The Mystery Girl that Resembles Raven

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Chapter 1

"Raven, this girl looks just like you! Is there something you're not telling us?"


My room door automatically opened and closed itself shut behind me. I leaned my head against my cold metal door with my eyes closed, taking a breath of relief. I opened my eyes, feeling a bit safe as the silence of my dark room greeted me. I lifted my head from the door and looked around my neat room. Clinging to my chest was an ancient book that can help me meditate better than I have been these past few self-meditations. Pulling the book from my chest, I stared at the book's title, The Advanced Arts of Meditation: Meditations to Calm the Human Emotions Easily. I read the book's reviews online and read that these advanced meditation techniques worked wonders on people, too good to make people numb to any emotions. Numbness. That's what I need right about now until the time I can beat HIM.

My room was dark, with light barely lighting up my room to see, but thanks to my room window, I could see the full view of Jump City. The moonlight was shining a spotlight in my room. My violet eyes met the usual decor I see around my room, which is: my purple, almost black bed that was neatly tucked and made with no wrinkles, my bookcases of books that I have read over a hundred times, my black vanity mirror with my different length wax candles, and my magical mirror to get inside my head. I walked over to where I had placed my meditation chalk and candles on my dresser. I passed the vanity mirror but stopped when I saw an almost burnt-crispy photo taken years ago. Three ends of the Polaroid photo had black burn marks except one on the lower end of the picture on the right. The lower right end of the image, the side my little sister was touching before she was taken from me, was nearly gone, and it was close to burning off that adorable happy smile from my sister.

It was the last smile I'd witnessed from her and maybe the final smile she had ever put on her face. We were both little girls trying to make the best of the situation until HE stepped into the picture. I remember that day like it was yesterday, even though I've spent nearly a decade trying to get it out of my mind. My little sister's violet eyes turned into a plum color purple because she knew what would happen to her ..... and so did I. Even with plum-puffy eyes, she managed to put a smile on her face as she was "smiling" from ear to ear, probably tearing down a building or something in the back. My little sister's hair was freshly cut in the same style as mine, a bob. Hellfire was ablaze in the background while my little sister and I hid behind a crumbled piece of a building on Azarath until HE came to take his portal away.


"Raven, I don't want to do this anymore!"

"Please, Raven, there's got to be another way?!"



I can still hear her high-pitched scream calling me years later. I wanted to cry, but it will cause the Titan's Tower some issues that Cyborg must fix. I held back my tears, took a deep breath, and slowly pushed the air out as it calmed me down. I should have let HIM take me instead of my little sister. I was a coward and watched HIM take her away from me. I promised Mom that I would protect her from HIM, but all I did was the opposite, and I'm sure Mom would be upset with me if she was alive and heard the news. 

I walked away from my dresser and to the window, gazing at the night sky. Jump City was lit up like it does every night. The vibrant flashing lights made it seem like I was looking at an opening screen of a video game. The nightlife of Jump City was outshining the moon, and I'm sure everyone walking the streets was enjoying their time. Even my teammates, I'm sure, were having the time of their lives without me as they were happy enjoying this quiet night free of any missions. While I'm locked in my room, reliving the past and thinking through what I should and should not have done. I stared at the photo of my last memory of my little sister and how I wished you were here with me. Why did I let you down, little sister?

"I will save you from HIM, Phoenix, or avenge you," I whispered the last part to myself, hoping that Phoenix was alive .... and trying to live well. 

I leaned my head against the crisp window as my eyes stared blankly at the night sky. What would you do if you were in my place, Phoenix? Would you try to find a way to save me, or will you forget about me, leaving me in my misery with HIM as I did you?


A knock on my door snapped me out of my blank stare. I lifted myself off the window and went towards the door.

"Raven!" Beast Boy called out from the other side of the door.


The door opened a little revealing part of my face, and I was face to face with Beast Boy. His sharp canine tooth was sticking out of his mouth, and his big green emerald eyes stared at me.

"H-hey Rae, the team and I had ordered a couple of pizzas, and we were wondering if you wanted to join us?" Beast Boy asked me, using his thumb to point behind him to indicate Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg were waiting for us.

"I'm busy at the time, but if you guys are still out there with pizzas left, then I'll join you," I replied, about to close the door of my room when I felt a hand on my wrist. "Is there anything else we need to discuss?"

"Y-yea, Raven, I hope you know you're not alone, right?"

"Yea, Beast Boy, I know I'm not alone, but why did you ask me that?"

"I just sense something is wrong with you, and so do the others,"

"I am fine like always. I want to be alone,"

Beast Boy

After Raven said that to me, her room door automatically shut right in front of my face, I turned my back with the front half of my body facing the now but usually quiet hallways of the Titan's Tower. I dug my hands in my pockets as I took the long hallway back to the living room where the others were. Once I was at the steel doors of the Titans Tower, all eyes were on me. Starfire was flying around, ensuring the living room was tidy with games stacked on the coffee table in front of the tv. Robin had the paper plates in his hands as he set the table for dinner while Cyborg grabbed the cups from the kitchen.

Robin and Cyborg's eyes looked down with despair. Robin took away the fourth paper plate that belonged to Raven. Cyborg placed Raven's cup back into the pantry, going to the fridge to grab the soda. Starfire floated over to me, putting her feet on the ground. Starfire's green eyes were dilated, and her head was down.

"I'm assuming that Raven will not join us for the dinner," Starfire said with a sad look in her eyes and frowning.

"You're right, Star. Raven's not coming for dinner," I replied with my head down.

I snapped my head up when I heard the alarm of the Titan's Tower buzzing. Robin quickly placed the plates on the table and ran to the living room to see the crime computer. The door to the living room opened and shut behind me. I stepped to the side to see Raven flying inside and over to the couch behind Robin. Starfire, Cyborg, and I joined Raven's side behind Robin to see what was causing the Titan's Crime Buzzer to buzz. Robin stopped typing and returned to see the video of the unknown threat causing trouble for Jump City.

The video played, and it showed a black and gray of ashes that were in a pile. The pile was huge as it was taller than the cars parked on the side of the road. I squint my eyes as I wonder why the supercomputer picked up this pile of ashes as a threat to the people of Jump City. I looked at everyone with the same look as me, but Robin and Raven. Raven's purple eyes were enlarged as she took slow treads to the supercomputer.

"Why did the supercomputer call these piles of ashes a threat?" I asked, confused, looking at Cyborg and Robin for an answer.

"Who knows, but I'm wondering the same thing, too," Cyborg replied, staring at the screen.

I looked at the supercomputer screen and saw the people gathering around and looking at the piles of ashes like I did. Then the pile of ashes was lit as white-blueish flames danced around it. The crowd backed away in fear, shielding their faces from the fire's intensity.

"Why are those ashes on fire?" Starfire asked with curiosity.

"Who knows? Let's get down there before something bad happens to the people of Jump City!" Robin said as he pushed a button on the supercomputer and turned to face the team. "TITANS, GO!!!!"

The team and I ran out of the Titans Tower into the streets. Soon my friends and I were on the scene of the mysterious ashes that appeared. People were in awe of the ashes blocking traffic on the road. Everyone's phones recorded the scene or looked up if this happened anywhere else. A puff of smoke danced gently in the air as there were car attacks from the sudden appearance combined with the possible chance the other drivers were not paying attention to the traffic. The ashes caught two cars stuck in the middle of the sand. Getting those citizens out of the vehicle will be hard if their family members are in the car.

Once one person got sight of the Teen Titans, the confusion in their eyes was replaced with a look of relief. Then nearly all eyes were on the Teen Titans. Everyone made a path for my friends and me to get through.

"LOOK, GUYS, THE TITANS ARE HERE TO INVESTIGATE THE PROBLEM!!!" A bystander yelled while everyone cheered on our arrival.


The ashes were gray while the white-blueish flames were still dancing on top of the ashes until the fire flew high in the sky. A chorus of gasps echoed through the night as those flames turned into a bird's body or, should I say, a mythical Phoenix. The Phoenix bird did not have its typical mythic colors of red, orange, and yellow, but it had shades of black and blue. Everyone was taking pictures of the mythical bird as it landed back on top of the ashes.

"Ummm, Robin?" I asked, trying to figure out what to do. "What do we do?"

"We take the bird down, Beast Boy!" Robin declared as he got his metal retractable staff out to fight.

"But Robin, it is just the helplessness of the bird. Can we keep it?" Starfire begged.

"We can't keep it, Star, as that bird poses a threat to our Super Computer, so let's take it down, everyone,"


We are going to have to take this bird down. Once I gave that command to Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven, and Cyborg got into their fighting positions. Beast Boy became a cheetah, Star activated her star bolts, Raven began levitating with her black orbs, and Cyborg got his gun ready.

"Good, the Teen Titans are finally going to get this legendary D&D bird out of the way so I can get something to eat!!" One of the citizens cheered.

"Yeah, kick this bird's tail feathers!!" One guy in the crowd cheered as the people around him and nearly the whole block cheered until a sinister, evilly calm voice silenced everyone.

"Do you think you can take my Bonfi down?" A teenage girl's voice said sinisterly.

The Phoenix bird, I'm assuming going by Bonfi, rises from the ashes again, but this time without using its wings. Bonfi had its black talons wrapped around the arm of the girl. The girl wore a black hooded cloak with gold trim at the end that didn't expose her face. Inside, the girl's hood was dark, and I couldn't see any noticeable features that could pinpoint her identity. Her indigo eyes were the only thing that could be seen within that shadowy hood. The girl's height seems shorter, but I can tell she might be taller than Raven.

"If you want to take down Bonfi, it takes more than a puny Earthling metal fetching stick to take her down!" The girl chuckled darkly, striking a chill down my back. "You will have to get through me to get to Bonfi, but just by looking at this pathetic team and people around my ashes, it seems like I'll be ruling this part of the Earth in seconds!"

Behind me, I heard a growl. I turned to see Starfire floating on the ashes at the girl's level, and she threw one starbolt at the girl. The girl deflected the star bolt with her arm without using her abilities, items, or weapon with ease. The crowd gasped in horror and shock that the girl blocked Starfire's star bolts with her bare arms. The girl chuckled as Bonfi chirped.

"Did you think that was going to take me out?" The mysterious girl gloated at Starfire. "I think you need to try harder because when I start to play, you won't like me anymore!"

"STAR, DON'T LET HER GET TO YOU!!" I yelled, but it was too late.

Starfire growled around, but her green eyes were shooting mini lightning bolts this time. Starfire started blasting an array of star bolts as she flew around the burning ashes. Smoke from Star's bolts was rising in the sky. The smoke shielded the mysterious girl, so the others and I couldn't see if those attacks hit the girl. Suddenly the smoke stopped moving like it something was making it stay still.

"Robin, can you explain why the smoke is not clearing or moving?" Beast Boy asked as he turned back into his human self.

Cyborg would type something on his forearm computer until I felt something eery in the air. Again, a sinister laugh could be heard within the smoke. The smoke cleared rapidly, revealing the mysterious girl; her eyes had a crazed gleam this time. The hooded cloak revealed her body showing off her clothing and her pale gray skin. The girl had on some black high boots, and the knee portion of the shoes was a red diamond cut gem. She had a pair of black leotards with the red diamond cut gem at the belly button section of her stomach. The girl had on a couple of black fingerless gloves that stopped at her before they reached her shoulders. The same ruby gem was at the base of the girl's fingerless gloves.

A/n: Outfit reference of the Mysterious Girl, credit to the artist that drew the picture!

Bonfi had vanished, leaving the mysterious girl on her own. The girl had her arms out in the "T" position, and the ruby red gems gloved on her fingerless gloves as the smoke continued to part further.


The crowd followed what the girl had ordered. People pick up their children and anyone that mean something to them. The screams of the people of Jump City echoed within the night sky. Suddenly like a snap of a finger, the streets of Jump City were empty, and the street lights were the only lights that were lighting.

"Wow, you Earthlings can clear a place faster than I suspected!" The girl giggled.

The girl put her arms down. Her pale gray skin almost seemed transparent in the moonlight. The girl's black cloak flowed with the wind displaying the girl's sharp hourglass figure. The girl began descending from the ashes pile. As she came down, flames were lit as she took a step creating a pathway.

"I thought I had to kill someone for you, humans, to move faster!" The girl laughed as she took her final steps down as her thigh-high boots touched the road's asphalt. "Oh, I'm missing a few, aren't I?"

The sound of muffled cries. The girl snapped her finger as a spark of fire was created and evaporated within her fingertips. The pile of ashes had made an enormous hole. The people trapped in the two cars came out of the hole. The people trapped in the car got the message that a fight would break out and swiftly ran out of the way and possibly out of the area of this fight.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH OUR CITY?" I shouted, holding my metal staff tightly in my gloved hands.

"I'm looking for a new home," The hooded girl said, amused.

"Look for a new home somewhere else!" I snarled with my face sporting an expression of scornfulness.

"Maybe I will!"

The last gleam in the hooded girl's eyes wasn't a crazed look but a sparkle of calmness. But I could point out a bit of malice clouding her indigo-purple eyes. The mysterious girl's whole body and clothing were engulfed in the blue flames she conjured at her will. I breathed relief, which I didn't know I was holding until I started quietly panting for air. The hair on my arms was standing along with something that felt off in the air. I knew that it wasn't over.

"Wow, that was easy!" Beast Boy stretched confidently. "I wish all Jump City villains or threats were like that!"

"It's not over, BB," Cyborg informed Beast Boy as I could hear clicking away on his forearm computer.

"What do you mean?" Beast Boy asked, confused.

"He means that girl is still out there," Raven clarified in her bored tone like it was the obvious answer. "Didn't you see the look within her eyes? She has something up her sleeve, and you got to prepare, birdbrain,"

"Titans, be on alert!" I warned my friends. "Don't let her break you!"

Suddenly I felt a cold but warm hand caressing my cheek. The intensity of that heat was increasing by the second. It was like I was at Hell's door. Then I was met with glowing indigo eyes staring into my eyes.

"You are right. I won't break you!" The mysterious girl's voice smoothly rang in my ears. "I'll burn you,"


I watched as Robin was turned into ashes right before my eyes. I cried an ear-splitting scream. I sensed the anger building within me. The girl had used her flames again to teleport herself to the ashes she appeared in. How could this girl burn Robin in a split second without him making an noise of indication that he was lit on fire. Who is this girl and how powerful is she?

"ROBBBBBBIN!" Everyone but the mysterious girl called out our leader's name.

"One down, four more again!" The girl said in a taunting tone. "Who's next?"

"Please bring back Robin?" I cried.

"Bring who back?"

The girl gazed down at me with disgust. I didn't care how she looked at me. I just wanted Robin back.

"ROBIN!" I hollered out his name as I floated in the air, pointing to where the ashes were in his place. "BRING BACK ROBIN!!"

"Oh, him, I can't bring him back!" The girl laughed until she stopped herself. "Well, I could bring him back, but I don't feel like it!"

My ears shook, and the only thing I saw was green lightning. I would punch the girl until Raven was quick enough to take the first action. Raven used her magic and picked up the light pole on the side. Raven threw the light bar at the girl, but the girl didn't move from her ashes heap and looked directly at the flung light pole. I saw within her dark cloak I spotted a white-blueish color glowing. The white-blueish color flowed from her hooded cloak and connected to the light bar.

Upon contact with the flames, the light pole melted into a liquid puddle on the asphalt road. The other Titans and I stared at the amazement in the girl's powers until the light bar was no more than a liquified version of itself.

"Cyborg, what are we going to do?" Beast Boy asked, worrisome. "We've lost Robin, and the girl seemed to OP!"

"We do what we do best? Take this girl down with force and force her to bring Robin back!" Cyborg replied, glaring at the mystery girl. "TITANS, GO!!!!"

Upon that call, I flew quickly toward the girl. I had my glowing green star bolt in my balled-up fist, ready to knock her from her ashy pile. I went to lay a punch on the girl. An invisible force shield stopped me. My fist hit the invisible force shield with a "bong" noise. I went to punch again, but the same thing happened.

Suddenly, I was grabbed by my purple cropped top. I was face-to-face with the girl. I would use this opportunity to attack her until I stared into her cold, indigo eyes. Slowly, I dropped my fist and arm until it was just loosely laid out. I've never stared into a pair of cold, heartless eyes before. I have stared into many villains' eyes before, but none matched or could outdo the darkness within her eyes.

"You seemed more concerned about this Robin boy, mhm?" The mysterious girl said coldly, almost like she got an eery plan to lay out on me. "How about you suffer the same fate as him? Wouldn't that make you happy!"

"STARFIRE!!!!" Cyborg yelled. "FIGHT HER OFF OF YOU!"

Before I could beg the girl to let me go, she had cast her red, orange, and yellow flames on me. The girl had kicked me down her ashy pile as I screamed. I rolled down the ashes, and the fire was still burning on my skin. An ear-shattered scream erupted from my throat. I tried to move on the road, but the flames wouldn't dissolve. I heard footsteps coming towards me but stopped. The last view I saw was Cyborg and Beast Boy sporting a sorrowful sparkle in their eyes.

Unnamed Girl

I watched as the green skin boy and the half-robotic muscular boy ran over to their burnt alien friend. My eyes went over to their other friend, that was standing there. Like me, I pointed out that their other friend also had a hooded cloak over their head. But what got me staring at her for a long time was their eyes. Their eyes stood out to me. I remember seeing those same violet hues somewhere. I couldn't put my name on who those violet hues belonged to.

I was taken out of my thoughts when something shot at me. The shot was powerful enough to knock me off my ash pile. I skidded on the ground and screamed when my body landed hard against this metal contraption. The side of the metal contraption had made a dent in my body. I squinted beyond when I saw three figures staring at me atop my ash pile. It was those last three people I had to take down to take over this part of the world.

I skimmed over the three people to see who had shot me. Then my eyes stared at the half-robotic muscular boy. The mechanical athletic boy had brown skin, which I could see because his human features appeared half of his head and an inch of his upper arms were brown. The rest of the boy's body was made of mechanical white, blue, and black metal and wires. I saw the boy's hand revert to his hand. So, can that boy transform his hand into a gun? That's good to know!

I tiredly got on my feet. I rotate and twist my body around, trying to ease the pain of the road and the impact I was. I felt my bones and muscles stretching and cracking back into place. It has been so long since an enemy had laid a hit on me other than my father.

"I was going to try and negotiate a deal with you, which was if you return Robin to us, then you can surrender and come with us freely," the robotic half-human boy told me. "Then you just had to go and do what you did to Starfire!"

"Let's not forget you told your friends to beat me and force me to revert your friend," I stared at the cyborg. "Does that sound like a peaceful negotiation to you?"

I thought of giving that robotic boy the worst and most painful experience of his life. Then a perfect idea came into mind. I'll feed him to Bonfi! Bonfi quietly appeared behind the hooded cloak figure, the green-skinned boy, and the half-robotic boy. Bonfi had wrapped her sharp fiery talons around the half-robotic shoulders. She quickly lifted the boy up causing his hood and green skinned friend. I watched in amusement as the half robotic boy tried to shot Bonfi to free himself, but Bonfi shook him with her talons so he couldn't get a clear shot to knock her out of the sky.

"PUT HIM DOWN NOW!!" The green skinned boy hollered at me with panic laced in his voice.


The hooded figure raised their pale gray hands in the air as it was trying shooting Bonfi to save it's robotic friend. Then I watched as the green skinned boy transformed into a bird flew after Bonfi. This left the hooded figure and I which caused us to get into a shielded stare down. A smirk appeared on my lips as I knew that this was an easy fight as I saw this person using basic magic.

"You caused my friends pain and suffering," The hooded figure said calmly. "You are going to pay,"

"It doesn't sound like your friends are important if you are speaking to the person who caused your friends un timely end and suffering!" I chuckled. "YOU MUST HAVE JUST MET THEM!!!"

I shot my orange fireballs at the hooded figure. The hooded figure dodged my fireballs with ease by gliding across the battlefield. The hooded figure's violet eyes that were peeking through its hood turned black. The figure used it's to use telekinesis powers to lift one of the random heavy transport contraption and threw it at me. I spitted out a roaring blue flames from my mouth. Once my flames touched the flying transporting device, it exploded on impact.

I watched in pure curiosity and evil mischief dancing within my eyes. I flew down from my spot on my ashes causing my feet to touch the ground. I stared at the black and gray smoke that was disappearing within the air of this world I found myself into. So if my flames touch those metal transporting devices that these creatures use then they will explode upon impact? I quickly lost focus of the fight which was something my father have taught me not to do, but if he found out that I had did that then I would have gotten beaten among the other harsh punishments he could have came up in his sick mind.

My violet eyes caught sight of a random transport that were on the other side of my ash pile. I flicked a small flame at the transporting device and it exploded like the other device. I laughed at the destruction I was causing as I turned my attention back at the hooded figure. Once I am done with this creature and its friends then I will continue going around destroying this devices and watch them blow up for my entertainment. The hooded figure just stared at me while their violet eyes had this glare at me that I couldn't pinpoint since the hood was shielding their face.

It time to stop playing around and get serious about this fight. My inner demon was scratching to get a taste of this hooded figure after that long and tireless journey of escaping that hellhole, I called home for majority of my life. I let my black demon soul quietly travelled over to the hooded figure as we just stood there taking each other's appearances to see who is going to say or doing something first. Not one of us moved except for my demon shadow that the hooded figure couldn't detect. Another easy win for me and I'll be able to take over this weakling planet!

"Do you find joy destroying my city?" The hooded figure asked me as questionable, but disgusted tone came out of its mouth.

"Didn't you hear the joy and fun spilling out of my mouth?" I replied as kept eye contact with this creature so they won 't figure out what I am doing.

"Didn't someone teach you to not play around when you are in a fight?" The hooded figure asked me as she was sounding irritated.

"My father always taught me to play with your prey before you finished them off!" I smirked as I felt my darker self rising within me.

Once I said that my demon shadow latched onto the hooded figure leg which caught its attention. My demon shadow quickly lifted them into the air. The hooded figure's purple cloak was opened revealing it was a girl. I shivered with excitement when I heard the girl's scream as she was trying to break free from my hold on her.

"Since you are getting my blood rushing from your screaming, I want to hear more of it!" I mischievously beamed which caused me to let out an evil laugh. "I WANT TO PLAY WITH MY FOOD BY THRASHING YOU AROUND!!!"

My shadow began slamming the hooded girl around like she was bag of waste. Her screaming on impact of her body meeting the ground caused goosebumps on my pale skin and when she groaned when she put into another position to be smacked caused my heart to speed it's beating. Its going to be sad that I have to end my play time with her since I can hear my inner demon and stomach growling from hunger. I wanted to continue playing with my meal, but this hooded girl's friend will do the trick once I'm done eating her!

My shadow still having the hooded girl's leg latched brought to me dangling like slab of meat. The hooded girl's eyes were lidded after taking that beating. She lowly groaned as one of her violet eyes were opened staring exhaustedly at me while I showed my sharp demonic teeth to her. Red bodily fluids stained her cloak, her exposed legs, and her clothing that looks similar to mine.

"Any last words before I devour you while your friends will be tortured and suffer the same fate as you?!" I grinned sinisterly.

The hooded girl's eyes rolled back as I heard her mumbled something. I, sometimes can't stand when my prey mumble something under their breath especially when I'm starving and have little to no patience.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY WEAKLING?!?!" I hollered as my shadow pulled the girl closer to me so I can hear her properly. "SPEAK LOUDER OR DIE A PAINFUL DEATH!!!!"

"I said take this!" The hooded girl uttered tiredly again.

What does she mean by take this? I quickly realized when it was too late what she meant. The hooded girl punched me hard using the last bit of her strength she could mustered in that punch. I was sent flying away from her causing my shadow to lose its grips on her leg. I grunted in pain when my head hit the ground of this planet hard. I felt some4thing opening from the impact sight as I was sent skidding to a stop. I haven't been hit like that in a long time, the last time I got punched like that was a couple of weeks ago from my father.

I groaned as I slowly moved to my side. I opened my eyes and noticed that I was seeing multiple of objects circling around in my eyes. Oh, I hate feeling woozy!! I noticed this pounding throbbing that pulsating on my head which I assumed it was from the impact sigh of when my head hit the ground. I moved my head to the touch the spot where the throbbing pounding was coming from on my head. Lightly touching the spot caused me to hiss in pain. My woozy violet eye caught sight of my black blood staining my hands and the blood covered the whole palm of my hand.

I'm going to get that hooded girl for doing this to me!!! If she thought her and friends were going to get played and suffered lightly then she got another thing coming. I turned my head into the direction I sensed the hooded girl was coming from as I continued seeing multiples of her. Now that my prey is enough of me, I give her the worst nightmare of her life!! Slowly, I got on my feet and even that was giving me trouble since I was losing my balance

"Give up already," The hooded girl said in her tired monotone voice. "You're quickly loosing blood by doing this, just accept defeat,"

"N-n-never," I uttered as that was the last thing that I could mustered before falling back down on the ground and taking the last look at the girl.


This Phoenix bird by the name of Bonfi had crashed landed into one of my favorite fast food joints in Jump City by the name Cluck Chik. I groaned once I heard things in the now tattered restaurant calmed down. My eyes instantly darted up at Bonfi as the bird laid on its side not even moving. Bonfi was laid out into the center of the restaurant as all the tables, chairs, and restaurant's decor was either smash into tiny pieces, broken into uneven pieces, or pushed further into the restaurant. I felt Bonfi's claws loosening on my shoulders as I slowly lifted my upper half of my body to see that Bonfi was unconscious. It was strange because Beast Boy in his Pterodactyl form couldn't get a scratch out of that bird. I was going on a tangent of possibilities that could cause Bonfi to crash land into Cluck Chik's. My thoughts were interrupted upon the calling of green skinned friend, Beast Boy.

"Cyborg?!?!" I heard the voice of Beast Boy called out for me. "CY, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!"

I dusted off the crash landed debris off my robotic body and on my skin. I groaned as pushed the broken pieces of restaurant items like a broken picture frame, table, chair, and a huge chuck of the Cluck Chik's building wall laid out on my lap. I was thankful that everyone in the city had evacuated because if not then the people of Jump City would of been hurt or worst killed by this uncivilized landing.

"I'M OVER HERE, BB!!!!" I hollered out after I got the huge chuck of building off my lap.

I heard the roar of a rhino as I am assuming moving the huge chucks of debris out of its way to get to me. After a few seconds, I was met with the green rhino that quickly transformed into Beast Boy. Beast Boy gave me his famous toothy grin that he sports time to time when he is excited. But this grin had a different, he was happy to see that I was okay for the most part with little scratches. Beast Boy held out his hand as a gesture to help me get on my feet. I took Beast Boy's hand and we used both of our strength to get me on my feet again.

"Are you okay, man?" Beast Boy asked me as he helped me get back on my feet.

"I feel fine as I don't detect anything wrong in my system," I replied as I did a diagnostic and everything was coming back just fine.

"Bro, that Phoenix left some huge scratch marks on you!" Beast Boy pointed out.

I glanced down to my shoulders and true enough there were some huge talon marks imprinted on my shoulders. Not only that, there was some melted piece of metal that had glided down my arms. I was surprised that my system didn't pick up on it.

"Cry, what happened to Bonfi?!" Beast Boy asked in a astonished tone as I heard him moving around like he was searching for something.

"BB, what are you talking about Bonfi is still th-" My own words were cut short when I saw that Bonfi was gone.

The only thing that was left was the black smokey outline of the bird's unconscious body of where it used to lay. I glanced around and I didn't see the bird anywhere, but I did noticed that some ashes was flowing within the sudden wind that picked up and vanished once the ashes were out of sight.

"Why did Bonfi crash landed in Cluck Chik's?" Beast Boy asked me as he stood there with his hands on his hips. "I didn't even land a scratch on the bird for it to be unconscious,"

"Maybe it had something to do with that hooded girl that we were fighting in the city," I answered Beast Boy with one of my possibility of what could cause Bonfi to crash land.

"Speaking of hooded girl, we left her alone with Raven!" Beast Boy exclaimed as he placed his hands on his head to show that he was worried about her. "Do you think Raven is fine, what about Robin and Starfire?!?!"

"We won't know unless we go back to the where we was before to examine the damage that the hooded girl did,"

Beast Boy nodded and he transformed himself back into his Pterodactyl form. Beast Boy hooked his talons onto my shoulders and he began flapping his wings. Soon, Beast Boy and I we're flying back to where the last time we saw Raven. Beast Boy and I arrived at the start of the fight with the hooded girl. Upon arrival, The flashing of the emergency lights beamed into my line of vision as I saw the fire and police department on the scene, I guess they want to investigate the scene as well. Beast Boy placed my feet on the asphalt of the disheveled road of Jump City as he turned back into his human form. We walked through the swarm of fire and police department officials as they congratulated us for saving their city from that evil girl while Beast Boy and I searched for Raven to get info on the mysterious girl, but also our next steps to get Robin and Starfire back. My eyes widen at the sight that I saw Robin and Starfire huddled up with Raven while they were talking. How was Robin and Starfire get unburnt by that hooded girl's magic?

"ROBIN, STARFIRE!!!" Beast Boy hollered as he ran over to his friend.

I was speechless as how Starfire and Robin came back unscathed after what that girl did to them. It was evident they went through something by their scorched clothing. I took note of their appearances and saw black marks and pulsing injury sights of some different levels off burns on them. Starfire and Robin groaned in pain when Beast Boy gave them a tight hug with a huge smile on his face. I walked over to the group as Raven stared at the talon marks that decorated my shoulders.

"How was your flight?" Raven asked me as she was trying to crack a joke. "It seems like you experienced a bit of turbulence,"

"Hahaha!" I laughed sarcastically. "Very funny Raven, but where is that mysterious girl?"

"She's over there still unconscious,"

Raven pointed over to the unconscious mysterious girl that was laid out on the ground. Her head was surrounded by this strange black liquid that stained the strands of hair and cloak's hood that was touching the liquid. So, one of my thoughts were correct, she was knocked unconscious which caused Bonfi to be unconscious too. It may explain why Robin and Starfire are back with us.

"Good thing, we didn't to make a search party for you too!" Robin hissed as he was holding one of his burnt injuries.

"Cy and I thought we would have to have a search party for you and Star!" Beast Boy exclaimed. "How did you guys come back from wherever you were?"

"We made the conclusion that since the mysterious girl is the unconscious that since she is not the woke up that reversed the magical hold on us," Starfire replied as her eyes went from Beast Boy to the mysterious unconscious girl.

"What is that black liquid that she is laying in?" I questioned in disgusted.

"I'm assuming it's her blood, I did punched her pretty hard," Raven placed her hood over her head.

"You punched her!!!" Beast Boy exclaimed in shock. "Maybe those private one on one lessons with Robin and Super Computer is paying off!"

"We need to uncover and get an identification of this girl along with her reason for coming to Earth and trying to take over Jump City," Robin stated.

"First lets properly treat her wounds before you get to being Detective Robin," Beast Boy stated as he looked at the unconscious girl.

Robin nodded as everyone except for the police and fire department officials walked over to the unconscious girl. We surrounded her as we all took note her current state. The girl's cloak was draped over her like a blanket. Beast Boy was going to reach and pull back the hood to show the girl's face until a voice stopped us. Everyone turned their attention to the direction the voice was coming from and I believed it was coming from the Chief of Police, Captain Johnson.

"Titans thank you for taking down this potential threat!" Captain Johnson beamed. "You kids are always saving the day!"

"You're welcome Captain Johnson anytime!" Robin beamed back hiding the pain in his voice by gritting his teeth.

"Do you kids need some medical help?" Captain Johnson asked as he had his radio in between his fingers.

"No, we are the okay!" Starfire smiled.

"Alright, now, but let me take this villain off your hands!"

Captain Johnson was going to lean down and reach for the girl until something or should I say someone stopped him. Captain Johnson's brown eyes darted over to Raven as she was the one stopping him from moving.

"No thank you again Captain Johnson, we also got it from here," Raven declared as she freed Captain Johnson from her magical hold on him.

"Alright, Titans, if you have problem do not be afraid to call on the Chief of Police!" Captain Johnson smiled as he went back to his crew.

Once Captain Johnson was out of our hairs, we turned back to the unconscious girl. Beast Boy went back down and grabbed a handful of the unconscious girl's hood. He pulled the hood back to reveal it was a girl, but the girl looked just like Raven. Te unconscious girl had the same hair color as Raven, pale gray skin, red diamond shaped jewel planted in the center of her forehead, and down to somewhat similar style of Raven. It was like I was looking into the mirror.

"Raven, what is this?" Beast Boy asked breaking me out of my thoughts yet again. "Is this some kind of sick joke!!"

Raven didn't say a word, the only thing she did was kneeled down and continued staring at the girl. Raven's hands trembled as she was reaching to touch the girl's face. Raven was acting like the girl who stole her face was made up of glass. Then Raven moved her trembling hand to touch the red gem placed on the girl's forehead. I can tell that Raven seemed to have a flashback of something that happened to her in her life, like she recognized this girl.

"We need to head back to the Titans Tower," Raven mumbled as she was now cradling the girl close to her chest.

"Raven, you got to explain what is going on here and who is this girl to you!" Robin exclaimed as he pointed to the girl.

"We need to go, NOW!!!"

When Raven shouted the word now, the ground shook like they were going to be an earthquake. The emergency officials looked at us as they was wondering what was going on as Beast Boy and I waved them off gesturing everything is okay. My eyes went back on Raven as I noticed she is now sporting a new emotion that I never really since on her before which was panic, scared. Raven held the girl tighter in her arms as she lifted the unconscious girl who looks like her with ease as she levitated herself into the air in tthe flying direction of the Titans Tower.

"We need to get to the Tower, now," Raven said again ignoring the other Titans and me.

"Raven, this girl looks just like you! Is there something you're not telling us?" I declared as I wanted an answer out of Raven.

"You will get that once we take her to the Tower," Raven replied not even sparring the Titans and I a glance.

I glanced over at Robin to see what should Starfire, Beast Boy, and mine next move. Robin let out a sigh/hiss as he gestured for us to follow what Raven was doing. All I wanted was to hang out with my friends, eat some delicious meat lovers pizza, and enjoy my day, but I am stuck here questioning what is going on and why this unconscious girl stole one of my friend's face.

A/n: I hoped you enjoyed the new chapter of Phoenix, Raven's Twin Sister! I hope you love the new direction that I am taking with this story so far. Also, I may re-update this chapter to fix any mistakes I made on this chapter along with possible add-ones, please be on the lookout for that. So, please vote and comment about the new changes in the story as I would love to read about your thoughts on this AU of my first story on Wattpad!!!! Have a great day, night, or whenever you are reading this story 😁☺️😇😄😘!!!!

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