Aphmau x Aaron

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"Sorry about my mom...She just really really loves 'Queen B' and hates the people who steal puns out of her 'Beyoncé' pun book " Aphmau said while blushing and rubbing the back of her neck "It's ok really.Say,wanna go to my house later?Maybe you can bring your laptop with you so I can teach you how to conquer the Golem dungeon,I met Formula_X in person...let's just say 1.Formula_X is a SHE 2.She's also a girl and a freshman 3.she goes to this school too"Aaron said "WICKED" Aphmau said (sorry I've been getting into Harry Potter lately,so excuse all these 'Wicked' or 'bloody hell' thingys) "tell me who she is!" Aphmau said while jumping up and down "Nah she's absent lately and she said she's probably gonna go to Okasis high tomorrow because she's 'too advanced' to be here"Aaron said while looking a little sad "awwhhh at least tell me her name"Aphmau said "FIINE it's (your whole name)"Aaron said "well that doesn't matter let's just talk later,the bell's gonna ring soon"Aaron said while looking at the wall watch in the corridor they were talking in "oh okay! See you later FC!"Aphmau said in a sweet tone "See SHU later" Aaron said jokingly "ughgh back at it again with your stupid puns Aaron,I see why mom tried to run you down yesterday"Aphmau said while face-palming "okay okay bells gonna ring better get going soon" "bye!" "See you"

Dismissal time

Aphmau was quickly fetched by her mom and she got her phone and laptop,got dressed and asked permission from her mom,she had to lie a little bit of course about hanging out with a girl not a boy but it was all worth it in the sake of defeating the dungeon that she has worked MONTHS on just to finish but sadly failed.Aphmau jogged towards Aaron's house.As soon as Aphmau reached Aaron's house she was out of breath and was a total wreck Aphmau rang the doorbell then she saw what she believed was Aaron's mom "oh dearie!Are you alright?come in,come in" The lady said in a very sweet tone.As soon as Aphmau went in she saw Aaron playing the game in advance,Aaron turned around and saw Aphmau "oh hey you should start gaming cause Formula_X told me that you have to be at least a level 70 to complete the dungeon smarty" Aaron said with a laugh at the end of his sentence "that explains it...I'm only a level 61"Aphmau managed to croak at the end of her sentence "well...you got a long,long way to go Shu"Aaron smiled "thanks for the encouragement FC"Aphmau said sarcastically "stop the chatter already just PLAY"Aaron said

3 hours later

"FINALLY!"Aphmau said while doing a little victory dance "I knew you had it in you Shu"Aaron said while smiling gently "level 70... Help me conquer the dungeon please"Aphmau put on her puppy dog eyes "fiiine, i'm only doing this because of the amount of times you healed me in the fire dungeon"Aaron said while playfully rolling his eyes


"Aaron I think it's getting kinda late...Maybe I should go...maybe I can come back tomorrow,after lunch"Aphmau said while rubbing the back of her neck "hey Aphmau...I just wanted to do this before you leave" then suddenly Aaron slithered his hands across Aphmau's waist pulled her close and kissed her on the lips "A-Aaron...I didn't know you gelt the same way"Aphmau blushed "seriously???(potterheads:MORE LIKE SERIUSLY!!!!!) I love you Shu"Aaron said while tucking a stray piece of Aphmau's bangs behind her ear "I love you too FC"Aphmau said while blushing madly "oh Irene you better go before it gets too late and you mom expects us doing...Grown-up things" Aaron said the last part in disgust "ok bye FC"

In school

"Sooo Aaron...What dungeon we gonna conquer next?"Aphmau asked "before we start getting in depth about all these 'dungeon RPG' game thingys...I have a question for you to answer"Aaron said while looking at his feet "What is it FC?Is it related to games or real life?"Aphmau tilted her head "real life..."Aaron said "will you be my girlfriend Aphmau?"Aaron said "even if I'm not allowed to...Yes I will Aaron"


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