An unintentional courtship

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The weekend passed without further incident, and Ein and Aphmau decided to keep the Shadow Knight encounter to themselves, not wanting to worry Sylvanna. They spent the rest of the days trying to enjoy some normalcy, hanging out at home and catching up on schoolwork.

When Monday morning arrived, Ein and Aphmau walked to school together, their steps in sync as they approached the school gates. The usual buzz of students filled the air, but Ein's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the previous week's events.

"Alright, here's your class," Ein said, stopping outside Aphmau's first-period room. "I'll see you at lunch, okay?"

"Okay," Aphmau replied with a smile. "And Ein, don't worry too much. Things will settle down."

Ein nodded, trying to take her words to heart. He turned to head to his own class but found himself taking a slightly longer route through a less-traveled hallway.

As he rounded a corner, he froze at the sight before him. Gene and his gang were there, tagging a newly painted wall with their distinctive graffiti. The vibrant, rebellious colors were a stark contrast to the clean, orderly surroundings.

Gene, in the middle of spraying a bold design, glanced up and caught sight of Ein. His eyes narrowed, and a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"Well, well, look who decided to show up," Gene said, his tone dripping with mockery.

Ein felt his heart rate spike, but he stood his ground, unwilling to show any sign of intimidation.

"What do you want?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Relax, big guy," one of Gene's cronies said, stepping closer. "We were just talking about you."

Ein's eyes flicked to the others in the group, all of whom were watching him with varying degrees of interest and amusement. "Talking about me? Why?"

Gene shrugged, capping his spray paint can with deliberate slowness. "Just wondering what a guy like you is doing hanging out with someone like Aphmau. You seem... different."

Ein's fists clenched at his sides. "What do you mean by that?"

Gene chuckled, stepping forward until he was just a few feet away from Ein. "Just that you're not the kind of guy we expected to be hanging around with her. But maybe that's a good thing. Keeps things interesting."

Ein's jaw tightened, but he forced himself to stay calm.

"Stay away from my sister," he said quietly, his voice carrying a dangerous edge.

Gene raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Or what? You'll come after us?"

Ein didn't respond, his silence speaking volumes. After a tense moment, Gene laughed and waved a hand dismissively. "Relax, we're not looking for trouble. At least, not today."

The group of Shadow Knights began to disperse, their laughter echoing down the hallway. Ein stood there for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest, before turning to head to his class. As he walked away, he couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter was far from over.


Ein managed to steer clear of Gene and his gang for the rest of the morning, his nerves on high alert as he navigated the school hallways. When lunch finally rolled around, he met up with Aphmau and they headed down to the cafeteria together.

They found a spot at their usual table and sat down. Ein started to reach for his lunch, but then he realized he had left it in his last class. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck in frustration.

"I forgot my lunch in the classroom," he muttered to Aphmau.

Aphmau looked up from her meal, concern etched on her face. "Do you want me to come with you?"

Ein shook his head. "No, it's okay. I'll be right back."

Leaving the bustling cafeteria behind, Ein retraced his steps to the classroom. He opened the door, expecting to find it empty, but his heart sank when he saw Gene and his gang rifling through his backpack.

"Hey!" Ein shouted, anger flaring in his chest. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Gene looked up, holding Ein's lunch in his hand with a smug grin. "Well, well, if it isn't our friend from earlier. Thought we'd help ourselves to some free lunch."

Ein's blood boiled, and he stepped forward, fists clenched. "Put it down. Now."

One of Gene's cronies, a tall guy with a nasty sneer, laughed. "Or what? You gonna make us?"

Ein didn't waste any more words. He lunged at the guy, aiming a punch at his face. The crony stumbled back, clearly not expecting Ein to fight back so aggressively. The classroom erupted into chaos as the other members of the gang joined in.

Ein fought with a ferocity born of frustration and anger. He managed to land several solid hits, but he was outnumbered, and the Shadow Knights were relentless. They shoved desks aside, the noise of the scuffle echoing through the empty hallways.

Gene watched with a cold, calculating look, stepping back as his gang did the dirty work. Ein was knocked to the ground, but he scrambled back to his feet, refusing to back down. He blocked a punch aimed at his face and countered with a hard kick to another assailant's shin.

The fight raged on until the door suddenly swung open, and a teacher stood there, eyes wide with shock. "What's going on here?"

The Shadow Knights backed off immediately, feigning innocence. Gene dropped Ein's lunch on the floor and raised his hands. "Just a little misunderstanding, teach. Nothing to worry about."

Ein, bruised and breathing heavily, glared at Gene and his gang. The teacher's eyes darted between them, trying to make sense of the scene.

"All of you, to the principal's office. Now," the teacher ordered, his voice firm.

Ein picked up his scattered belongings, his heart still racing. As he followed the Shadow Knights to the principal's office, he couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a much bigger problem.


Ein found himself in detention once again, this time alongside Gene and a couple of his cronies. He slumped into a chair, nursing his bruises and a throbbing headache from the earlier fight. The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence, broken only by the occasional snicker from Gene's gang.

As Ein settled into his seat, the door creaked open, and Aaron walked in, his imposing presence immediately commanding attention. Ein tensed up, remembering the recent interactions he'd had with the school's alpha.

Aaron took a seat nearby, his eyes scanning the room before settling on Ein. For a moment, they sat in silence, the tension between them palpable. Finally, Aaron broke the silence.

"Rough day?" Aaron's voice was surprisingly gentle, considering his reputation.

Ein glanced at him, unsure how to respond. "You could say that."

Aaron's eyes narrowed slightly as he took in the bruises on Ein's face. "What happened?"

Ein hesitated before answering, unsure of how much to reveal. "Just a misunderstanding with some of Gene's friends."

Aaron nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I saw you stand up to them earlier. That takes guts."

Ein shrugged, trying to downplay the situation. "Had to do something. They were stealing my lunch."

Aaron chuckled softly. "Not the best reason to get into a fight, but I get it."

There was a brief, awkward silence between them. Ein shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on him.

Aaron's gaze sharpened as he noticed something.

"You've got a bloody nose," he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a handkerchief.

Ein instinctively raised a hand to his nose, feeling the sticky warmth of blood.

     "Oh, thanks," he mumbled, taking the handkerchief from Aaron.

Aaron watched as Ein wiped the blood away, his expression unreadable.

"You should be more careful," he said quietly. "Getting into fights with those guys won't end well."

Ein nodded, appreciating the advice even if he wasn't sure he could follow it. "Yeah, I know."

As they sat there in detention, Ein found himself strangely grateful for Aaron's presence. Despite the awkwardness, there was something comforting about having someone on his side, even if it was just for a moment.

Gene and his gang, meanwhile, exchanged glances, clearly annoyed by the unexpected camaraderie between Ein and Aaron. But for once, Ein didn't care. He was too tired to worry about what they thought, and too focused on getting through the rest of the day in one piece.


Aphmau and Ein walked side by side, their footsteps echoing down the quiet street as they headed home from school. The afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the neighborhood, but Ein's thoughts were anything but sunny. Aphmau, sensing his mood, decided to lighten things up with a teasing remark.

"You know, Ein," Aphmau began with a mischievous glint in her eye, "I think you and Aaron could actually be friends. I mean, you both have this intense vibe going on."

Ein let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head. "Nah, Aphmau, we're like complete opposites. He's all about fighting whoever pisses him off and avoiding people at all costs, not to mention he's a fucking rebel! Haven't you seen the fights he gets into? It's only been one week and he's been in seven different fights! Seven! I couldn't do that even if I try, which mind you, I don't even try! Trouble just continues to find me, I guess..."

Aphmau grinned, nudging him playfully. "Opposites attract, you know? Plus, you both care a lot about protecting others, in your own ways."

Ein sighed, contemplating her words for a moment. "I guess... But still, I don't see us becoming friends anytime soon. We just don't click like that."

Aphmau nodded understandingly, falling silent as they continued their walk. Despite Ein's reservations, she couldn't help but wonder if there was more to their connection than met the eye.


Ein laid down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. In his right hand was the handkerchief Aaron had given him early, some parts of it stained with his own blood. He didn't expect to get into a fight with anyone today, much less Gene and his entire gang of Shadow Knights.

"Heh, more like Ass Knights." Ein snickered at his own joke.

It was the second week of school and everything had already gone to shit. Sylvanna had grounded him for the next three weeks, stating that she doesn't want him to repeat this troublesome behavior for the rest of the school year. Ein already knows he's going to end up in detention again, that's just how his luck runs.

But Aaron....

How the hell did Aphmau figure out he was the schools new alpha before he did? He was suppose to be the one knowledgeable about werewolf culture, not her.

Although she does hang around some popular kids, specifically Garroth and Laurence. That probably explains how she found out. It's already bad enough that he's attracted attention to himself from getting involved in fights, but the fact that the schools alpha is interested in him is a whole other can of worms he does NOT want to unravel.

Ein sighed deeply, his thoughts drifting back to his old school. The memories were still raw, the pain still fresh. He remembered the constant bullying, the cruel taunts, and the relentless harassment he faced for being different. Being an Omega had always made him a target, but when word got out about his pansexuality, the bullying escalated to an unbearable level.

He could still hear their mocking voices, see their sneering faces. They had cornered him in hallways, shoved him into lockers, and spread vicious rumors about him. Every day had been a struggle, and he often found himself wondering why he had to endure such torment.

Ein clenched the handkerchief tighter, feeling the fabric against his skin. He had always tried to stay strong, to fight back when he could, but it had taken a toll on him. The constant fear, the anxiety, and the self-doubt had left deep scars that hadn't healed yet.

"Why do bad things always happen to me?" he thought bitterly.

It felt like no matter where he went or what he did, trouble always found him. Just when he thought things might be different at Phoenix Drop High, he found himself in the same situation, facing the same kind of torment.

And now there was Aaron, the school's new alpha. Ein couldn't understand why Aaron seemed interested in him. He was used to being an outcast, the one everyone ignored or picked on. But Aaron's presence, his unexpected kindness, and his willingness to help had thrown Ein off balance.

Ein closed his eyes, trying to make sense of everything. Maybe Aphmau was right, maybe there was a possibility of forming a friendship with Aaron. But Ein wasn't ready to let his guard down just yet. He had been hurt too many times before, and he wasn't sure if he could trust anyone, especially someone as powerful and enigmatic as Aaron.

With a sigh, Ein turned over, clutching the handkerchief close. The days ahead were uncertain, but he knew one thing for sure: he had to stay strong, for himself and for Aphmau. No matter what challenges lay ahead, he would face them head-on, just as he always had.


The next day, Ein walked into school a bit later than normal, being surrounded with a sense of unease. The hallways seemed unusually quiet, and he could feel the eyes of other students on him, whispering behind his back. He tried to ignore it, but the sinking feeling in his stomach grew with every step he took.

As he approached his locker, Aphmau joined him, her usual cheerful demeanor slightly subdued.

"Hey, Ein," she greeted him, her eyes scanning the hallway nervously.

"Hey," he replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "What's going on? Why is everyone staring at me?"

Before Aphmau could answer, Garroth appeared, a serious expression on his face.

"Ein, we need to talk," he said, glancing around to make sure no one was listening.

Ein frowned, feeling a sense of dread wash over him. "What is it?"

Garroth took a deep breath. "There are rumors going around the school. People are saying you're the new Omega."

Ein's heart sank. "What? Why?"

Garroth hesitated before continuing. "It's because of Aaron. Some people saw you two in detention together, and... well, they think he gave you a courtship gift."

Ein's mind raced as he recalled the handkerchief Aaron had given him. It hadn't seemed like a big deal at the time, but now it took on a new significance. A courtship gift? That couldn't be right.

"I have to find Aaron," Ein said, his voice resolute.

Aphmau placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure, Ein? This could get complicated."

"I need to know what's going on," Ein replied, determination in his eyes.

He left Aphmau and Garroth behind and made his way through the hallways, searching for Aaron. His heart pounded in his chest as he replayed the events of the past few days, trying to piece everything together.

Finally, he found Aaron leaning up against a wall near the gym. Ein hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and approached him.

"Aaron," he called out, his voice steady.

Aaron looked over at him, his expression unreadable. "Ein. What's up?"

Ein swallowed hard, trying to keep his composure. "We need to talk. About the handkerchief you gave me."

Aaron's eyes flickered with recognition, and he nodded. "Let's go somewhere private."

They walked to a quieter corner of the school, away from prying eyes and ears. Aaron leaned against the wall, crossing his arms as he looked at Ein.

"So, what do you want to know?" Aaron asked.

Ein took a deep breath. "People are saying it's a courtship gift. Is that true?"

Aaron's expression softened slightly. "In a way, yes. It's a sign of trust and protection. But it's not what you're thinking. I gave it to you because I saw potential in you, and I wanted to help."

Ein's mind whirled with confusion and relief. "So, you're not... courting me?"

Aaron chuckled softly. "No, Ein. I'm not. But I do think you have what it takes to stand up for yourself and others. That's why I gave you the handkerchief."

Ein felt a weight lift off his shoulders, though the confusion lingered. "Why me?"

Aaron's expression softened, but before he could answer, Ein's emotions boiled over. He slapped Aaron hard across the face, the sound echoing in the quiet hallway. Aaron's head snapped to the side, but he didn't retaliate, simply looking back at Ein with a mix of surprise and understanding.

"I don't need to be the school's Omega!" Ein shouted, his voice trembling with anger. "I didn't ask for this! Do you have any idea what it's like? Being targeted, being bullied just because of some stupid fucking label?"

Aaron's eyes widened, but he remained silent, letting Ein vent his frustrations.

"I've been through this before!" Ein continued, his voice rising. "In my old school, they made my life hell because I was different. They picked on me, humiliated me, and made me feel worthless. And now, because of you, it's happening all over again!"

Ein's chest heaved with the effort of his outburst, the raw emotion leaving him shaken. He looked at Aaron, realization dawning on him as he saw the mix of sympathy and guilt in the alpha's eyes. Ein's anger began to fade, replaced by a heavy sense of regret.

"I... I didn't mean to hit you," Ein stammered, his voice softer now. "I'm just... I'm scared. I don't want to go through that again."

Aaron took a step closer, his voice gentle. "I understand, Ein. And I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused. I never intended for things to turn out this way."

Ein looked away, trying to process his conflicting emotions. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Aaron giving him a reassuring squeeze.

"You're not alone in this," Aaron said quietly. "We'll figure it out together. And if anyone tries to mess with you, they'll have to answer to me."

Ein nodded slowly, still grappling with his feelings but grateful for Aaron's support. "Thanks, Aaron. I... I appreciate it."

Aaron gave him a reassuring nod before turning to head to his next class. Ein watched him go, then quickly rushed off in the opposite direction, seeking refuge in an empty classroom. His heart pounded in his chest as he closed the door behind him, the silence of the room doing little to calm his racing thoughts.

He slid down the wall, burying his face in his hands. The weight of the past few days crashed down on him all at once. The fight with Gene and his gang, the rumors, the misunderstanding with Aaron—it was all too much. His breaths came in shallow gasps, his chest tightening painfully.

Ein tried to steady himself, but the panic took hold. He felt trapped, the walls of the classroom closing in around him. His vision blurred, and he fought to regain control, but the memories of his old school—the bullying, the isolation—flooded his mind, making it impossible to calm down.

The sound of the door creaking open snapped Ein out of his spiraling thoughts. He looked up, eyes wide with fear, to see Gene and the Shadow Knights sauntering in, their expressions twisted with cruel delight.

"Look who we have here," Gene sneered, stepping closer. "The school's new Omega, having a little meltdown. How pathetic."

Ein tried to push himself up, but his legs felt weak, and he stumbled back against the wall.

"Fuck off, Gene," he managed to say, though his voice lacked the strength he hoped for.

Gene laughed, a harsh sound that echoed in the empty room. "What's wrong, Ein? Can't handle the pressure? Maybe you should have stayed in your place."

The others snickered, closing in around Ein. His heart pounded even harder, and he felt the panic rising again. He was trapped, with no way out.

But before Gene could say another word, the door slammed open, and Aaron strode in, his eyes blazing with fury.

"Back off," Aaron growled, his voice low and dangerous.

Gene turned to face Aaron, his smirk faltering. "This doesn't concern you, Alpha. We're just having a little fun."

Aaron moved faster than Ein had ever seen, grabbing Gene by the collar and shoving him against the wall. "I said, back off. Now."

The Shadow Knights hesitated, glancing at each other, unsure of how to proceed. Aaron's presence was commanding, and even they knew better than to challenge him directly.

Gene struggled in Aaron's grip, but Aaron's hold was unyielding.

"You think you're so tough?" Gene spat. "This isn't over, Alpha."

Aaron's eyes narrowed, and he leaned in close, his voice a deadly whisper. "If I see you or any of your cronies near Ein again, you'll regret it. Understand?"

Gene nodded reluctantly, and Aaron released him, shoving him toward the door. The Shadow Knights followed, casting wary glances back at Aaron. Once they were gone, Aaron turned to Ein, his expression softening.

Aaron took a step closer, his expression softening with genuine concern. "Are you okay, Ein?"

Ein's breath hitched as he struggled to snap out of his trance. Without answering, he pushed past Aaron, rushing out of the classroom. His thoughts raced, a mix of anger and despair churning in his chest.

He made it to an empty hallway and leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath. The intensity of his emotions overwhelmed him, and he felt a wave of self-loathing wash over him.

"This is all my fault," he muttered, his voice barely a whisper. "If I wasn't so weak, if I didn't draw attention to myself..."

The memories of his old school and the relentless bullying flooded back, amplifying his current situation. He blamed Aaron for dragging him into this mess, but more than that, he blamed himself for not being stronger, for not being able to protect himself or Aphmau.

As he stood there, the echoes of his past mingling with the chaos of the present, Ein couldn't shake the feeling that he was trapped in an endless cycle of torment. The weight of his insecurities pressed down on him, making it hard to see any way out. Without a second thought, Ein bolted, his footsteps echoing loudly in the empty hallways.

He ran through the corridors, ignoring the curious glances and hushed whispers of other students. He burst through the school's front doors, the bright sunlight momentarily blinding him. He didn't slow down, his legs carrying him away from the school and towards the park, a place where he hoped to find some semblance of peace.

Aaron emerged from the hallway, his concern for Ein evident on his face. He started to follow, but before he could get far, he found his path blocked by Aphmau. Her eyes blazed with anger, and she stood her ground firmly.

"Aaron, what did you do?" she demanded, her voice shaking with fury.

Aaron stopped in his tracks, taken aback by her intense gaze. "Aphmau, I didn't mean for things to get out of hand. I was trying to help—"

"Help?" Aphmau interrupted, her voice rising. "You call this helping? Ein's been through enough already, and now he's running away because of you!"

Aaron's expression shifted from surprise to guilt. "I didn't realize... I thought I was protecting him."

"Protecting him?" Aphmau's voice softened slightly, but the anger was still there. "Sometimes protecting someone means leaving them alone. He doesn't need you to fight his battles for him."

Aaron opened his mouth to respond, but Aphmau held up a hand, stopping him. "Just stay out of this, Aaron. Let me handle it."

Aphmau watched Aaron for a moment longer, her anger simmering before she turned on her heel and sprinted out the door, determined to find Ein. She ran across the school grounds and into the park, her eyes scanning for any sign of him.

Meanwhile, Ein had reached the park, his breathing ragged and his heart pounding. He collapsed onto a bench, burying his face in his hands. The familiar surroundings of the park did little to comfort him as memories of his past surged to the forefront of his mind.

He remembered the taunts and jeers from his classmates, the way they mocked him for being different. He recalled the sneering faces, the cruel laughter that followed him everywhere. He had tried to ignore it, to rise above it, but the constant barrage of insults had worn him down.

And then there was his father. The memories of home were even worse. The verbal assaults, the constant belittling remarks that cut deeper than any physical blow. His father's voice echoed in his head, calling him worthless, a disappointment. Ein could still feel the sting of his father's hand, the way it left bruises on his skin and scars on his soul.

No matter how hard he tried, Ein couldn't escape the pain. It was always there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to drag him back into the darkness.

Aphmau spotted Ein on the bench and quickly made her way over to him. She could see the torment on his face, the way his shoulders shook as he tried to hold back tears. She approached him slowly, not wanting to startle him.

"Ein," she called softly, her voice gentle and filled with concern. "Ein, it's me, Aphmau."

He looked up, his eyes red and filled with anguish. For a moment, he didn't seem to recognize her, lost in the depths of his pain. But then his expression softened, and he let out a shuddering breath.

"Aphmau," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I... I can't do this anymore."

She sat down beside him, her hand resting on his arm. "You're not alone, Ein. I'm here for you. We can get through this together."

He shook his head, tears streaming down his face. "It's too much. The memories... they won't leave me alone."

Aphmau sat beside him, her heart aching for her friend. "Ein, you can tell me anything. I'm here for you."

He took a deep, shuddering breath, the words catching in his throat. "My dad... he used to beat me. Every time he was angry, every time I did something wrong in his eyes, he took it out on me."

Aphmau's eyes widened with horror, but she didn't interrupt. She reached out and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Ein continued, his voice trembling. "And... it wasn't just that. I'm pansexual, Aphmau. When he found out, he... he went ballistic. He said I was a freak, that I brought shame to the family. The night I came out to him, he beat me so badly I ended up in the hospital. He told the doctors I had fallen down the stairs but they didn't believe him. That's how I ended up living with you and Sylvanna..."

Aphmau's grip on his hand tightened, her eyes filling with tears. "Ein, I'm so sorry. No one should ever have to go through that. You're not a freak. You're amazing just the way you are."

Ein broke down completely, sobbing uncontrollably. Aphmau wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as he cried.

"You're safe now, Ein," she whispered. "I won't let anyone hurt you again. You're perfect just as you are, and I love you for who you are."

He clung to her, the weight of his pain slowly lifting as he felt her love and support envelop him. For the first time in a long while, he felt like he wasn't alone, like there was hope for a better future.

"Thank you, Aphmau," he managed to say between sobs. "Thank you for being here for me."

She held him tighter, her own tears falling. "We'll get through this together, Ein. I promise."

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