A welcoming surprise

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Sylvanna quickly rushed into the hospital with Aphmau following behind her, both filled with a mix of worry and confusion. They had just received a phone call from a detective about Sylvanna's ex-fiancée and Aphmau's dad, Zach, being arrested on charges of child abuse. The kicker: the child in question was a complete surprise to them both.

As they entered the bustling hospital lobby, a pair of detectives approached them. One was a tall man with a stern expression, his dark suit contrasting sharply with the bright, sterile environment. The other was a woman with a softer demeanor, her eyes filled with a mixture of concern and professionalism.

"Mrs. Sylvanna, Miss Aphmau, I'm Detective Johnson, and this is Detective Ramirez," the man introduced himself as he extending a hand towards Sylvanna.

Sylvanna shook it briefly, her mind racing. "What's going on? What happened with Zach?"

"Let's talk in a private room," Detective Ramirez suggested gently as she lead them down a corridor to a small, quiet room away from the commotion.

Once inside, Detective Johnson began to explain, "Zach was arrested earlier today on charges of child abuse. The child involved is Ein."

Sylvanna's eyes widened in shock and confusion. "Ein? Who is Ein?"

Detective Ramirez exchanged a glance with her partner before continuing, "Ein is Zach's son, your daughter's half-sibling. We were under the impression you knew."

Sylvanna felt like the ground had been pulled out from under her.

  "I... I had no idea," she stammered. "I knew Zach had cheated on me before we were able to get married, but Zach never mentioned anything about having another child."

Aphmau's face mirrored her mother's shock. "So, I have a half-brother?"

Detective Johnson nodded. "Yes, and right now, he's in need of a safe place. He's been through a lot, and Child Protective Services needs to place him in a secure environment. As his closest living relative, we were hoping you might be willing to take him in."

Sylvanna felt her heart ache. She didn't know Ein, but he was still Aphmau's brother which made him family.

"Of course," she said softly. "Of course, I'll take him in."

Detective Ramirez nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Mrs. Sylvanna. We'll handle the paperwork and make the necessary arrangements. In the meantime, we'll arrange for you to see Ein as soon as possible."

Sylvanna nodded, her mind reeling from the sudden turn of events. Aphmau hugged her mother tightly, knowing that their family was about to change in a significant way but they were determined to face it together.


Ein woke with a start, his heart pounding in his chest, the remnants of his nightmare still lingering in his mind. He took in his unfamiliar surroundings, the sterile scent of the hospital room doing little to calm his racing thoughts. He could still feel the terror of the incident, the echo of harsh words and painful moments playing on repeat in his head.

"You're a bastard!" Slap.

"I never wanted you anyways!" Thump.

"It's your fault Kathleen is dead and I'm stuck with you!" Crack.

"I wish you were dead!" Stumble.

A soft beeping from the monitor next to his bed drew his attention, grounding him back in reality. He was safe now, but the fear lingered. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to banish the images that haunted him.

A nurse entered the room, her steps quiet and careful. She noticed Ein's distress and approached his bedside with a gentle smile. "Hey there, sweetheart. You're awake. How are you feeling?"

Ein glanced at her, his eyes wide with lingering fear.

"I... I had a bad dream," he whispered, his voice trembling.

The nurse nodded understandingly, pulling up a chair to sit beside him. "It's okay, you're safe here. No one can hurt you."

Ein took a shaky breath, trying to find some comfort in her words. "Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, honey. You're going to be just fine," she assured him, reaching out to gently hold his hand.

As she spoke, the door opened, and Detective Ramirez stepped in. She approached the bed with a kind expression, her voice soft and reassuring. Ein flinched. "Hi, Ein. My name is Detective Ramirez. I'm here to help you. How are you doing?"

Ein hesitated, glancing between the nurse and the detective. "I don't know... I just want to go home."

Detective Ramirez nodded, her eyes filled with empathy. "I understand, Ein. But right now, we need to make sure you're safe and well. There are some people who want to meet you. Your father's ex-fiancée, Sylvanna, and her daughter, Aphmau."

Ein's eyes widened in confusion. "Who are they? Why do they want to meet me?"

Ramirez gave him a gentle smile. "Sylvanna and Aphmau just found out about you. Sylvanna has agreed to take you in and make sure you have a safe place to stay."

Ein's mind spun with the new information, trying to process everything. He clung to the nurse's hand, finding a small bit of comfort in her steady presence.

Detective Ramirez continued, "Would you like to meet them? They're really nice and they want to help you."

After a moment's hesitation, Ein nodded slowly. "Okay... I'll meet them."

Detective Ramirez smiled and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before stepping out to bring in Sylvanna and Aphmau. As Ein waited, he took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He didn't know what to expect, but a part of him hoped that maybe, just maybe, things would start to get better from here.


Sylvanna and Aphmau walked through the hospital corridor, their footsteps echoing softly on the linoleum floor. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, and neither spoke as they approached the room where Ein was being cared for. Detective Ramirez led the way, her presence a steady guide in the midst of their uncertainty.

As they reached the door, Ramirez paused, giving them both a reassuring look. "He's been through a lot, but he's a brave kid. Just be gentle with him."

Sylvanna nodded, her heart aching for the child she had never met. Aphmau clutched her mother's hand, her own anxiety mirroring Sylvanna's. They took a deep breath and stepped into the room.

The sight that greeted them was heartbreaking. Ein lay in the hospital bed, his small frame barely making a dent in the sheets. His face was pale, and there were visible bruises and bandages on his arms. His eyes, wide with a mixture of fear and uncertainty, met theirs as they entered.

Sylvanna felt a lump form in her throat. She had been prepared for the idea of taking Ein in, but seeing him like this made everything so much more real. She approached the bed slowly, her voice soft and filled with compassion. "Hi, Ein. I'm Sylvanna, and this is my daughter, Aphmau."

Aphmau stepped forward, giving Ein a tentative smile. "Hi, Ein. It's nice to meet you."

Ein looked between the two of them, his expression a mix of confusion and wariness.

"Why are you here?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sylvanna took a seat beside the bed, her eyes never leaving Ein's. "We heard what happened, and we want to help you. We're family, Ein. You're welcome to come live with us."

Ein's eyes welled up with tears. "I... I didn't know I had a family."

Aphmau moved closer, her heart aching for her newfound brother. "You do, Ein. And we're here for you, no matter what."

Sylvanna reached out and gently took Ein's hand in hers. "You don't have to be afraid anymore. We're going to take care of you."

Ein looked at their faces, seeing the sincerity and kindness in their eyes. Despite the pain and fear that still gripped him, a small spark of hope began to flicker in his heart.

"Thank you," he whispered, his voice trembling.

Aphmau smiled, sensing that he needed a distraction from the heavy emotions.

"Hey, Ein, do you like watching TV shows?" she asked, her voice light and friendly.

Ein blinked, still feeling a bit overwhelmed.

  "I guess so," he replied cautiously. He wasn't allowed to watch much TV growing up, then again he hasn't really had much time to do normal kid things considering his dad would always ship him off to the academy for most of the year.

Aphmau's eyes lit up. "Great! One of my favorite shows is an anime called 'Fairy Tail'. It's about a guild of wizards who go on adventures and fight bad guys. There's this really cool character named Natsu who can use fire magic, and his best friend, Happy, is a talking cat with wings!"

Ein tilted his head, confusion evident on his face. "Anime? What's that?"

Aphmau giggled, realizing he might not be familiar with it. "Anime is like a style of animated shows and movies that come from Japan. They have really cool stories and amazing art. *Fairy Tail* is one of my favorites because it's full of action, friendship, and magic."

Ein listened, still trying to wrap his mind around the concept. "So, it's like cartoons?"

"Yeah, sort of," Aphmau said, nodding. "But anime can be a lot more detailed and can tell all sorts of different stories, from action and adventure to romance and drama. I think you might like it!"

Ein looked intrigued but still a bit unsure. "Maybe... it sounds interesting."

Aphmau's smile widened. "How about when you're feeling better, we can watch some episodes together? I promise it's a lot of fun."

Ein nodded slowly, the idea of watching something fun with Aphmau making him feel a little more at ease. "Okay, I'd like that."

Sylvanna watched their interaction, feeling a sense of relief that Aphmau had managed to connect with Ein. She placed a gentle hand on Ein's shoulder. "You have a lot of new things to discover, Ein. And we'll be here to help you through all of it."

Ein gave a small, tentative smile, the warmth of their presence starting to melt away some of his fear. For the first time in a long while, he felt a glimmer of hope for the future.

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