Taking Trost

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Y/N Pov:

The breeze ran through my hair as I sat upon the rim of the wall, Pyxis had managed to keep most of the Garrison soldiers away from us while Armin started to plan how Eren could plug the wall. The sight of titans roaming through the streets of Trost below sent a small shiver down my spine, if citizens weren't evacuated completely... It would be another Shiganshina.


Looking up I met eyes with Mikasa, she sighed and held her hand out, grabbing it she helped me stand up from my spot.

"hey. Have they figured something out yet?" I asked calmly.

Mikasa nodded and we headed over to where Pyxis and his elite squad were surrounding Eren and Armin, clearing my throat the group stopped talking and they looked over at me. My eyes darted to Pyxis and he stared back patiently waiting for me to speak.

"Sorry for interrupting your conversations... But what is the plan to take back Trost?"

Armin moved away from Erens's side and he now stood in front of me, he looked down into the abandoned city and pointed at a large boulder sitting in the middle of the debris.

"We are going to have the cadets who saw Eren emerge from his titan go and distract the roaming titans within this section of the district and lead them to the wall so they can be killed by cannon fire, while the titans are distracted the Garrisons elite squad, Mikasa, and you will escort Eren down to that boulder so he can move it to plug the wall."

Shifting away from the edge of the wall I looked up at Armin, "I'm not going with the elite squad... I'm going with the distraction team."


"no Armin, Mikasa can handle Eren and the squad... I want to at least help make sure we don't lose any more comrades." I cut the boy off, he nodded understandingly and we headed back towards Pyxis and the others.

Armin informed everyone of the slight change in plans, Pyxis sighed and nodded, "all right then... Go get with your fellow cadets then l/n."

Saluting quickly I nodded and walked away from the group again, I could hear Pyxis from behind me addressing the soldiers on the ground, he seemed to be making sure that they understood Eren was no threat and that he only had the power of Titans. I chuckled a little,

'as if they would understand that,'

rolling my eyes I calmly waited for the cadets who were apart of the distraction to join me at the top of the wall.


The first person to land beside me was Marco, he looked over and waved a little, the next was Jean, his body language made me tilt my head a little, he was tense, scared even.

"you ready Jean? We all need to be at our A-game if we want to survive"

Jeans eyes snapped to me and I stared back "what does that mean Y/n?" he huffed.

"It means get out of your head." I snapped back, he kept his gaze at me until his shoulders seemed to relax, "you're a good soldier Jean. We are going to be okay."

The rest of our distraction team showed up and I looked around, Annie, Connie, Marco, Jean, Reiner, and Bertholdt were all standing ready to hear what the plan was.

"this everyone?... alright then. We need to lure the titans closest to that boulder away and towards the wall so they can be killed with cannon fire. Pretty simple." I informed the group, everyone seemed to understand what the plan was and I smirked.

Looking over to the spot Pyxis was I saw the elite squad watching for me, Ian Dietrich stayed close to the wall and he nodded at me, turning back to the others I sighed.

"all right. Let's go."

Taking a step off of the wall my body fell through the air into Trost, shifting my body I grappled onto a tower in the distance. Swinging on the top of the building my feet skidded onto the shingles and I managed to come to a stop. The others landed around the building I was on and we searched for our first move, a five-meter titan was wandering throughout the streets closer to the boulder, and five more titans were standing in the distance.

"Annie, Jean, and Connie you three take care of that group," I ordered, my eyes shot around again and more titans were further in the city. "Marco, Reiner, Bertholdt. You guys go that way."

The plan was set and the groups took off from their roofs, I followed after, heading straight for the five-meter titan it turned to look at me. My lines retracted and I swung around its face, it lunged towards me but since I was far enough away it missed. Landing onto the rooftop behind the titan I ran, feeling the ground shaking below me I knew it took the chase, I jumped from one rooftop to another and looked up towards the wall. I could see soldiers already moving the cannons into place, a loud crash sounded behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see the titan begin to smash the houses I was running upon.

'shit an abnormal.'

The titan lept into the air and I rolled back out of its way, I fell into one of the rooms of the crushed buildings and I gasped trying to catch my breath. Quiet stood in the air as the titan stopped, the building's rubble began to shuffle and I looked to the side of me, eyes met mine and I jumped up, its hand smashed where I once laid and I repelled myself onto another building. Still gasping for air I managed to keep moving, finally, I anchored into the wall and began to run up, looking back I saw the titan lowering itself to the ground.


In a split second, it jumped into the air. Pushing myself away from the wall I managed to avoid its jaws, cannon fire sounded, and the titans head in front of me shattered, covering my eyes to not get blood in them I landed back onto a roof below.

"Jean!" a yell rang out and my head snapped towards its direction.

Marco was running along a rooftop in the distance, not understanding why I quickly followed after, the boy jumped off the roof and I slid to a stop upon mine. Jean was stuck on the ground, trying to pry off ODM Gear off of a corpse, a hand reached towards me and my gaze snapped back to a titan that I now assumed Marco was luring away. I jumped away and down over to Jean, the boy looked up at me panicked.

"Are you crazy?!" He yelled.

"Just hurry up Jean!" I snapped back keeping my eyes upon the titan walking our way.

As it got closer I finally attached my blades and stood ready to fight, in a sudden movement an object hit the Titan's head and I stepped back, that object turned out to be Connie and I chuckled a little at how he hit the titan. Looking back I saw Jean tightening the straps on the ODM gear, I glanced back at the titan as it swatted towards Connie on the roof.

"Jean go!" I yelled back at him, I ran towards the titan and sliced along its inner calf causing it to look down at me. Anchoring onto a building I managed to get away from the titan, I looked back to see Jean fall to the ground again and my body swung back through the air towards the titan lungeing after him. Hooking into the titan's nape I spun downwards, slicing through its neck I retreated back onto a rooftop.

"JEAN!" I yelled out, the boy quickly got back up and attempted again to use the unfamiliar ODM gear.

Looking away I ran along the top of the roofs and I anchored into the wall, propelling myself upwards, I landed on top of the wall beside one of the cannons. Connie landed next up on the wall and I looked over to him, he seemed to sigh in relief as Jean crash landed beside him.

"you idiots got a death wish?!" Jean shouted.

"Don't even start man. You scared the hell out of me!" Connie sighed, and I chuckled a little.

"Is everyone alright? No one hurt?" I sighed, walking over to Jean I helped him stand up and he nodded, "good-"

A flash in the distance caught my eye and I saw Mikasa running along the ground leading a group of titans away from Eren, his titan from laid still upon the boulder he had to move, Armin standing upon his neck. The others soon caught onto what I was looking at and I walked along the edge of the wall looking down at the scene.

"Somethings wrong... I'm going back down there..." I stated, taking a step off of the wall my arm lurched back as someone held it.

"Y/n are you sure? Look at your tank." Annie questioned, her other hand gestured towards my now half-filled tanks, I looked at them and sighed, my eyes met with hers and I nodded.

"They need all the help they can get. So... I'm going."

Breaking my arm away from her grasp I stepped off of the edge and I dropped down the side of the wall, I noticed a smaller building and anchored into its wall, swinging past the building my boots slid along the ground.

Mikasa landed next to me and the corpse of a titan fell beside us, she seemed surprised to see me, I looked behind her and noticed a seven-meter titan heading our way. Quickly I ran past her and towards the titan, hooking into its calves, my feet glided along the ground as I propelled towards its ankles, with a swift slice the titan fell forward. Mikasa was already in the air before I could join and she delivered the finishing blow. We landed together again and ran through the streets, gathering as many titans and luring them away from where Eren was.

"You never cease to amaze me you know, Mikasa" I chuckled softly, even though her scarf was wrapped around her neck higher I could see a small smile beaming from her.

Rumbling from the ground caught our attention and we both looked up, Eren, he was doing it. The boulder laid upon his shoulder as he walked, with each step the ground shook. Mikasa turned back and I turned as well, all of the titans we had round up were now focused upon Eren.

"Y/n you go for those three.." Mikasa ordered, she took off towards Eren and I stood alone with the three titans who weren't phased by Eren.

'alright... let's dance'

One of the smaller titans lunged down at me and I rolled to the side, jumping into the air any hooks anchored themselves deep into the titan's neck and I shot forwards, my blades slashed through its nape. Standing upon its body I looked up at the taller titans, they had to be about eight meters tall at least, I took a deep breath and flung towards a broken building, swinging around the debris I anchored upwards and landed upon one of the titan's shoulders, the other lunged and I swiftly jumped off as the others teeth sank into the nape of the one I landed on, the body went limp and the other titan let go, the chuck of meat dropped from its mouth and I looked at it disgusted. Landing upon one of the broken rooftops I ran around the titan whose mouth was now gaping open, I nimbly jumped off the roof and swung around the titan, I anchored deep into its neck and propelled forwards, cutting through the titans nape blood sprayed onto my clothes. My boots slid onto the shingles of a house and I looked down at the already dissolving blood, the roof I stood upon suddenly caved in and I fell through, angling myself I landed onto my side, pain shot through my arm but I avoided getting the wind knocked out of me again.

"Y/N" A voice rang out and I looked up, the mouth of a titan lowered down to where I laid, shuffling I was hung back, trying to find out why I saw my line had shot from its repel, the hook was stuck within a wall. I struggled to move, frantically I hit the line with my blades hoping it would work, a small flash pinged off, it didn't work.

"HEADS UP" Another voice rang out, looking out to the side of me I saw a flash of green pass by.

The titan lunged down at me and I braced for the worst, but nothing happened, my eyes opened and I peered up at the cloak now standing upon the head of the titan. The person shifted and I smiled.

"Hey, Hanji.." I sighed in relief.

Hanji jumped down from the titan and they helped me stand up, I walked over to my line and pulled it out of the wall, it quickly retracted back into its main housing. Taking a deep breath I leaned against the wall, my hands had been shaking. A pair of hands clasped around mine and I looked up, Hanji looked at me, they smiled softly and I sighed.


"There's nothing to be sorry for Y/n, are you all right?" They asked.

I nodded my head and Hanji smiled brightly, "all right then, let's get out of this place and you go join the others, the wall has been plugged... Let us take care of the clean-up."


Hello, sorry it took a while to update O-O, but hey I had to go back and read the older chapters to kind of understand what I was attempting to write, so I'm going to address some confusion:

- Shadis was Dan (I went back and fixed all of my mistakes, I am so sorry for not paying attention when I wrote those chapters years ago... I never went back and read them so I had no clue they were so confusing) So yes you basically killed Shadis...

- This is just a personal note to me lol..... why did I choose the worse names for characters LOL.

- I honestly got lost at the part when I had written about us as a baby... but since my friends and I laughed at the fact Ewrins horse took off with us in the side carrier I will keep that in.

So yeah, if there are more questions you guys need to be answered please let me know in the comments. I will read them.

Word Count: 2485

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