Chapter 23

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Amy raced back in to the Phoenix and sat herself back in front of the com station. She tapped in Jeremy's com address. "Jeremy, we've got a problem do you copy?" Only static. "Jeremy? Can you hear me?" More static. "Katablast! He's jammed communications." Amy decided to try the next best thing. "Hopefully the Phoenix can fit in front of the museum." She ran into the cockpit.

On the ship high above the city. "Sir, the Phoenix, it's here." "Target and disable it, immediately!"

Amy powered up the Phoenix. "Ok Amy, let's see if there's any rust in your piloting skills." The Phoenix began to lift off, best before it got 10 meters off the ground, the ship above shot a single bolt at it and it neutralized the power from the Phoenix. Without power, the Phoenix fell back down to the landing pad and hit it, hard. When the Phoenix settled, it's inferior was trashed. "Oh crud. Jeremy will not be happy." That was all Amy managed before she fell into unconsciousness.

Back at the museum, the remaining team Phoenix and larago entered a hall with a very large piece of stone. "Wow, That is one big stone." "That is what we call the wall of prophecy. The only thing that the prophecy is written on." "Prophecy?" "Yes, it says there, one day a team, will race onto the scene, these unlikely six, with incredible tricks, will save the speedforce from its ultimate doom." "Whoa, ultimate doom?" "Yes, and it has yet to happen." All of a sudden, they heard screaming coming from the streets. "That doesn't sound good." They all rushed outside and saw the horrific scene of speedopolis being invaded by people clad in black armor. "What?!" They looked up and saw a ship team Phoenix recognized. "Dark!" "Whose That?" As if to answer larago's question, dark phased in right in front of them. "Ha Ha Ha, I knew you brats would come in handy someday. I just didn't expect something like this. Now I have the power to truly become the fastest man alive!" "Not on our watch dark!" "Ha Ha, you brats have fulfilled your purpose, you aren't worth my time anymore, so see ya." Dark sped off. "Ethan, mark, see if you can't get to the Phoenix and help Amy, we'll do what we can for the citizens." "Roger that." Jeremy and Katelyn activated their lightsabers and sped off after dark. Larago's eyes widened. "The prophecy, it's coming true!"

All throughout the city, speedsters were getting trapped by the black armored people, and Jeremy and Katelyn went as fast as they could to protect the city. "Man, I can't believe all these bucketheads came from one ship!" "I believe the phenomenon is referred to as a clown car." Jeremy and Katelyn began running in separate directions to increase their range. By that point, the remaining three Phoenix members and larago were on the moving platform, blasting away at any soldier who came after them. Lasers were flying, soldiers were dropping. It was absolute chaos, even Kasey got into the fray by firing the pistol Jeremy had let her have for defensive purposes.

Amy struggled to get free as two guards practically dragged her on to the bridge. "Gruh, let me go!" "No, order came from lord dark himself." Amy sighed. "When I get my hands on that monster, I swear, I'll make sure he never comes out again." With nothing else to do, amy decided to try and peer into the force and try to locate ammon.

One by one, speedsters were being captured and phased out to an unknown location, and as that was happening, jeremy, Katelyn, and the rest of team Phoenix shot soldiers left and right. "According to my lifeform scanner, people are disappearing left and right!" "And since we don't see any bodies besides the soldiers, dark must be capturing them!" They indeed saw speedsters phasing out. "They must be on dark's ship, let's get back to the Phoenix and—" Before Kasey could go any farther, she saw the Phoenix. "Guys, we have a problem!" Ethan Mark and larago turned and saw the busted Phoenix sitting on the landing pad. "Oh god." "Jeremy will not be happy." Over to jeremy and Katelyn, they had regrouped with each other and had run into dark. So now they were in a furious duel with him. "And here I thought you two were mere younglings compared to my saber skill." "Never underestimate the power of the light, dark!" "Oh, but I'm not, which is why I had your puny ship disabled and now it's a wrecked ship!" Jeremy's eyes widened. "You did not!" "Oh yes I did, I am always one step ahead of you jeremy, as I was when I was able to use our connection through the speedforce to follow you here!" Katelyn's eyes widened. "That's how you found us at coruscant, and how you even got here in the first place!" "Oh getting in was no easy task, but I knew keeping Ammon around would payoff someday, and now, all the speedsters are mine!" He knocked their sabers out of the way and sped off to out of their reach. "You think you can outsmart me, but the truth is that I can not be outsmarted!" He phased out, leaving jeremy and Katelyn. "Gruh, he got away." Katelyn deactivated her lightsaber. "If we hurry, we might be able to get the Phoenix back up and running before dark figures out how to leave—" Katelyn turned her head to look at jeremy, who was just staring off into deep space. "This whole thing is my fault." Katelyn stepped closer and grabbed Jeremy's hand. "No, this isn't your fault, you had no idea about the connection—" jeremy shook Katelyn off and sped off, clearly wanting to be alone. "Jeremy?"

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