chapter 2

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Warning!! There will be some cussing in these chapters!

Aphmau's POV
I ran to help Zane. But by the time I get there, I see a beautiful girl with brown hair and amazing green eyes, helping Zane. Garroth backed away into the house and slammed the door. I feel a twinge of jealousy flow through my vains. "Thanks Poppy." He smiles at the girl and kisses her cheek. She blushes and I walk back to my house, tearing up. They never even noticed me there...

Poppy's POV:
Holy shît! Zane just fricken kissed my cheek! Eek! I felt myself blush. "No problem Zane." I kiss his nose and walk back to my house. I don't know if I like him or not...

Zanes POV
P-poppy...the most popular girl in town...Kissed ME!

Garroths POV:
I watched everything from my window. Poppys grown so much sense she was in 5th grade...I don't really like her...She is a HUGE flirt, and she's rude to people who hate her. Which is only a few people. She's also stubborn and smart. But very beautful. I think she's in the same grade as Zane and Aphmau.

Jayke's POV:
I was walking in the mall when I bump into Aaron. "S-sorry Aaron..." He shrugged. "It's fine." And he walked off. He's weird...Can he even see with that bandana on his head? I watched him walk away.

Aarons POV:
That was awkward...

Aphmau's POV:
I called all my friends and they came over for a sleepover. Since school starts in two days. Cadenza gets to my house first. We set everything up and get ready to play truth or dare. Everyone else gets here. So we begin. "Nicole? Would you like to start?" I asked the red head. "Sure!" Nicole grinned evily. Oh no... "Aphmau. Truth or dare?" She asks me. I say, "Truth." "Is it true...That you like Garroth?" I blush and everyone stares at me. "Um...Kinda..." I say. I blush more. Kawaii-chan squealed, shouting, "I SHIP GARMAU!!" Katelyn and Nicole nod. "Uh...Anyway, it's my turn! Hmm... Katelyn. Truth. Or. Dare?" I stare at the young girl. "Dare! I'm not a chicken!" Katelyn exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. "I dare you to...wear a bikini that's a little to small for you, go to zanes house and tell Zane you love him. And then kiss him." Everyone said, "OOH!" "Kawaii-chan is gonna take pictures! Niya!" Katelyn stared at me with shock. "F- fine!" She ran upstairs and changed into a bikini that was two sizes to small and she walked to zanes house. With us following.

Katelyn's POV
I can't believe I'm doing this! I walk to zanes house, in the middle of the night, in the rain, in a fricken bikini that's way to small! When I reached his house I knocked on his door. He opened it. "What do you wa-" He stared at me in my bikini and he blushed. "I LOVE YOU!" I said, and then kissed zane. Then I ran to the house as fast as I could. Kawaii-chan had been taking pictures of me the entire time! Now she's posting them of Facebook,Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Snapchat... Whoo...

Zanes POV
What the hell was that about? I back into my house and close the door. Katelyn looked pretty hot, I guess... "Shut up!" I shouted out loud and slapped myself...Hard...Then I punched myself and passed out onto the floor.

Kawaii-chan's POV:
When we got back to Aphmau-senpai's house, we continued the game. Katelyn-sama looked at me. "Kawaii-chan thruth or dare?" I thought for a second. "Kawaii-chan chooses dare." I smile. what could go wrong? "I dare you to make out with Your pillow for one minute." My eyes widen and I froze. "Katelyn-Sama wants K-Kawaii-chan do to that?!" She nods. I hiss and grab my pillow. I start making out with it.


Lucinda's POV:
Once our game of Truth or dare ended, an idea popped into my head. "Hey guys? Wanna hang out with some hot guys?" I ask, grinning. Aphmau shrugs"I don't know Lucinda...Where would we go to hang out with "hot" guys?" I roll my eyes and say, "Garroth, Dante and Laurance are hosting a party for everyone before school starts in a couple days. And there's a hot tub."
We all gasped. "Let's go!" Kawaii-chan shouted. I giggled and stood up from my seat on the couch. "Oh! Wait! We can't go in these clothes! We need to dress hot." I say. They nod. "The party starts in an hour." I inform them and Katelyn suggests," Let's run to the mall and get some fashionable trends." We all agree and hop in the car and drive to the Mall.

Katelyns POV
The car stopped and we got out. I looked at my phone. "Its almost midnight..." "Don't worry Katelyn-sama. There's enough time." Kawaii-chan says as she runs into Macy's. We follow right behind her. "I'm gonna wear a purple crop top, black short shorts, aaaannnd black converse with my new light purple flower earrings," Said Aphmau. We all went our own says and decided to meet up in 30 minutes at the checkout counter.
I walked deeper into the store and spotted a pale blue dress with a matching diamond necklace and bracelet. I run towards it. "I have to get this..." I mumble under my breath.


Cedenza's POV
Me and Lucinda were walking back to the checkout counter. We saw the other girls there too.

XD Hope you enjoy. Sorry it took so long. I've had homework, depression (don't worry, I'm fine now.) and some stress at home. So thanks so much for showing your support. Please slap that vote button and comment your favourite thing about Zane. XD I stole that from a famous YouTuber. Who can guess who it is?

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