Old friends

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(3 years later)
     Armins pov:

   It's time to line up for attendance and I went to go get Eren but he wasn't in his room 'huh he must be already there' I thought and walked outside to a huge line of people.  I got in my spot and the Commander started talking "hello trainees I am Commander Shadis! I will make the next three years of your life miserable!" He shouted, I stood straight and tall and he went to a boy with a buzz-cut and lifted him by the head. Then there was a b/l girl with h/l h/c who did a perfect salute "name!" Shadis yelled "y/n" she replied calmly "what's your last name cadet!" He said angry but all she did was look into his eyes "I don't remember my last name, I didn't have a family long enough for me to learn it!" She hissed at him, Shadis looked stunned and left her standing there, I looked at her after Shadis passed me 'c-could it really be y/n? The girl that saved me twice?' I thought. 

   Your Pov:

      You saw Armin starring at you but you just remained calm.  Shadis sent a girl Sasha Braus to run until night and no dinner, to admit it she has some balls eating during attendance and I thought that was cool.  Attendance was over and I took off towards the woods 'I'm not ready to face them! Not now' I thought and climbed up a tall tree, I heard Mikasa run under me "Y/n! Please come out!" I heard Armin yell.  I started crying into my knees when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked up to see Eren with concern in his eyes "Y/n y-you're alive! Are you okay?" He said with disbelief, I nodded and jumped down the tree and lanes with a front roll so I wouldn't get hurt.  Armins blue eyes pierced into my e/c eyes mixed with happiness and concern "Y/n why did you run?" He asked "I wasn't ready to face you guys, I didn't know if you would be mad at me for not coming to see you after I escaped the Titan" I replied looking down at the ground, I felt Mikasa wrap her arms around me "the thing is that you are alive and that is all that matters" she said and we all started to walk back to camp.  Shadis met us but when he saw me he bowed his head 'huh weird I only told him the truth and now he is being nice to me' I bowed my head to and we all continued to walk to our cabins, the boys split up from me and Mikasa as we went inside our cabin, the other girls brought a bag with clothes but I didn't have any clothes except for my cadet outfit "y/n!" Mikasa said to snap me out of my thoughts "huh?" I looked at two other girls in front of me one long blonde hair and one with her blonde hair in a bun "I'm Christa" the long haired blonde said "and I'm Annie" the girl with the bun said with no sign of emotion on her face "our other roommate is the girl running" Mikasa said "the name is y/n" I said climbing up a ladder and flopping on my bed "d-do you have any pjs y/n?" Christa asked noticing that I didn't have a bag of belongings "no" I said looking at the ceiling, I felt a pair of clothes hit my stomach "oof" I grunted "you can keep them" Annie said with a tiny smile "I-is that a smile I see?" I joked with her "n-no" she said trying not to laugh, I reached over and lightly punched her arm but I fell off my bunk on top of her instead, I got up and helped her up, we all laughed and I went into the bathroom to change "be right back!" I said walking into a small area, they we a black pair of night shorts and a flowing blue crop top tank top, I walked out and spun around "nice!" I heard them say, we all then walked out to eat dinner.

(Oml!!!!!!! Guys I got an Attack on Titan T-Shirt!!!! I'm fangirling so much right now!!!! EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!! Now back to the story 😂)

We walked in and I bumped into a tall boy "s-sorry I didn't realize you were ther... Marco?!" I finished surprised "Y/n!" He said happily and we hugged "we really need to work on our meetings" I laughed and he laughed to "yeah, you're always falling down" he laughed and I playfully punched his arm "I'm going to go sit down wanna join?" I asked "nah you go sit with your friends I'm going to break up whatever is going on over there" he said looking over to the people surrounding Eren "okay well... Bye then!" I waved and walked over to Mikasa and Armin.  They smiled as I sat down "so what's up with Eren?" I pointed out "people who weren't in the Shangshia district when the attack happened wanted to know what happened, hopefully they don't ask about his mom" Armin said with a hint of sadness at the end "o-oh" I said and looked down "where's your food?" Mikasa asked "not hungry" I said still looking down when a piece of bread was placed in front of me.  I looked up and saw Christa smiling "take it I'm not going to eat it anyways" she chirped "t-thanks" I said biting into the warm piece of bread 'God this is good!' I thought and I finished it, Mikasa laughed and we stood up only to be stopped by a boy with bi-colored hair "hey baby where you going?" He said and I kicked his shins causing him to fall over "haha nice one Jean!" The buzz cut kid laughed "shut it Connie!" Jean yelled, me, Mikasa, and Christa walked outside "give me a minute guys I'm going to go see potato girl" Christa said and walked towards Sasha who was spreaders out on the ground passed out.  When Sasha smelled the bread her eyes went red and she ran at Christa like an animal, she took the bread and collapsed onto Christas lap, Mikasa chuckled and we continued to walk to our cabin.  I walked in and climbed up the ladder and flopped onto my bed "ugggggggggg I'm so tired!" I grumbled "well if you didn't climb up that massive tree today then ma... Wait how did you get down without getting hurt?" Mikasa asked "a magician never reveals their secrets" I laughed "whatever" she chuckled and we went to sleep.

"I'm sorry my sweet daughter" a woman said "hurry Danny!" A man whispered. I felt a sharp prick in my arm and I cried 'wait am I a baby?' I thought "there that will control your powers" she whispered and kissed my head "goodbye my sweet y/n l/n I will miss you" she whispered and ran off with the man "Jace did we have to leave her she just a baby!" My mom said "yes honey it's for her safety" my father replied as they ran into the darkness, a man picked me up age possibly 15 "Cadet Erwin what did you find?" A man asked 'C-Commander Erwin?!' I thought "a-a baby" he said shocked "in the road! The nerve of some people!' The other man said, Erwin looked at me and I cooed "awwe" he smiled and he placed me on his horse but before he could get on the horse it took off with me on it in the side satchel "no! Get back here you dumb horse!" I heard him shout but the horse kept running through the streets, the satchel broke and I fell in a pile of rubble.

I woke up gasping "what's wrong y/n?" Annie and Mikasa said at the same time "m-my family, I have a last name" I gasped sweating "well what is it?" The two asked "l/n" I replied.

Long chapter! Yay! I'm on a road trip so I am writing as much as I can, hope you guys liked this chapter!
Bu-bye lovelies!

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