.

It's like an elevator, foods are lifted to the second floor's dining room from the kitchen on the ground floor. Jin went ahead and checked the size of the shaft. It was quite narrow. Arya and Eva can easily go up through it,
but it will be hard for him.

Jin looked at the young secretary. "Can you climb a rope?"

Eva nodded affirmatively.

"Good! Arya, bring a bolt cutter or a spanner from the maintenance locker in the cellar."

Arya came back a little later, bringing a bolt cutter.
Jin disconnected the shelf of the dumbwaiter from the cable and put it down at the bottom of the shaft. He then told Eva to get inside.

"Go up the cable and go upstairs. But don't go out, hang around for a while." Jin turned to Arya, "you will be behind her."

"And you?"

"I'll be the last one. Well, put your feet up on the wall for support,
If there is too much pressure on the cable, it can be torn from above."

Shaking their heads, Eva and Arya entered the shaft without any further questions.

Jin took out the small bombs from his pocket. Setting fire to the fuse,
he placed them in different places in the kitchen. Then he took out the pistol and aimed and fired a few shots through the window.

There was chaos from outside, and the next moment, as if all hell broke loose in the kitchen. The bullets fired by the cordon team came like rainfall.
The glass of the windows broke, and the walls began to shatter. Jin, however, did not wait to see all of this, he entered the dumbwaiter as soon as he fired the shots and closed the door behind them.
Touching Arya's feet those were hanging from above he said, "be ready, the explosion will happen soon. Don't fall."

The cordon team's firing stopped within minutes.
The sound of the door being kicked down was heard. Members of the attack group were entering.
They reached the middle of the room when the bombs burst almost simultaneously.

A fireball engulfed the kitchen, scorching the attackers who came inside. The plaster inside the shaft began to collapse due to the shockwave.

"Get out, Eva!" Jin shouted. "Get out. Now."

Bulldog was startled by the explosion. He raised his voice and asked, "what is happening there?"

"Bomb, sir!" The team leader replied panting. "There has been a bomb explosion inside the kitchen!"

"What!" Bulldog said in an enraged voice, "where did they get bombs from?"

"I don't know. But I lost five people."

"And Seokjin?"

"He is not inside. Must have moved away."

"How? Were you not watching everywhere??"

"We were, sir. But from where did that man come and to where did he  go, I don't understand."

Bulldog thought for a moment, his face immediately brightened, "downstairs...That bastard must have entered the cellar. Gather all the people, I want you to destroy the celler to dust!"

"Yes, sir!"

Within minutes the team was ready, the trapdoor was opened and a bunch of grenades was thrown inside. The whole house shook with the soundwave.

Still, the team leader was not satisfied. He looked at his companions and said, "again!"

Another batch of grenades was thrown inside. Another explosion shook the house. Now the team leader smiled.

He reported through walki-talkie, "It's done, sir. We have finished him."

"Show me the corpse!" said Bulldog, "I will not be relieved until I see their body myself!"

The team leader entered the cellar with the team members.
The search began in the ruins. And just then as if a wail came through the walkie-talkie. Two people were left as backups on the second floor.
One of them was screaming like a madman.
"This is Foxtrot-Five! We Are Under Attack...We Are Under Attack!!"

Jin was running along the corridor of the second floor, followed by Arya and Eva. Suddenly two members of the attacking team emerged in front.
They didn't expect three targets upstairs. They were startled for a moment and were a bit late to pick up their Uji submachine guns. Jin did not miss the opportunity, he picked up his pistol while running and took two shots. Those People were wearing bulletproof vests. But Jin's target wasn't there chests at all. The bullet entered the throat of the front man.
He thumped down on his knees with his trachea ruptured, gurgling loudly-
fresh blood was coming out of his wound.

The reflex of the second person was awesome. He dived as soon as he saw the muzzle flash and entered the room by his side. From the inside, his screams were heard- he was asking for help through the walkie-talkie- "This is Foxtrot-Five! We Are Under Attack...We Are Under Attack..."

Jin remembered Gus. They brutally killed that poor guy in just the same situation.

He ordered cruelly,
"Arya, shut him up."

Shaking her head, Arya pulled out a bomb from her pocket, she cut the fuse short with her teeth, then set it on fire and threw it inside the room.

Only a five-second break was required for the task. They started running again. There was a loud explosion behind, and a shrill sound of scream came from the room.

The three reached the other side of the house running. Below was another staircase to go down to the ground floor. Screams were heard.
The group from the cellar was running along the corridor.

Arya didn't wait for Jin's order and set another bomb on fire and threw it toward the chasers. The attackers jumped aside to save their lives. The bomb exploded in the middle of the corridor.

Jin reached the garage door and kicked it open. With Arya and Eva, he ran and climbed into the Land Rover.

He pulled out a bunch of wires from under the dashboard and started the engine after making sparks in the ignition wire.

"Fasten your seatbelts, ladies!" he told the two companions.

Jin changed the gear and pressed the accelerator hard.
There was a crunching sound of tires rubbing on the floor, as the brake was released the Land Rover drove up ahead-crashing the garage door and coming out in open.

Bulldog was then shouting into the radio - "Stop them! Stop them!!"

It didn't help. The cordon team was only thirty yards from the house. So
they didn't have time to react, and in the blink of an eye, the car neared their bodies. The speed did not decrease after seeing two people fall in front. Jin hit those two with the bumper. As a result, the Land rover found the gap in the cordon and came out like an unstoppable storm breaking the barrier.

By this time, the cordon team came to senses, following the fleeing vehicle they started running, raising their weapons and firing at the same time.

Steel shards flew behind the land rover, glass shattered, and the rear end of the car was shattered by bullets.

"Keep your head down!" Jin shouted.

The Land Rover raced down the winding road and came out of the reach of the chasers running on foot.

Shortly after, it came to the main gate of the villa - it was closed, this time Jin did not slow down, the Land Rover broke the gate and came out on the street.

Eva gasped, "thank God we got out!"

"Don't be happy already!" said Arya, "the danger is not over yet."


"There was no car with them, did you notice? Their cars are certainly somewhere around...with a backup team."


"Arya is right," said Jin calmly, his eyes on the rear-view mirror.
"Just look back."

Eva was startled by turning her head. Rushing along their trail at high speed, two Ford SUVs were coming
Opposite to the driver's side window, two gunners were holding out a part of their bodies through the SUV.
The Uji submachine guns in their hands were visible even from a distance.

"Oh no..."

The young secretary could not finish talking, the gunner started shooting.

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