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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up of giggling and laughing. I open my eyes and look to where the sound is coming from. It's Lucinda and Cadenza and they are standing over where Nicole and Katelyn are sleeping. I get out of my sleeping bag and I walk over to them.

They are putting whipped cream on Nicole and Katelyn's face. I giggle along side them because it is kind of funny. I think that they will be really mad however I think it is worth it. I can't wait to see their reaction. We walk away and sit on our sleeping bags to wait for them to wake up. This should be really funny.

They wake up and they look at each other. They get out their phones and look at the front camera. While Nicole is trying to wipe off the cream, Katelyn is chasing us and we are terrified. If Katelyn catches us we are so dead. Still worth it.

Cadenza trips and Lucinda and I keep running. Cadenza is tickled by Nicole and Katelyn is still chasing us. She jumps at us and manages to take out Lucinda. I want to turn around and help her but if I turn around then I will then get caught and I'm not that willing to help Lucinda.

Eventually I think I managed to ditch them and I am hidden in a secret place in the wall. I stay perfectly quiet when Katelyn walks past me and I go back to the main part of the temple and I sit down with Kawaii-Chan, Emmalyn and Ivana. I

We eat some breakfast and I feed Celestia and Shadow with some dog food I packed. Eventually Katelyn and Nicole come back from searching the temple with Lucinda and Cadenza. We finish up breakfast and we go exploring in the temple. Katelyn told us while she was chasing us she found a secret room.

We find the room and we go in. There is a stone coffin in here and a few symbols around. I think that this is a grave of one of the divine warriors. This place is creepy so we leave. Now I feel like there are ghosts watching us.

We look around the temple some more and we find some more libraries. Most of these books have never been read before so we have found some really interesting stuff. We should probably tell some scholars so they can interpret the information.

We decide that it is probably time we start going so we go back to the main room and roll up our sleeping bags. We pack up our bags and I get Celestia and Shadow. We make sure we have every thing and then we look through the books,

We decide what books to take home to read and study. I chose a few books on magiks and Irene's life. I want to know how much of this stuff is true because I know a lot about my grandmothers life. When we have everything we walk through the forest to get home.

When we get to my house everyone goes home in Lucinda's car. I wave them goodbye and then I go into my house. I should probably get ready for today but I'm also still worried about the boys. Well I can sort sense their presence so they are alive. I'll go check on them when I have finished getting ready,

I go to the bathroom and I take a shower. I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner because I spent the night on a temple floor. I use my strawberry shortcake body wash. I get out of the shower and I get dressed.

Today I am wearing a blue t-shirt with lace, black jeggings and purple ankle boots. I brush my hair and I braid it on the left side. I put on a purple crown and I put a few fake flowers in my hair. I apply mascara, eyeliner and maple sugar lipgloss. I brush my teeth and then spray on some perfume. When I am satisfied with how I look I go into my room.

I unpack my bags that I took and I put my books on my desk. I look out the window over to the boys house and I see that it is still frozen inside. I see the boys are all huddled together. I take a photo on my phone so I can send it to Kawaii-Chan or use it as blackmail.

When I am done taking photos I go downstairs and walk over to their house. I knock on the door and I hear slow steps towards the door. Garroth answers it and he looks like an ice block. He looks at me and tried to smile.

I walk in and I unfreeze the house. They all un-huddle and look around. They pretend that nothing ever happened. Suddenly I am tackled to the floor by Travis

"TRAVIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Laurance yells

"I'm cold so Aphmau is warming me up" he says

"Hey get off her!" Garroth yells and he tries to push off Travis and accidentally falls on him so I am squished.

"PILE!" Dante yells and suddenly I can't breathe at all and they all jump on the same spot on the floor.

"G-guys I c-can't breath" I struggle to say

"Oh sorry" Travis says as they all get up

I try to catch my breath and Garroth helps me up. I tell them that since they are all alive I'm going home. Travis tries to touch my butt and I almost break his hand. I laugh and say goodbye and go home.

Mother of Irene, when all the boys are together they all act so weird. Hey I just realised that I haven't had princess pony tea party with Zane for a while. Maybe I should invite him over later today so we can have one. Or maybe I could invite all the boys over for one haha.

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