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Jin's luck, however, was not as good as Arya's - he didn't have time to set a trap either before getting caught in front of Alpha-Three. He knew the killers will spread out in search of them. He knew it was impossible to win against them without any weapons when they are together. So he planned to exterminate the Alpha Team one by one while they were isolated.

He let Arya go in her way and he stayed on the lower deck. And that was the cause of his misfortune. This deck got nothing to use as a weapon,
there was no better place to set a trap too. He was sneakily searching the rooms to find a better place and having the heed of any member of the alpha team. But his bad luck came out of the blue.

Jin heard the sound of boots as he came out of the SONAR room. He didn't get any time to hide.

In the blink of an eye, Alpha-Three came out in the corridor hardly twenty yards away from Jin.

That guy had excellent reflexes. He fired from his machine gun as soon as he locked his sight on Jin.

But Jin wasn't an easy target either. within a fraction of a second, he dodged the trail of bullets by diving to the floor and taking cover behind the corner of the corridor.

Bullets flew behind him. The failed bullets were hitting the bulkhead, creating sparks with metallic impacts.

Jin felt a pain in his shoulder, blood smeared on his fingers as he touched there. A bullet just went through the flesh there. Bearing the pain with gritted teeth, he got up and started running, looking for a place to hide.

A hatch came into his sight just in front. An arrow was on the side bulkhead reading: DIVING POOL.

He opened the hatch and came down to the lower compartment. The circular pool came into his sight as soon as he came down. The blue water of the sea was sparkling there.
Divers go down in the sea from here.

Jin thought for a few seconds and then searched for the diving store quickly. The door to the store was found on one side of the bulkhead.

Jin entered the storeroom and opened the closet door and rummaged through the diving equipment stored inside quickly.

Within a few seconds, he found two harpoon guns, but he knew those won't work. Harpoon guns are equal to nothing against automatic machine guns.

Besides, the killers were wearing bulletproof vests made of Kevlar, the spears of the harpoon guns won't even break through those vests.

He searched a little more, and suddenly seeing a five feet long white tube-like pole, a slightly cruel smile appeared on Jin's lips. That's exactly what he wanted.

A few minutes later, Alpha-Three approached the hatch. Cautiously, he advanced with careful steps, so as not to fall into a trap set by Jin.

He looked at the floor with sharp eyes, blood dripping from Jin's wound made a trail and It went down the hatch. The cruel murderer smiled. The victim was injured and he went down inside a closed compartment, unarmed. Hunting him down will be easy and fun.

He held the machine gun well, then he started going down the stairs carefully.

Halfway down, through the gap between the steps of the stairs,
A white stick-like thing came out.
Looking straight down through the grating, Alpha-Three saw Jin. That idiot was probably trying to trip him by inserting an aluminum pole in between his legs. Maybe he was thinking of pushing him down the stairs.

Alpha-Three almost laughed. How childish!

He stopped and pointed his weapon at Jin below and at the same time tried to kick the pole away.

Just then a sound like an explosion was heard.

A wave of unbearable pain swept through Alpha-Three's body, something burned brightly right in front of his eyes giving him no chance to fire.

He could not keep his balance and fell on one side of the stairs.
Cruelly stomping on the metal ladder several times, he fell to the floor of the compartment. He lost the machine gun along the way.

Somehow Alpha-Three managed to raise his head. His eyes widened seeing the blood splattered around. He couldn't understand, where did so much blood come from!

His eyes widened while trying to stand up. Now he can identify the source of the blood.

His right leg was gone from six inches below the knee, blood was gushing out like torrential rainfall...his own blood!

Alpha-Three turned his head with a panicked look in his eyes. He saw Jin coming with confident strides, he still had that metallic pole in his hand, and smoke was coming out of its tip.

That pole was in fact a "Bang- stick" aka powerhead shark-control device.
There is a pressure-sensitive firing mechanism inside that aluminum pole. Though Bang stick looks like an innocent pole, it was in fact a powerful weapon- used by divers against sharks. Alpha-Three didn't know these. He blew his leg off while kicking it like a fool.

Jin walked towards Alpha-Three mercilessly, dropping the empty shell from the Bang-stick. He added a new shell to it.

The diving closet had extra ammunition for the Bang stick.

Alpha-Three had no more doubt about what was going to happen to him, his trembling hands reached his waist in a try to pull out the pistol from his holster.

Jin showed no rush. Coming to the side of the fallen murderer, he stood calmly and did not even prevent him from taking out the pistol.

Jin waited until the weapon was aimed at him, then only he moved.
"Goodbye!" he said as he brought down the Bang-stick on Alpha-Three's throat like a sword.

Alpha-One was searching the lower deck of the Sea-Squirrel. Suddenly his walkie-talkie came alive. His name was called in a deep tone, "Theo,
Response me."

Alpha-One frowned. He raised the set to his mouth and said,
"Who is it...Alpha-Three, is that you?"

"No, Theo. I am Kim Seokjin."

Theo was surprised, "How did you get our frequency?"

"I didn't get the frequency, I got the walkie-talkie. Melvin's set now with me."

Alpha-One stopped, "And what about him?"

"Need I say?"

"You killed him?"

"Yes. It's your turn, I'm coming for you."

An alarm started screaming inside alpha one's head. He hastily called Carter, "Alpha-two, abort! Abort the
Operation!! Come back right away. Seokjin..."

He didn't finish speaking, a new voice came through suddenly. That sarcastic voice was talking on Carter's set, "Sorry, Alpha-Two isn't available right now. He is in a hurry to get on the queue to the other side."

Arya's voice.

Theo was shocked-he had lost two companions. That means Kim Seokjin and Araya Akaishi are now armed with their weapons.

The experienced killer did not have any trouble knowing that he lost the battle already. He can't fight against those two extremely trained Korean spies.

Theo called his sister on the walkie-talkie, "Elisa, can you hear me?"

"I have heard everything," replied the old scientist in a hurry. She was with Bulldog in the attack helicopter, "hurry up and come to the aft deck. we'll pick you up."

Alpha-One turned around and started running. He climbed up the ladder and then came out on the aft deck.

The rotor roared overhead as the helicopter approached.
But Elisa did not get the chance to drop the rope from there, a shadow came out on the roof and started shooting without any pause.

Bullets started hitting the copter with a metallic clank, cracking the windshield in the process.

Bulldog cursed and yelled at the pilot, "Move! move away from here!"

"No!" shouted Elisa, "My brother is still down there. I can't leave him behind just like that!"

"If not, we will have to join him in the afterlife!" Bulldog said in a stern voice
"Bastard! Didn't I tell you to move?"

The pilot shook his head and turned the control column and took the attack helicopter away from the machine gun's range in an instant.

Elisa stared in bewilderment with her hands on the glass of the window.

Alpha-One on the deck was in the same condition, speechless.
His sister... for whom he has done so much, sacrificed his humanity, killed freely people without any mercy... She just left him just like that!

Sudden rage exploded in Theo. He screamed like a madman forgetting everything around.

He pressed the machine gun's trigger, raining bullets back at the superstructure wanting to destroy everything.

He was blinded by anger, otherwise, he would have sensed the danger in time. when he was alerted, there was nothing else to do. Sensing a huge figure very close to his body,
He turned his head, startled by the gigantic presence.

He saw the Triton mini-submarine hoisted on a winch rushing towards him like a mighty pendulum.
Alpha-One didn't have time to move away. The Triton hit him hard, sending him flying like a golf ball.

Theo fell through the air to the other side of the deck, screaming in pain, all the bones on one side of his body were broken. He looked up at the winch operator's box putting pressure on his good limbs.

It was not difficult to see through the opposite side of the plexiglass in the moonlight. Kim Seokjin was there.

He went inside the operator's box to evade the bullet rain and he chose the submarine hanging on the winch as his weapon.

Alpha-One smile bitterly. That man was always way ahead with his smart moves from the very beginning. He just appeared as a bad omen in his perfectly flawless career.

The tough-looking young man raised the submachine gun with his good hand in intense disgust.
The weapon remained with him as it hung from the strap around his shoulder.

He aimed but stopped just before he could pull the trigger. the moonlight was no longer falling on him,
A black shadow has come down over him from above. Looking up, he saw the mini-sub again.

Jin brought it right on top of his head by twisting it on the winch.

Alpha-One said only one thing as he realized what was about to happen, "Jesus Crist!!!!"

Instantly Jin loosened the winch-holding clamp from the Triton.
At a great speed, the submarine weighing fifty tons came down on the poor alpha team leader.

As if a cockroach had been trampled- Theo Van Buren, aka Alpha-One got smashed below the Triton just like that.

The helicopter didn't leave, it was hovering over the sea keeping a safe distance from the Sea Squirrel.

Elisa Van Buren was looking at the deck with binoculars, she could see clearly in the moonlight what happened to her brother.

The elderly Uno's eyes widened, she didn't even scream.
She just lowered the binoculars and whispered, "They... they killed Theo!"

Bulldog also had another pair of binoculars, he also witnessed the whole scene.
He said in an annoyed voice, "He deserved that! That idiot didn't even let me bring a team. only three of them went to kill Jin... Of course, he'd die!"

"Careful, Mr. Bullock!" Elisa shouted,
"Don't even dare to talk about my brother like that!"

"And what good will it do if I kiss his ass now?" Bulldog barked angrily, "your whole plan is gone. Alpha Team is finished, and Kim Seokjin has nothing to worry about anymore. Now he can distribute the antivirus in peace."

"Impossible! I disabled NUMA's supercomputer." Elisa showed the laptop on the seat. She took control of Venus through that.

"So what? Not like it was the only supercomputer in the world! Seokjin has Christina with him. She can enter another supercomputer using Uno code and take help from that!"

"What should we do then?"

"They must be exterminated immediately. They cannot be given any chance to use Uno code."

"That's what I want too," said Elisa, "I have to avenge my brother's death. But how is that possible? Only two of us can't win against them!"

Bulldog thought a little. Suddenly a sly smile appeared on his face, looking at Elisa he said, "you can, doctor. You won't need me, you alone can destroy their whole ship if you want!"


"By hacking into the system of a ship of The Dutch Navy. Let me explain
What should you do..."

Van Amstel, a missile frigate of the Royal Netherlands Navy was patrolling the North sea just forty miles off the coast of the Netherlands.

As it was past midnight, the crews were a little lax on duty, many people were drowsing and sleepy at their posts. leading sea-man Jorgensen in charge of the weapons system was also among them.

He was almost asleep. Something suddenly broke his slumber. A light suddenly lit up on the console. Jorgensen suspected that he mistakenly pressed any of the switches in his slumber. He quickly checked everything -no,
There was no such evidence!

The second light on the console flickered and the experienced sailor immediately straightened up. He caught the anomaly. He might press a button in his sleepy state, but this time he didn't do anything!

The front LCD monitor suddenly lit up and Jorgensen was startled- What was happening? Who was doing this?
The protocol floating in the monitor came into his view this time and he almost got a heart attack.

he quickly took the keyboard and started typing to cancel the command. This time he had to be surprised again. The keyboard wasn't working. the system was running on its own as if it has a life and it has its willpower.

Jorgensen staggered out of his chair, unconsciously stepping backward. He couldn't believe his eyes - this was impossible, what the hell was this?

Quickly picking up the intercom he contacts the officer of the watch,
"It's Jorgensen, sir. There's an emergency, please come to Weapons Control once."

A few minutes later the officer of the watch arrived. hearing the problem,
He did not delay even a moment, he informed the captain.

Captain Jems Kromberg came running in his night clothes, he didn't waste any time putting on his uniform.

"What's going on here?" he asked angrily.

"The Missile-control has come to life, sir," said Jorgensen, "It started pre-launch check on its own!"

"What do you mean came to life? Who turned it on?

" I didn't, sir. I don't have the security code even!"

"Do you need a code for drill-check?"

"This is not a drill, sir. The launching sequence has indeed, started. See the protocol yourself!"

Rubbing his eyes, Captain Kromberg looked at the monitor and was startled instantly.
This was impossible, a missile was going to be launched for real!
It was not possible without punching the security code, and only he knows the code.

"How did this happen?" the captain asked Jorgensen.

"I don't know, sir. Everything is happening by itself!"

"Stop it, Quickly!"

"I tried, but the system is not taking any input."

"Go to Master Control. Deactivate the console with the code there."

Jorgensen ran away. He came back a little later, looking pale as a ghost, "It's not working, sir. The weapons system has been isolated from Master Control. no command from there is reaching here."

Looking at the monitor, the officer of the watch said, "Target selection is in progress, Captain."

"What is the coordinate, figure it out immediately."

The officer ran to the bridge. After seeing the record, he informed through the intercom, "That's one American Survey Ship, Captain. The Name is Sea-Squirrel. It is one of NUMA's ships."

"Good God!" gasped Kromberg. He went ahead to the console and started pressing the abort button like crazy.

But nothing happened, the missile left the launcher like undefeatable fate and started to run towards the target.

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