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Your pov:

      The plan was set, the chains that lowered the cart clicked down towards the cavern of titans. We had others placed on beams above ready to strike at the titans, "Y/n I really hope this works..." Jean mumbled "I hope so too" I replied.

We had a team on the beams above us "don't shoot until you can actually see the Titans eyes" I ordered, others looked at me like I was crazy but the rest just nodded and took the order. It was pitch black *ping* I held my hand I the air until I finally saw a Titan "FIRE!" I yelled, everyone's guns went off.

I looked at the team on the beams and signaled them down to attack, the shooting stopped and the beam team attacked. Everything was going as planned, I turned around for one second and heard a scream "Connie!" I quickly looked over the cart and looked at the others in the beam team, I looked at Annie and signaled her to help him.

After everything was done I pulled on the chain to lower us down all the way.  Once we hit the ground everyone got out of the cart, I ran over to Connie "are you okay?" I asked concerned, Connie nodded "yeah thanks for asking y/n""no problem" I replied. We looked around and saw the air tanks "everyone get geared up!" I called out.

Running towards one of the stations I started to quickly fill up my canister, making sure I had enough I quickly finished and got up to help anyone who needed it. I jogged over towards Mikasa and smiled "well the plan worked now let's get everyone back outside so we can help, can you round people up? I'm going to go check how it's looking out there"
Mikasa nodded and quickly started to let people know what was going on.

Using my refueled gear I managed to get back up to the main floor of the building, I ran out into the open and anchored farther up on the rim of a balcony. Reacting fast I landed and looked around for more Titans, to the East there was about ten and to the West there was three.

'I should wait.... but what if there's more people... no I need to wait'

Soon the cadets came flying out of the building and I whistled for Mikasa and Armin to join me, they both turned and repositioned themselves so they landed next to me.

"What's going on y/n-" Mikasa stopped and she looked down, I followed her gaze and saw Titans eating the titan who had helped us 'Eren...'  I pointed over to the three Titans that were eating off of him. "We have to clear them out before we join the others" I stated, Armin looked to the other side and saw the other group of Titans, he nodded "okay I see what you mean."

Smiling I nodded "yup, okay. Let's go" my ODM gear propelled me through the air and onto a building close to the tallest titan of the three, it turned and raised its arm to swat at me and I jumped.  My anchors swung back towards the nape of its neck and I spun for a cleaner slice, the blades quickly cut through the Titan and I watched as it fell onto the ground.  I shifted my gaze over to where Armin was and I helped him take his titan out by slicing through its ankles and wrists, once all of us had gotten out Titans we headed back towards another building when Eren started to move.

"It's the titan that ate Thomas..." Armin muttered from the side of me once we got back onto the roof of a building.

We all watched as Eren let Titans rip off his arms as he ran at the titan Armin had pointed out, in a flash Eren had the back of its neck in his jaw. His roars could be heard from everywhere as he used the titan as a weapon against other ones. Soon the only titan that was left was Eren and we all watched as his body fell to the ground, I kept my eyes peeled for any sign of life still in the dissolving body.

Through the smoke I saw what I knew all along, a body inside of the Titans nape, I looked over at Mikasa who had already seemed to understand what was going on as well. We both quickly anchored our way down towards the titan and Mikasa ran, ignoring the calls of our friends. I joined Mikasa and saw her check if his heart was beating, her eyes started to swell with tears and my knees gave out from under me, I cried and smiled 'he's still alive... I was right.'


SUPRISE SHORTY..... Ummmmm so hi.

Welcome to my existential crisis, this chapter in total has taken about four years for me to finish, now that I've started this again I might as well keep going, I'm gonna cancel the discontinued and we're going to see how this goes. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and uhh it's nice to be back, as always

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