Chapter 34

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Kasey held a welder as she worked on the Phoenix flyers. "To keep up with the speedsters, these babies are gonna need a major upgrade." While Kasey was doing that, the rest of the team was gathered around a whiteboard. "Ok, let's go over the rules again." Jeremy started writing with a marker. "First rule." Katelyn answered. "No weapons allowed on the track at any time." "Right, and follow up rule, if there are weapons on a speeder, they are to either be brought offline or removed prior to competition." "Did you here that Kasey?" "On it mark." "Alright, what else?" "Uh, oh, there is to be no phasing through walls which will result in the bypass of segments of the track." "Right." "And the speeder rule for that is no speeder takeoffs." "Makes sense, speeders have the ability to ascend to avoid obstacles." "Speaking of that, in that instance speeder takeoffs are allowed, but cannot be prolonged." "Isn't that gonna be a little difficult since speeders tend to go extremely fast during races?" "Says here that a racer should try to steer clear of obstacles and takeoff only as a last resort." "Ok, that's reasonable." "And that takes care of the general rules.." "Wait, there's one more, use of powers such as the force or flight are prohibited during the race at any time? There are people that fly?" "This is the Star Wars galaxy, there have been weirder things." "Right. Anyway, time to discuss this race in particular." "Right, it says here that it's a tag race." "Like the game tag?" "Yes, except that in a race, tag means one person runs one section of a track, then passes it off to someone else." "Ok, that's not too bad." "However, there is one twist for speeder riders, you must disembark from the speeder, make physical contact with the next racer, then that racer gets on their speeder and starts his run." "Oh, Huh." "Still not that bad, team Phoenix is the fastest team in the galaxy, no way we're gonna lose." "Well well well, those are some fast words coming from such a slow little lady." Everyone turned their heads to see a man standing in the door way. "Can we help you?" "I just came to check out the competition, but I guess you can help me by backing out before you embarrass yourselves." "Ok back up, who are you?" "The champion of the speedopolis 500, speedy Gonzalez." "Well speedy, you should know that we're under orders to participate in this race, so we kinda can't back out." "Then I hope you enjoy eating dust, because when the race starts, that's all you'll be doing." "Careful speedy, overconfidence is dangerous." "Oh please, those speeders over there will never be fast enough to beat a speedster like me, no matter how much that bucket of bolts soups them up." Upon hearing this, Kasey looked up at speedy. "What did you just call me?!" Kasey started speeding towards speedy with her shocker arm. Speedy just stepped aside and let Kasey slam into a wall. "Ow." Speedy laughed. "If that's all you have as a pit crew, you don't have a chance." Speedy sped off, leaving Kasey to slowly trudged back to jeremy. "Jeremy, I'm gonna need to go to the droid repair bay." "That's why you don't attack a speedster at full speed unless you shoot them with a freeze gun first." "Right." Kasey trudged off. "Speedy Gonzalez, he doesn't sound very friendly." "Maybe it's just the tensions of the big race. Still... give me a second." Amy started tapping at the pad she was holding, until she came across Speedy's profile. "Ah here it is. Speedy Gonzalez, 4 time winner of the Speedopolis 500, known to have a bit of an aggressive posture towards opponents who he thinks actually have a chance to beat him." "So, jealousy is his problem then?" "Yep. But hey, that's looking good for us, we do have a chance to win the race." Kate was also looking at speedy's profile on her datapad. "Hold on, it says here that he has been suspected of sabotage prior to each race he's won, but no official evidence has been gathered." "Sabotage? That's cheating!" "You think? We need to tell Leia and larago, suggest they double, maybe triple security around the course this week." "Right. Come on kate, lets go." Kate and Jeremy sped off to find the general and larago.

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