Chapter 12

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Dark/jeremy entered the main room of the building, where there was a clone already prepped for the transfer. "Now, to finish what I came here to do." Dark/jeremy flipped a switch and lightning streaks began to hit the clone from two balls on poles. "Ha Ha Ha, And now to transfer, this is going to be the best day of my life!" Dark/jeremy sensed people incoming. He turned and saw Katelyn, a droid he recognized as an astromech, and two extremely familiar people. "Ah, if it isn't my dastardly daughter Amy, and her puppet mark." "Father, I'm just going to get right to the point, there is no way we will let you get away with this!" "Now let jeremy go, or we will attack." "He he he, and how do you suppose you are going to stop me? Without hurting your friend?" Kasey aimed the blaster at dark/Jeremy. "Like this!" She pulled the trigger and the bolt hit him in the chest, freezing his entire body except for his head. "Ha, all I need is to transfer my conscious, this is not a setback." "Don't count on if. Ready Katelyn?" "Ready Amy." "Ok, Mark, make sure he doesn't go anywhere." "Roger that." Katelyn and Amy reached out with the force to enter Jeremy's mind.

Apparitions of Katelyn and Amy appeared in space that had a ghostly blue floor, and saw dozens of objects flying around. "These are all of Jeremy's ideas. We need to look for his idea of dark, because that's where dark is." "Ok Amy, any idea how we get him off jeremy?" "Simple, you hurt me in some way, and dark'll immediately whisk me away from you." "How do you know that will work?" "Because his one weakness, is his family, he just can't resist caring for me and my mom." "Wow." "Yeah, it took my friends and I a while to realize that when we fought him." They spotted a giant black cloud with a head on it. "Dark." "Let's hope this works." They began running closer to dark. "Hey dark!" Dark turned his attention to the two approaching figures. "Ah, if it isn't my daughter and her pesky friend, you are far too late to stop me!" "Oh yeah? You must be pretty fast to be this far in your plan already, are you fast enough to stop this?" Amy nodded to Katelyn and Katelyn threw a punch at Amy's face. "Noooo!" Dark immediately went and whisked Amy far away from Katelyn before her fist touched Katelyn. "Amy! Are you ok?" "Yeah, that was fast, but whose keeping an eye on jeremy now?" Dark realized he fell for the same trick again. "Grrrr, you little pest!" Back at dark's initial position, Katelyn had found and freed Jeremy from dark's prison. "Thanks Kate, maybe we should work on defending our minds from dark in the future." "Agreed, But for now, let's get dark out of here!" "Wait, hold on." Jeremy closed his eyes and suddenly, Katelyn and Jeremy's lightsabers appeared out of thin air. "Ok, now let's do it." Katelyn smiled. They both grabbed and ignited their lightsabers and charged. "Amy, get out of there, we'll finish him off!" Jeremy increased to super speed and swung wildly at dark, while Katelyn joined him. Dark was holding them off. "Grah! You may have escaped, but you're all too late!" They all saw a ball of light that could only mean one thing. Dark was too fast even for jeremy and escaped into the light. "He got away." "At least he's out of your mind."

From the outside, dark's transfer left jeremy to fall to the ground. Katelyn and Amy let go and also fell from exhaustion. "Well, welcome back." Mark helped Amy and Katelyn up. "Thanks." Katelyn immediately ran over to Jeremy. "Jeremy? You ok?" Jeremy came to. "Ugh, man, dark can really do a number on your mind." Katelyn practically pulled him off the ground into a hug. "I'm glad your safe Jeremy." "Thanks to you." He heard throats clearing. "Oh, and thanks to you too..." "Amy, and mark." "Nice to meet you." "Likewise." Katelyn released Jeremy. "Now come on, let's get out of here." Before anyone could make a step. A red streak zipped in, scooped up Katelyn and Amy, then sped off. "What the frax was that?!" Mark, Jeremy and Kasey heard engine noises coming from outside. "Oh no, no no no no no no no no no!" Jeremy sped off. Making it outside just in time to see the Phoenix rocket off the planet. "Dark you nerfherder!" Mark and Kasey got outside beside Jeremy. "Ok, what the heck was that?" "You likely know that I have super speed right?" "Yes." "Well, dark mustve copies my speedster DNA and put it into his new body." "Well, we can confirm that's true." Jeremy turned to mark. "Do you have a ship?" "Yes." "Good, because we're going after them." "I'm with you 100% on that one." Kasey chimed in. "My scanners puts the Phoenix already in hyperspace." "How do you know that?" "The Phoenix is programmed to send a distress signal to Kasey the minute it lifts off without me." "Good thinking, let's go." Mark and Kasey got a grip on Jeremy as he began speeding all three of them off.

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