Chapter 3

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The Phoenix landed in the hanger bay of the large interdictor as jeremy and Katelyn geared up. "Alright, once I finish off the gravity well projectors, I'll come and help you with your target." "Just make sure you don't kill him, that's my job." "I have to admit, you are not like the Jedi I read about in school." "That was decades ago, since then the Jedi are, scarce at best." "Yikes, then I should speed things along before they become even scarcer." "Not funny jeremy." They both heard kasey beep questioningly. Jeremy knelt down to kasey's height. "Sorry kasey, you can't come with us, I need you to remain on the ship. Once we disembark, take off and get to just outside weapons range. And keep that distance." Kasey beeped frantically. "I know that will leave us stranded, but it's better then hoping that the Phoenix stands up to a ship's worth of firepower. Besides, once we complete our mission, I'll com you to come get us, nothing to worry about." Kasey beeped a few times more calm this time. "Yes, I'll be careful, just like I always am." Kasey let out a another beep. "I am kasey, I'm alive am I?" More beeping from kasey. "Alright fine, if it makes you feel better, I'll stay out of sight." One more beep from kasey, then she rolled into the cockpit. Katelyn stared at jeremy. "Wow, that droid really cares about you." "We've only been together for a week and we've already been in dangerous situations. If left untouched, droid memories allow a droid to develop a personality, and her memory was intact when I found and repaired her. So she developed a caring personality pretty quickly." "I'm sure, you ready to do this?" "I'm all charged up and ready to rock." "Alright, then let's go. May the force be with you Jeremy." "You too." Jeremy and Katelyn disembarked and headed for their targets. Just as Katelyn of off the ramp though, as she watched Jeremy speed off, she couldn't help but stare at him. "I, feel something, a disturbance in the force, something I haven't felt before." Katelyn shook it off and continued, wanting to eliminate her target before he got away.

The figure on the bridge was furious when he learned that two people were loose on his ship. "I want those intruders detained and brought here now!" He heard the familiar voice of Katelyn behind him. "Well, then allow me to make your job this much easier, this ends here Snart!" Katelyn produced a long metallic cylinder with a single button on it. She pressed the button and two magnificent blue blades extended from both ends of the cylinder. Snart just smiled as he took off his hat. "You Jedi really lost your way haven't you? I thought Jedi never killed?" "Only when it's necessary." "Ah, so I guess then that my death is in fact necessary. Well, newsflash for you, I also have a magic laser sword." Snart produced a shorter cylinder with a buttton and pressed it, a white blade extended from it. "It's not a lightsaber, but it's a laser sword non force sensitives a can use, to bring down Jedi scum like you!" Snart and Katelyn charged at each other.

Jeremy reached the control room of the gravity well projectors much later then he thought. "Whoever designed this ship, they sure made it a confusing maze." He went straight to what he believed were the controls, and started pressing buttons at super speed, trying to power down the projectors permanently. "I'm glad they make these consoles with speedsters in mind, because otherwise the consoles would overload with the amount of information being put in at super speed." As Jeremy was speed typing, he suddenly felt a weird sensation, like, a call. He couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was, but suddenly, he knew that Katelyn was in trouble. He increased his speed to type faster and he disabled the projectors in seconds. "There, gravity well projectors are offline, now to save Katelyn." He sped off towards the bridge. Whilst running he contacted Kasey. "Kasey, it's Jeremy, bring the Phoenix back, we're done here." His response was beeping. "Yes, we will both be there, you know, for such a little droid you are a massive worrier." The connection was cut.

Katelyn was pushed back. Snart knew more about combat then she anticipated. "Well, you know more about laser swords then you originally let on snart, but this can only end one way." "I agree you Jedi scum, and it will end with your annihilation!" All of a sudden, Katelyn felt the disturbance again, this time it was much stronger. "What the?" Snart took advantage of her distracted state and kicked her off her feet. Causing her to hit the console behind her. It was right then that Jeremy skidded to a halt. He saw a figure standing over Katelyn, he turned to see Jeremy standing there. "Ah, so Katelyn has a new boyfriend, how cute, but, no one can stop commander snart now!" He raised his sword, preparing for the final kill. Jeremy pushed out his hands. "No!" Snart suddenly went flying sideways. He went straight threw the window and out into space. Luckily for Katelyn and Jeremy, the ship had a ray shield dedicated to keeping the air in so they weren't sucked out with snart. Jeremy rushed over to Katelyn and helped her to her feet. "What the just happened?" Katelyn had the answer immediately. "Jeremy, that was a force push, an ability only force users can do." "So you're saying.." "Yes, you're strong with the force, you're able to manipulate it, in other words, you're force sensitive." They heard familiar beeping coming from Jeremy's com. "Ok Kasey, we're in our way." The connection was cut. "Kasey's here, let's get out of here, hold on tight. Katelyn grabbed Jeremy's hand and Jeremy sped off with her in tow.

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