Ch219-Gene's Attempts

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




Ugh I am sore all over from the fighting yesterday. I still feel really betrayed by Gene because I thought he had actually changed. I guess people really can't change, it still hurts though. But mother of Irene my back and legs are so tired.

I get out of bed and I take a shower. This long hot shower is exactly what I need to help with the pain. I wash my hair with apple shampoo and conditioner so I can spend longer in the shower. I use some strawberry shortcake body wash and then I get out of the shower.

I get dressed in a pair of purple shorts, a blue lacy top and a pair of black ankle boots. I apply mascara, eyeliner and pecan pie lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume. I brush my hair and I bull it into a messy bun with a few flower pins in it.

I go to the kitchen and make breakfast for Celestia, Shadow and I. It's funny, yesterday I was so convinced that I would be able to give Shadow back to Gene soon but now I don't know if I ever will. Not unless he changes his ways.

After breakfast I pack my bag for school, say goodbye to my dogs and head off to school. I catch up with Vylad, Garroth and Zane and we all walk together. They ask if Gene has tried to talk to me and I say that he hasn't. Not since yesterday after the fight.

We get to school and I go to my locker. I grab out my things for my first lesson and I notice someone leaning on the locker next to me. Wait that black hair and those blue eyes, this is Gene. What in the name of Irene could he possibly want?

"Hey Aphmau I need to talk to you" he says

"Well I don't want to speak with you" I reply

"Look Aphamu, I don't know what happened yesterday, I really have changed" he says

"I wanted to believe that but I don't know anymore" I say turning around

He grabs my arm to turn me around and I suddenly feel him let go. I turn around to find Aaron standing there glaring at Gene. He looks like he could kill Gene with a single stare.

"Gene, Aphmau said to leave her alone, now respect that and get lost" Aaron says

"You don't scare me" Gene Sasses back

"What about my fist to your face? Does that scare you?" Aaron says getting ready to punch Gene

"Whatever. I'll se you later Aphmau, bye" Gene says and he walks away

"Thank you Aaron" I say

"No problem, he was just, well, laying his hands on the girl I, err I mean one of my closes friends" he says stumbling in his words and blushing

The bell for class goes and we say goodbye to each other and go to class. In the class I have I have all three of the Shadow Knights. I sit down next to Dante and he tells me that Gene didn't go home last night.

The shadow Knights are being completely shunned by everyone and I can tell it is getting under Gene's skin. Sasha doesn't seem to care and Zenix is always on his phone so it is is kind of hard to tell. He is as bad as Missy and her phone. She takes a selfie and uploads it to Twitter, Facebook or Instagram every five seconds.

*Time Skip To Lunch*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I walk out of my classroom and I go to my locker. I open my locker and a note falls out. I pick it up and put it in my iPad case. I put my things away and then I go to the cherry blossom tree so I can read this without anyone seeing.

Xx Note Start xX

Dear Aphmau

Meet me on the hill that looks over Phoenix Drop at 5:00pm tonight

I need to talk to you

Please come alone, I have something I need to tell you

From Anonymous

Xx Note End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wonder who this note could be from? I think I should go. I mean it does sound kind of fun. I just wish I knew who had sent this so I know I'm not meeting up with someone dangerous. Oh well, anyway I'm hungry so I'm going to go get food.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

It is after school and I race home. I feed my dogs and unpack my bag. When it is 3:45pm I start walking to the hill. When I get up to the top I see a blanket laid out with a picnic basket and a few candles.

This looks absolutely beautiful. I hear footsteps behind me and before I can react I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Aphmau I need you to believe that I had nothing to do with that fight yesterday" a voice that sounds like Gene's says

"Well I don't believe you, they where Shadow Knights" I say

"Let me prove it to you" he says and he lets me go

I turn around and look at him and the next thing I know his lips are pressed up against mine. Before I can do anything to react he pulls away.

"See? I don't want to hurt you" he says

"W-well, u-umm, I b-believe you" I say blushing

He smirks and pulls me by the hand. We sit down on the picnic blanket and we eat some food. I guess Gene really has changed, I must say that I am really happy about it. But I will need to convince everyone else. Well they will believe me but they probably still won't like Gene. He will need to do something about that.

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