Chapter 14

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"Captain's log, stardate 1248.32. The Phoenix has received a weird signal of some sort. Origin, Tatooine. Location, Rotta's Place. With nothing better to do at the moment, Team Phoenix has decided to check it out, meaning, kate and I are gonna go on our first date. So excited for that."

The Phoenix zoom out of hyperspace in sight of the twin sunlit sandy planet of Tatooine. "Ladies, mark, welcome to Tatooine, the former capital of scum and villainy." "Former?" "Now it's a planet of commerce and fair trade." "Wow, what happened?" "Rotta." "Who?" "The son of crimelord Jabba the hutt. Jabba ruled this planet with an iron fist. Then General leia of the resistance choked him to death. Enabling his son to start his reign. But he rules with kindness and peace." "Jeremy is there anyone in the galaxy you don't know?" "Yes. But it's a rare occurrence when bartenders are concerned." "How'd that happen?" "Freelance pilot work means I ran cargo for people all over the galaxy, legal cargo I might add." "Oh, of course." "And hey, it's handy to have friends who are visited by a lot of people." "I'm sure." The Phoenix descended to Tatooine. Not picked up on their sensors, a first order resurgent class battleship exited hyperspace, with the supreme leader of the first order on board. "This planet is the location of the traitor. All stormtroopers, prepare to launch."

The Phoenix landed on a landing pad connected to an ancient monastery. "This is Rotta's Place?" "Yes, formerly a palace, Rotta concerted it to a bar that all were welcome." "All, that sounds like a bad idea." "Rotta has security cameras all over the place, plus, he hired several mercenaries to act as security guards, trust me, the first order isn't getting in." "Even so, we should keep our guard up." "Yes." "In the mean time, I've been itching to get my groove on, let's do it."Kasey began rolling towards the bar. "Kasey! Wait, we need you to stay on the ship and alert us if there's trouble." "But I want to dance to music for once." "The Phoenix has a vast music library, you can dance to that." "Fine, but I'm coming with you next time." "Deal." Kasey rolled back aboard the Phoenix. "Anyone want to bet we'll board and find her busting out her moves?" "No wagering, but I think we'll disrupt her in her moment." "Ok, let's go see what that signal is." The group proceeded into the bar.

Rotta's Place was the top destination for travelers wanting to have fun. It had a full blown bar, a dance floor, and a 24 hour DJ station. It was everything Rotta had hoped it would be. "Ah, another glorious day in the bar eh tano?" Running the bar alongside Rotta was a aged Togruta female named Ahsoka tano. A former Jedi padawan who left the Order after being framed for a crime everyone except for a select few believed she committed. After leaving the Jedi, she traveled the galaxy, helping those in need. When the Empire rose to power, she helped the rebels. Ultimately settling here on Tatooine. There, she ran into Rotta, a hut that she helped rescue during the clone wars, and the two became friends and eventually coworkers. "Yeah Rotta, another glorious day of serving refreshments and entertainment to the people of the outer rim." Rotta saw jeremy and his friends enter the bar. "My it is a glorious day, our old pal Jeremy's back." Rotta slivered his way out from behind the bar towards Jeremy. "Ah, if it isn't Jeremy the sonic streaker himself, and his new gang. How've you been?" "Great, how have you been Rotta?" "I've been great, particularly because we just introduced a new drink in your honor." "Wait what?" "Remember that job you did for me to get a special crate of supplies here? You took out an entire First Order battle cruiser to get here, that my friend, deserves a drink named in their honor." "Wow, I really don't know what to say?" "Ha Ha, come on, you are gonna love it." Rotta lead the gang to the bar. Katelyn leaned in closer to jeremy. "You took out an entire battle cruiser for a crate of supplies?" "It was an important crate full of medical supplies for a patron of Rotta's. Don't worry, I made absolutely sure I got all the facts before risking my life. I may be willing to help those in need, but I'm also not dumb." Jeremy Katelyn and Amy suddenly felt a disturbance in the force. "Something's coming." "Something bad." Mark and Amy started for the door. "We'll check it out. Come on mark." Amy and mark made a graceful exit as Rotta Jeremy and Katelyn reached the bar. "Ha Ha, now, you ready to feast your eyes on the new crown jewel of this bar, The Flash." "Is that because the drink is faster then the speed of light?" Rotta Katelyn and Jeremy chuckled. "No, but it does go down faster then the average drink." Rotta got out 2 glasses and a bottle and poured its contents into the glasses. "There you are, one for you, and one for your friend here, on the house." "Wow, how kind of you." Jeremy and Katelyn took a sip of their Flashes. "Mm, tastes great." "Thanks, it's only made with the best ingredients I could find-" before Rotta could finish that sentence, blaster fire sounded and a laser bolt hit the ceiling, silencing the crowd.

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